Mission to wave part 3

Naruto and his team arrived at Tazuna's house with his clones carrying Kakashi's team and Tazuna so that they could travel quickly. It was a small cottage near the forest.

As soon as Tazuna knocked on the door a beautiful middle aged woman answered the door.

She immediately rushed out and hugged Tazuna saying, " Father, thank Kami you are back, I was getting worried about you, " seeing the ninjas with him she nervously asked, " father, who are these people with you? "

Tazuna introduced them saying, " these are the ninja from konoha who are tasked with guarding me, they saved my life by fighting with a super scary ninja, they will be staying with us till the bridge is completed. "

Naruto's clones placed the exhausted team 7 members in the house with Kurenai sensei, Ino, hinata and Sakura in one room and Kakashi, Sasuke and kiba in another. Naruto decided to camp in the backyard in his tent as he didn't want to sleep in cramped quarters and even gave his spare tent and to Kurenai sensei as she too decided to camp out with Naruto. Naruto placed a mid level barrier around Tazuna's house and it also functioned as a sensory seal.

As it was already evening by the time they reached Tazuna's house, they quickly had dinner which consisted of fish mostly and went to bed but Naruto had observed Tsunami's worried reaction as she had to prepare food for nearly eight extra people for a week and so Naruto decided to do something about it.

The next morning Tsunami woke up to a delicious smell wafting from downstairs, she completed her morning ablutions and went downstairs and saw the cute blonde boy Naruto cooking lots of fish which she guessed he had caught. Naruto having sensed her greeted her politely and said, " I have already prepared breakfast and there are a lot more fish, lobsters and crabs which I caught and they are in the freezer. "

Tsunami was relieved as she was wondering how she was going to feed all the extra people with her meager resources and so she was extremely thankful to the friendly blonde, she hugged Naruto and kissed his cheek, thanking him making him blush and stutter out that it was no problem.

As everyone came down and had breakfast, Naruto met Tsunami's son Inari who turned out to be an emo. After everyone had breakfast Naruto decided to drop the bomb saying, " I don't think that Zabuza is dead as the hunter nin didn't burn the body as is protocol and senbon are not usually weapon used to kill, the hunter nin most probably placed Zabuza in a false death state , so that his heart beat was so low that Kakashi couldn't detect it. " As Sasuke opened his mouth to make fun of Naruto he was immediately shut down as both Kakashi and Kurenai sensei agreed with Naruto much to the horror of team 7 as they remembered their thrashing at Zabuza's hands.

After breakfast Kakashi and Kurenai took their trams to a clearing behind the house to train them, but when Kakashi started teaching his team tree walking, Kurenai decided that it was a waste of time and took her team to a different place saying, " Kakashi, what the hell did you think you were doing when you took your team on a C rank mission within even learning tree walking?, anyway I am taking my team to train them separately as they have already completed the basic chakra control exercises. "

Before they left,, Naruto created five shadow clones to guard Tazuna's house. As they were about to leave Sasuke who could not digest the fact that Naruto had thrashed Zabuza who was manhandling his team and challenged Naruto to a spar to prove that he was superior to Naruto. Naruto accepted much to Sasuke's glee.

As Sasuke and Naruto began their spar, Sasuke suddenly found himself flying off the ground with a knee buried in his gut when suddenly Naruto suddenly vanished and appeared above him gave brutal downward kick to his temple knocking him out and Naruto and his team went their way to do their own training.

Kakashi, Sakura and kiba were shocked at the beat down Naruto laid out on Sasuke, Sakura had just opened her mouth to shout at Naruto for hurting her Sasuke kun but one glacial glare from Naruto had her shutting up her mouth.

After three days like this, one day Naruto accompanied Tsunami to the market as she had to buy some vegetables and Naruto went along as protection. Naruto was appalled at seeing the poor living conditions of the people of wave country, Naruto saw children begging on the streets and he decided that Gato was going to die by his hands. Naruto was interrupted from his musings by a small girl who asked him, " Ni chan could you please give me some food, I am very hungry I have not eaten anything for two days, " with her stomach rumbling loudly. Seeing the condition of the little girl Naruto was moved and gave her all the ten ration bars he had on him saying, " they may not taste very good but they are very nutritious , " Naruto said kissing her on the cheek making her smile brightly and run off.

Just as the little girl was about to eat one of the ration bars feeling happy that at least one person had helped her she was knocked to the ground by some thugs who took all the food the nice ni chan had given her making her cry, the thug raised his hand to hit her when suddenly he went slack and behind the thug stood Naruto who had chopped his neck making him unconscious. Naruto was furious and after helping the little girl gather all the ration bars scattered he took the unconscious thug to a deserted alley and woke him up and beat all the information about Gato's forces and their location out of him. After extracting all the information he wanted, as the thug begged to be let go Naruto simply twisted his neck killing him as he had no mercy for child abusers.