Graduation day( 3rd person pov)

Naruto woke up at his time of 5o clock in the morning, completed his morning rituals and physical exercise routine and went to the Sarutobi compound to spar with mom who after finishing our daily sparring session told me to take a shower in the compound itself and dress myself with the shinobi costume she had custom ordered for me a total of ten sets as in the shinobi world your dress was your identity and was always used except when not on duty or on covert or infiltration missions. My costume looked like the attire of assassin's creed with black pants tied at the anles with medical tape, a blue t shirt covered by an anbu style armor and a full sleeved white overcoat with a hood and the overcoat could be fastened at the front and it had several pockets to store kunai I had strapped a kunai pouch to both my legs as he was ambidextrous. I wore matte black coloured gauntlets on both my arms which were inscribed with several seals which contained large number of shuriken and kunai, large amount of water and a large sealing scroll containing his camping supplies as well a seal containing his sealing supplies. He wore tight black gloves over his fingers with metal plates over the knuckles. He wore black steel toed boots and a red headband around his forehead to complete his attire. He had also sealed his sword in his gauntlet. The storage seals inscribed on his gauntlets were designed to respond to his thoughts. And his face mask filtered the air he breathed with a seal.

Naruto jumped across the rooftops to join Ino and Hinata who were waiting near the academy gate for him they were wearing the same costumes as in canon except without the bulky coat for Hinata as she was no longer the shy girl but a chuni level kunoichi along with Ino. The only addition was that both Hinata and Ino were wearing anbu style armor. They blushed brightly on seeing the tall handsome form of naruto in his new attire. Naruto was the tallest member of his class

at 5'6''.

They entered the class together and took their places ignoring the chatter and greeting shikamaru, choji and shino. Soon the sensei's Iruka and Mizuki entered the class and started the first test which was written exam with a time period of forty five minutes and Naruto completed the exam in fifteen minutes after dispelling the Genjutsu placed on his test paper by Mizuki whom Naruto had a plan to deal with as he knew that Mizuki would not approach him as he was the top student, but he doubted Mizuki was clever enough to come with another plan. The second was a weapons accuracy test in which Naruto threw all five kunai and shuriken simultaneously and all hitting vital spots on the dummies getting him full marks plus bonus points. Ino and Hinata ha also gotten full points while Sasuke missed one kunai and was seething at being beaten again by Naruto who according to his delusional mind was below him. Next in the obstacle course Naruto came first followed by Ino and Hinata in second and third places followed by sasuke and Kiba. In the Ninjutsu portion Naruto easily passed with full marks and bonus points after he demonstrates the three academy jutsu seallesly and smokelessly, he had even managed to incorporate sound aand smoke into his henge as he henged into the hokage as he was smoking his pipe and addressed Iruka in his exact same voice also with a faint smell of tobacco. Hinata and Ino had also gotten full marks with bonus points on the Ninjutsu portion. During Taijutsu portion the students had to fight Mizuki for five minutes at genin speed. Most of the civilian born students were sent outside the ring within a minute and all the clan heirs had passed. Ino and Hinata had both sent Mizuki out of the ring but Hinata received bonus points as she did it using the gentle fist : 32 palms which was an advanced technique. When Naruto was the last one remaining Mizuki smiled maliciously and charged at Naruto at chunin speeds and he was so confident of hitting Naruto at his speed that he overextended and Naruto used his full power to strike Mizuki in the stomach with his knee and pushing him into the air, Naruto disappeared and reappeared above Mizuki and sent Mizuki into dreamland with a leg strike to the side of his temple. Everyone was shocked including the jounin sensei who along with the hokage were watching the graduation exam in the hokage's crystal ball as the fight had lasted a total of six seconds. Kakashi was inwardly pleased to see Naruto laying out Mizuki as he had observed that Mizuki had attacked at chunin speed with malicious intent and Gai was praising Naruto for his burning flames of youth and asked for Kakashi's opinion but found him reading his everpresent orange Icha Icha book and Kakashi asked Gai if he had said something which led to Gai ranting about Kakashi's hipness.