Escort mission to Taki

As soon as Naruto entered the Sarutobi compound he was wrapped in a bone breaking embrace by his mom who had been worrying herself sick over him as even though she was a trained shinobi and knew his capabilities she was also a mother. She started fretting over him and berated him for going on a C rank mission just 3 months out of the academy.

Over the next month Naruto's team completed a C rank mission per week and D rank missions on the other days. Their fifth C rank mission turned out to be an escort mission to escort Shibuki the Takigakure leader to his village as he was on a diplomatic mission in konoha. This was the first time for everyone on team 8 visiting another hidden village and they were excited. Kurenai told her team to prepare for a week long mission and meet her at the village gate in an hour.

Naruto who was always prepared visited the Sarutobi compound and said his goodbye to his mom after informing her about the escort mission and after some fretting by his mom he headed to meet his team.

The journey to Taki which sounded exciting quickly turned out to be boring as Shibuki avoided all their attempts to start a conversation with him and turned out to be a paranoid person who wouldn't tell them anything about Taki as he kept saying that it was confidential as though they were spies which angered them but they kept their cool so as to not cause a diplomatic incident.

At night on the first day of travel Naruto erected a Four point barrier around their campsite and took first watch while the others slept. At about midnight someone tripped the sensory barrier Naruto had erected som distance from their campsite so Naruto used his sensory technique to find out what had tripped his sensory barrier and found that nearly fifteen Kusa ninja were sneaking around their campsite and Naruto was immediately alert and woke up Kurenai sensei as Naruto knew that Kusa and Taki had a very confrontational relationship and so they might have been here to assasinate Shibuki. Kurenai sensei agreed to Naruto's idea to send out his clones to assasinate as many of them as possible before engaging them in open combat. Naruto immediately used the Hidden mist jutsu and slowly covered the surrounding areas in thick mist and created fifteen shadow clones and sent them to silently assasinate the kusa ninja.

The squad of fifteen Kusa ninja which consisted of five jounin and ten chunin were on a mission to assasinate the Taki leader who was on his way back to Taki from Konoha accompanied by a genin team led by a konoha jounin. They were reasonably assured of their success as they outnumbered the enemies comfortably in both quantity and also quality so they were not very vigilant when a slow thick mist settled over them. That proved to be their worst mistake as suddenly fifteen clones, one each appeared suddenly and silently behind the fifteen kusa ninja and with wind enhanced kunai slit the throats the ten chunin while the five jounin escaped using Kawarimi. The clones then threw wind enhanced kunai at the surviving Kusa ninja which was dodged by them but they suddenly found themselves impaled through their hearts and skulls by kunai by clones who had replaced the kunai they had dodged and the sole jounin who had escaped this found himself decapitated by the real Naruto who had arrived with Kurenai sensei to wrap up the fight after waking up Ino and Hinata and placing them to guard the campsite and Shibuki. Naruto on Kurenai sensei's suggestion sealed all their bodies and sent them via a shadow clone to Konoha so the Torture and Intelligence division of Konoha could extract all the information they could from their bodies.