Interlude (Naruto eliminating bandit camps) : 3rd person pov

There was a desolate air in a small agricultural settlement a few miles from konoha, there was smoke rising into the air as small fires burned everywhere and men seemed like trying to comfort the sobbing children, but the most disconcerting part was the absence of any women in the settlement except little girls.

And it was this heart rending scene that Naruto stumbled as he was tracking a rather large bandit group led by a B ranked rogue nin from Kumo who were ransacking small villages and making of with their money, valuables and women. Naruto was hunting bandits and low ranked rogue nin for experience and he had already devastated a large number of bandit groups by killing all the bandits and returning the kidnapped women and the stolen valuables to the people they stole from free of cost as they were poor people who could not afford to come to konoha for protection as large group of bandits usually led to a B ranked mission and they cost a good amount of money. Naruto had gotten used to death but he never took death of a person lightly.

Naruto promised the village chief that he would rescue their women and while he was sceptical to trust the word of a child he had heard tales of a young Shinobi hunting bandits and helping the people of the poor villages outside konoha without asking anything in return and decided to trust Naruto's word.

Naruto created four shadow clones and sent them in four directions to find the trail of the bandits and find their campsite and dispel getting the information back to me. Naruto finally found out the campsite and scouted it with his sensory ability and found that there were nealy a hundred bandits and on rogue nin. Naruto waited for the night and once most of the bandits were asleep he used the Hidden Mist jutsu to create a heavy mist all over the camp and created ten shadow clones and used his sensory jutsu to silently assasinate all the bandits and after all the bandits were dead Naruto was suddenly impaled by a sword from behind by the smug looking rogue nin but was shocked when the body he had impaled suddenly exploded turning out to be an exploding shadow clone and injuring him badly and throwing backward only to be greeted with a sword through his throat by the real Naruto who said that he had been waiting for the rogue nin to come to him instead of having to search for him and had used the exploding shadow clone as bait which he had taken.

Naruto then made the snake hand seal and softly intoned Earth style: earth land flip causing the earth roughly the size of the campsite to flip over leaving a barren landscape in place of the massacre that took place a few minutes prior. Naruto untied the bound women and sealed all the wealth and valuables stolen by the bandits in a scroll and also sealed the body of the rogue nin to turn over at a bounty station and collect his bounty.

Naruto safely handed over the women at the village and also returned their valuables stolen from them . Naruto created a few shadow clones to help with the reconstruction to the heartfelt thanks of the villagers. Naruto collected his bounty from a bounty collection centre and headed back to konoha after completing his last training mission before graduating from the academy in a week.