
She took some chairs with her, cleaned them and told them to have a seat. They all sat down and then they began to discuss.

"Okay so…uhm…but I hope you guys are doing well."

"Yeah…yeah we are" Tobias said nodding.

"Okay." Then she brought her chair a little bit closer to them.

"I want you guys to know something first before you decide on this…it's crucial. I want you guys to know…the TRUTH."

Tobias and Wu became attentive to what she was about to say.

"There are many people…Christians especially… we like to rely on things a lot. And that makes us extremely lazy and…dysfunctional. We rely on Men of God to bless us on a lot of occasions. We rely on Men of God to curse out any demonic entities from our lives. We rely on Men of God to give us some kind of….understanding from the Gospel…and we even rely on them to make us born-again."

Tobias realized that the last part of what she said reflected on him.

"I'm…I'm sorry I didn't think it would…"

"Oh no, I'm not specifically talking about you. I'm speaking generally. Because… you two are not the only ones that have said this to…I meet a lot of people. Some ask me questions…some just share things with me…mostly online…and…they tell me many misconceptions and excuses and…interesting things other people say. Most of it is…all this…everybody wants to be a superhero hullabaloo thing…or the end of the world kind of vibe…or that 'nobody understands you' sort of talk or whatever. Ever since these imaginations or so came along…the whole world has gone so crazy about them. So that's why I want to tell it to you guys briefly because…well this is it…when you have given your life to Christ…you're going to first of all…take a whole lot of huge responsibilities for unusual circumstances and very tough challenges. And with huge responsibilities…comes devastating decisions that sometimes…you have no choice but to do it. You're going even to feel like life is passing by right before your eyes, you would know someone so good today…the next day…that someone is probably someone else or…even dead. You would see people kept in some kind of darkness that they can't escape out of…and as much as it is terrifying to watch…you wouldn't be able to do anything about it. There would be a plethora of uncertainties that you wouldn't even imagine where they came from…because as you move forward…things change every single second…and because of that…you would feel like all your efforts were good…but not good enough…and you would just feel like giving up because you would think that you're not going anywhere with it. You're going to hear criticisms…like…A LOT. You will realize that friends you knew to be very close…do not follow or walk a certain path that you follow…and at that moment…you would have to let them go their separate path. You would be beaten down…torn apart…mocked at…hated for apparently no reason…and at most crucial times…be killed because you speak and act truthfully to yourself."

Tobias and Wu were silent but perplexed upon hearing all this information…it sounded not like the kind of thing they were expecting.

"I know its dreadful…and I'm sorry If I had to share it with you guys like this…but if I didn't do that…I would have deceived you guys so much. I'm saying all this because reality, of course, doesn't go the way you want it to go. It has its…own life to live…and so do you. Nothing is going to come easy in everything you do…especially being in Christ. The path you guys are going to take…is going to be awesome, exciting, powerful, loving and…memorable for other generations to follow…but it comes with at a cost. It comes with sacrifice, patience, humility, love, hope, acceptance, understanding, wisdom…and endless gifts and treasures. So much gifts you would even feel like you…didn't deserve so much like this. And how are you going to realize that you have received them? Well…you're going to have to walk through almost all the challenges I mentioned earlier…and even much worse. And that's the fun part… …because it is the path God wants you to take…He wants all of us to take…because He knows how unbearable it is for you…and He understands how annoying it is."

"So…that's what it feels like…being born-again?" Wu asked.

"That…and more. You were brought here…into this world for a reason…and that's what your purpose is for. And to know what it is, you would need to talk to the person who created you…who gave birth to you…who brought you into this life for a reason…and who would make sure you would succeed no matter what because of His undying love for His children."

Then her phone was vibrating, she picked it up from her pocket and realized someone was calling her. She ignored it for the meantime. Then she chuckled.

"Sorry guys I do like to…talk a lot…I've heard a lot of people tell me that. If you guys have anything to share or talk about, feel free and do so." She said…with a smile on her face.

"So…you're a born-gain Christian?" Tobias asked.

"Yes please."

"And…with all this…did you ever like…regret becoming one?"

"I never did…and never will. Because of how far my father has carried me throughout my journey. If I didn't become a born again…I can't even imagine where I would end up becoming."

Tobias nodded…feeling good.

"So, do I like…have to repent or like…say sorry for all the…sins I've done or something?"

She laughed a bit. "No… it's really not like that." She got up from her seat.

"When you're giving your life to Christ…there is no list where like you have to mention all your sins and confess…there is no special kind of…I don't know…ceremony where everyone in the world has to know you're one with Christ…even that time would come later. And yes…you actually don't need a priest to do it for you…you can be anywhere around the world and still give your life to Him. All it takes…is if you can answer to yourself… do you honestly…no joke here…if you truly and fully trust in Him, with everything in your heart." They looked at each other for a while…thinking this was it…it was going to be the moment of their lives that they have taken this bold step. Wu nodded to him, just letting him know that she was ready regardless. Tobias nodded back, and he took in a deep breath. "Yeah…yeah, we do." He said.

"Alright stand with me and let's pray." They both stood up and held each other's hands in a triangle shape.

"I want you guys always to remember this…God has promised this unto us…that He would allow anything we allow here on Earth…in Heaven…and disallow what we don't. He also has promised us that when any of us on earth agree on anything we do or have prayed for…He will make it happen in our favor. He has also promised that whenever any of us are together in His name…He would always be by our side…always listening to you…always being in you…no matter any circumstance you face."

