Things that must happen

10 years later

Ikunori's POV

It's the end of junior high and I'll be going to highschool soon. UA of course. Bakugou knows I signed up but he doesn't know Midoriya did. I guess I'm not supposed to really know either but... eh.

I turned 14 this year along with Bakugou. Bosu is 8 years old and has 1 more year till she's 9. Shes been mentally 6 for awhile. I think that's when she stops mentally growing.

[A/N: I'm getting confused with the math here so if you see any errors with the math just ignore them plz.]

My thoughts came to a stop as I see the school. Aldera junior high. You gotta hate school. Such a boring place.

I rounded the corner of one of the halls and heard voices, so I came to a stop a peeked around the corner.

What do ya know. It was Midoriya getting beat up. I walked around the corner and over to Midoriya and the guys bullying him saw me and walked off. I stopped in front of him and held out bandage.

Midoriya looked up at me and smiled taking the bandage. I then turned around and walked off.

No words said nor needed. I said I'd silently help him. I meant what I said. I scare off the guys bullying him in exeption of Bakugou and sometimes help treat his wounds. A couple years back he looked like he needed a shoulder to cry on and so I lent him mine.

A silent friendship. Bakugou knows I'm doing this yet does nothing to stop it because I hang out with him mostly anyway.

Me and Bakugou- or Katsuki as I now call him,

[A/N: He'll call him Katsuku when hes talking but when hes narrating, he'll just call him Bakugou.

doesnt call me by my name. He instead calls me Nori. A shortened version of my 'last' name. Not that I'm complaining... what? At least it's better than what he calls everyone else.

He calls Midoriya deku, Kirishima was shitty hair I think, Kaminari was something along the lines of pikachu or sparky, and he calls Todoroki half n half bastard. Although I suppose he is insulting me because nori means seaweed. He always did complain that my eyes were the color of seaweed. I never told everyone else that Bakugou was also technically insulting me when he said my name because their reaction was hilarious. They thought he gave me the honour of him calling me by my name. Little did they know.

The bell rung so I had to fast walk to get to class in time. When I opened the door, low and behold, I was not surprised.

Bakugou was sitting at his desk with his feet on his desk. He was bragging to a bunch of extras about how he was going to get into UA.

"UA will never know what hit then when they see me!" He yelled.


"So cool"

Extra 1 and 2 said.

"I want to go to UA too" Extra 3 siad.

"Theres no way you extras stand a chance!"

"And you do?" I asked sliding into my chair next to him.


"Maaa, really? Cause if they had a personal interview with the principal as a part of the test then you'd be screwed. Your rude..."

Bakugou stepped backwards as the words started stabbing him.





"Have no respect for others"

*stab stab*

"And have no manners once so ever"

I finished off with a smile.

Bakugou is now on the ground after my barrage of words. He regenerates pretty quickly tho and starts yelling at me.

The teacher walks in a minute after and after taking attendance goes to sit on his chair. I hold up an umbrella and open it which Bakugou quickly gets up and drags his desk behind mine to get behind as well. His two lackeys were too busy fitting over who got to sit on Bakugous left.

The teacher sat down and then...


The room, which used to be dull colors, was now all pink with the exception of Bakugou and I and the few students who had seats behind us.

The teacher locks eyes with me.



Were both quiet. The teacher narrows his eyes at me which I couldnt help but smile at. The type of smile that shows all my teeth, and I close my eyes and give him the biggest toothiest and most innocent smile i could manage.


I frown, the smile disappearing pretty quick. He always manages to get me when he narrows his eyes. It doesnt look intimidating per say. If anything he just looks wierd. His eyebrows move all weirdly when he glares.

I take down my umbrella just as Midoriya runs into class. The teacher yells at him for being late and Bakugou mutters some curses under his breath. Not about me, about Midoriya. Hes used to my pranks by now... what? I told you school was boring. And I was a college student in my past life so I already knew all of this.

I head to the pricipals office.


The day ended pretty fast and we were walking to the arcade. I had to go back to my foster parents house though. Not home. Never home. Now that I think about it, Bakugou nor Midoriya know about the fact that I don't have actual parents. Meh, I'll mention it eventually.

Anyway, Bakugou getting captured and Midoriya helping him was a big part in All Might choosing him to be his successor. A part that I forgot.

We come up to the bottle and surprise surprise. Bakugou kicks it causing it to open. I pretend not to see the slime monster until Bakugou spots it and turns around. He looked surprised but then had a look of anger like he can't believe the slime actually had the audacity to show itself in front of him.

I tap the other two extras as they were closest to the slime thingy and they shunshin to the other side of the street.

I was able to train my quirk to where I can shunshin with other people or just shunshin them by themselves.

I turned around to do the same to Bakugou and I until the slime thingy hit me in the head with a metal pole.

I fell unconcious... not really. I was just pretending. This technically needed to happen in Midoriya was going to be All Mights successer. Besides, Midoriya will save us... right?

Ugh, I just remembered. Midoriya was the one who accepted my friendship first when I asked. Now I feel even worse for turning my back on him. Will he even save me? Well no matter. He saved Bakugou last time, so he still should save him this time.

When it hit me in the head, I felt my body fly backwards and into Bakugou. I felt something drip down my face. Good, now I'm bleeding. Itll help make my getting knocked out more believable.

"OI! NORI!" Bakugou yelled.

'Jeez, I'm still alive ya know' I sweatdropped.

Next thing i know, I feel something slimy touch me and I'm being lifted up. If I'm correct Bakugou had to keep his mouth shut in order to prevent the thing from trying to go into him. How am I supposed to keep my mouth shut when I'm supposedly unconscious. Do I 'wake up' or do I just let that thing invade my body and take it over. Maa, decision decisions.

My dilemma was solved pretty quickly as Bakugou placed his hand over my mouth and nose and sort of used that arm to keep me close to him, his other arm was being pulled back by slime. He applied enough pressure so there was enough air for me to breath but not enough room for the slime to get in.

'Aww, how nice' I thought gratefully.

We were jerked backwards as the slime thing grew. The headband I was wearing fell off. I was losing alot of air but I wasnt complaining since I knew Bakugou couldnt breath at all.

And after what felt like forever, I heard Midoriyas voice.

'Oh thank god'

He came running over to tear the slime away from Bakugous mouth. Bakugou used that chance to breath. Then All Might appeared out of no where and blasted it to smitherings, changing the weather in the process.

We now all lie on the ground unconscious. Well, in exeption of me. After awhile Bakugou and Midoriya wake up but I still pretend I'm knocked out. I think I'm actually falling asleep now. It's either that or I'm passing out due to the blood loss or head trauma. I hear Bakugou argue with Midoriya.


"Uhhh... sorry Kacchan?" Midoriya says with uncertainty.

"Nori and I were perfectly fine without your he-!" Bakugou stopped as he remembered something.

'I see you finally remembered me'

"O-oi! Nori?!" He yelled again.

Midoriya looks in my direction.

"Y-yuchan!?" He yells with worry.

'Aah, that stupid nickname you made for me'

I hear them come over as they shout at each other above me. Or are they shouting at me? I dont know.

I open my eyes a little before blacking out.
