Tsunami looked at Naruto weirdly as they returned to her home, she had seen Naruto extracting information from the thug and was shocked to see the gentle blonde she had gotten to know the past few days was capable of such casual violence but she didn't mind as she had seen how the thug was harrassing the little girl and felt that Gato and his thugs deserved everything that they would suffer and she had a feeling that Naruto was going to wipeout Gato and his goons.
Meanwhile Naruto was thinking about all the information he had gotten from the goon he had killed and immediately created four shadow clones without any handseals and sent them under henge to scout the various bases of Gato's goons to launch an attack on them at night.
As soon as they reached Tazuna's house Naruto approached Kurenai sensei and said, " sensei, I have sent four shadow clones to scout out the bases of Gato's goons I learnt about from one of them whom I interrogated. "
Kurenai agreed saying, " good idea Naruto, it will tell us about anyone else we might need to face other than Zabuza and his accomplice. "
"If there are a large number of thugs then we will have to eliminate them before facing Zabuza which will happen in a maximum of two more days and we don't need any unexpected complications during that fight. " Naruto just nodded and sat down next to Kurenai and kept practising his subtle Genjutsu as he waited for his clones to report from the scouting mission.
Naruto just blinked as he received the memories of his clones and turned towards Kurenai saying, " sensei, my clones have finished scouting the locations, there seem to be a lot of goons and also there is one ninja whom I recognised as Aoi Rokushou and a team of genin with him at one location. There are a total of 600 goons, nearly 200 at each location. They are staying inbsome buildings along the coast. I think it would be better if we wipe them out today night itself. But my clones didn't find Zabuza and his accomplice in any of these locations, so we will have to assume that Gato has another base and some other goons as well. "
Kurenai just nodded her head , " let's go inside we will discuss the information you gathered with Kakashi, he is fully recovered and we three can take care of the goons one base each. "
Kakashi agreed to the plan and Naruto took the base with Aoi and the genins in it and Kakashi suggested, " Naruto, it would be better if you leave a few of your shadow clones as security while we go on our mission. "
" I will leave two of my shadow clones behind and also erect a lightning barrier seal around the house and it will keep anyone but a strong wind user or an elite jonin out. "
They waited till nightfall and after making sure that the clones would keep watch and erecting a lightning barrier around the house Naruto, Kakashi and Kurenai set out to the docks and each one went to their designated target.
Naruto used a Genjutsu to make himself invisible to civilians and approached the building and created four earth clones and took out the ten sentries and then used the temple of nirvana an A ranked Genjutsu which put all the goons in the building to sleep and then proceeded to to create ten more water clones and directed them to slaughter all the goons inside.
It took the clones five minutes to clear the building of all the goons and the three genins and then Naruto personally went to the top floor and quickly stabbed the sleeping Aoi when the figure burst into water and Naruto found himself being stabbed from behind by the real Aoi who gloated, " I sensed you the moment you cast the Genjutsu, I was waiting for you to come to me and now you became the tenth Konoha ninja I killed using the Raijin of the Nidaime Hokage. "
Aoi was shocked when Naruto just smirked and burst into dust, effectively blinding him and making him cough and he suddenly went quiet as he found his throat slit from behind, as Naruto appeared from behind the corpse and muttered,
" bloody braggarts ".
Naruto sealed up the Raijin and then made the clones carry all the bodies outside the building and used an improvised large scale incendiary tag to burn ten bodies at once and reduced all the bodies to ashes and buried them under the earth using earth manipulation .
Naruto then met up with Kakashi and Kurenai who had also finished their part without any problems.
Naruto turned towards them and said, " I finished them all without any problem and I also recovered the 'Raijin no ken' from that traitor Aoi, who killed my clone and was bragging about it as I slit his throat. "
Kakashi just chuckled and said, " he was hardly more skilled than an average chunin without that sword he stole and it is a sign of incompetence to brag in the middle of a fight. "
They returned to Tazuna's house and went to sleep without the other inhabitants even knowing that they had slaughtered 600 people while they were sleeping. The next day they informed the others of what they did the previous day and they were shocked at the number of people killed and Sasuke was fuming at not getting a chance to kill the goons while Naruto was a part of the mission, seeing this as yet another instant of Naruto surpassing him.
Inari, who had heard about what the three ninjas had done, for the first time in a long time had a little hope that maybe just maybe these ninja could kill Gato and was feeling safe in his house as he saw the lightning barrier Naruto had erected around their house.