"Matthew 18, 20". Tobias and the lady both looked at Wu as she said that. "That's…Matthew 18,20…my dad showed it to me when I was 13."

The lady just gave a nod saying "Your dad is a wonderful person to show you that." Wu just gave a little smirk, but when she looked down…it went away.

"Did he also tell you about Romans 10,8?" Lady asked and Wu shook her head.

"Because that's your answer to becoming a born-again. He will accept you and save you…if you truly believe with all your heart in Him. Say a short prayer to Him…talk to Him right now with an open heart."

All of them closed their eyes and were silently praying. Wu must have been not so sure of what she had to say so she was kind of opening her eyes a bit…looking at what Tobias was doing…she realized he was also not sure what to say so he looked at Wu too…but he closed his eyes really fast and continued to share his prayer. Wu then looked at the lady praying and she was actually sharing it loud…but she was speaking something else…it definitely wasn't English…Wu immediately thought it was some kind of spiritual language, and she was feeling a little bit scared…but she still closed her eyes…saying something…anything at all that she has to tell God.

After quite a while of prayer, the lady told them to repeat these words after her:

'God. I humbly come before you. In surrender. In acceptance. With your love. For me. I believe. That Jesus. Is Lord. Of my life. From now on. And forever. I am now. A born-again. And I am filled. With your Spirit. In the Name. Of Jesus Christ! AMEN!'

"Congratulations!! WHOOAAAAAAA!!" She startled Tobias with her scream. Wu just opened one eye to look around the place. Then she opened both of them. The two of them looked at each other, with Wu making a face saying… 'That's it? That's all?'.

The lady laughed and said, "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you."

"Oh… it's fine."

She chuckled and took a deep breath. "Trust me guys it's very…energetic and exciting when someone joins the family."

"Family?" Wu asked.

"Yeah sister…welcome to the family…it's a huge one…and I mean…HUGE…you're a child of God now…a daughter of your Father."

"So…I have two fathers now?" She asked.

"Yeah…Awesome isn't it? A father on earth…and in Heaven."

Wu just frowned with curiosity. "Don't worry about it…there is a lot of more powerful messages to take in than just that." The lady said.

Tobias felt blessed that he did this. "Thank you so much, Ma'am…for this…and everything…"

She chuckled and cut Tobias, saying "Whoa…please don't call me Ma'am…like…ever…" She said shaking her hands. "I'm Melissa. I'm like a prominent member around here. And I think I know your names by now. You're Tobias…and she must be Lu…no Wu…right?". She nodded.

"Sure…thank you, Melissa." Tobias said.

"The pleasure is mine brother Tobias."

"Brother?" Wu said.

"Yeah of course. He is my brother now…and you're my sister." She answered.

"Cool." She said shrugging.

Melissa laughed a bit, and then her face immediately looked like the first time the two met them.

"You guys should feel great that you have taken this path, not everyone has this opportunity…but you guys do. As of today, and from now on…say hello to your new selves. Because your father also promises that anyone who is a child of mine…is A NEW CREATION. You guys are no more the same as you were before…you are now brand-new people, filled with your father's righteousness. Brace yourself for an adventurous ride with the SPIRIT you guys…trust me it's going to be awesome." She said that with a little excitement.

"Thanks again Melissa" Tobias said.

"Sure, sure…right…are you guys hungry? I'm starving. We can get some food just right around this corner…"

"I ate before coming." Wu said.

"I didn't." Tobias said. "But I would be fine…I've got somewhere to go to."

"Sure, no problem. You guys can always come by to see me if you…you know…want just to hang out or…talk…what do you think?" Melissa asked.

"Yeah sure…we would think about it." Tobias suggested. "Thank you again. Let's go Wu." He was about to leave…

"Oh wait before you leave…" They both turned around to listen to her.

"I just wanted to say that…it was nice meeting you two…I just wanted you to know that there are others…probably a lot right now…who haven't done what you guys have and…it would be so wonderful from you if you could let others know about know all I ask from you guys is to like…never give up or worry in any circumstance about any situation. Because right now…you are champions…and very soon you're going to be leaders of..."

Then her phone was vibrating…it was her reminder notification…she had to see someone at 2:30 pm.

"Oh uhm…I really have to go…I have to meet someone at a hotel. So yeah hope you guys enjoy the rest of the day and I also hope to see you soon."

"Likewise. See you." Wu said. Then they all left the place.


"You know I'll be honest with you…I was feeling like some kind of energy through my stomach…so like I thought I was going to see like…angels you know." Tobias said, hands in his pocket, as the both of them were walking back to school.

"When Melissa was praying…I got so scared." Wu said, holding her bag.

Tobias laughed, relating to what she meant.

"Honestly. I thought that like I was in some cult or something you know."

She chuckled. "And the way she just kept on going…"

"Hoh my goodness, especially that, man that moment I felt like… what have I been doing this whole time at church…" Tobias laughed.

"You should see the look on your face when you're praying."

"Hoh I was sweating…when she went like…."HOYOYO!" And I was like…Pikachu face. "

They both laughed so much about their experience.

"Wu wait…what's the time?"

"2:15pm. Why?"

Then he remembered.

"Oh shoot!"…