Life.2 I Pick a Fight & Part.1

"Hurry, go to the bed. I will get ready for it now."

Buchou hassles me while taking her uniform off!

H-Hold on! What is this!? What's happening!? My mind can't catch up to Buchou's actions!


She takes her skirt off and her underwear becomes visible! Guha! Her pure white panties are so bright! Her beautiful long legs are excellent like always! She still has thighs that you want to touch a lot!

She then reaches for her bra!

"B-Buchou! This is—!?"

I'm panicking. Of course! Obviously! Even a horny student like me will get confused if Buchou suddenly appears and says something like "Let's have sex" and starts taking her clothes off!


She finally takes her shirt off! Her oppai that is supported by the bra are visible! I can't take my eyes off her white and huge breasts!

Buchou who only has her panties on, takes a huge breath, and then walks towards me.

"Ise, aren't I good enough?"

"N-No! Absolutely not!"

"I thought about all sorts of things, but this is the only method left."

Method for what!? I can't see where this is leading to!?

"If there is evidence, then they can't complain about it. The only person close to me who is able to do it with me is you."

Me!? I'm not really sure, but have I been chosen to be her first time!?

It's an honour! That's what I want to say but I don't have the confidence to say it!

"...Yuuto won't do. He is a pure knight. He would decline it for sure. That's why you were the only one possible, Ise."

I won over Kiba!? Uhahaha! I don't know what's going on, but for that part I can be proud! I won against you handsome!

"...There are things you still lack in, but you seem to have the potential."

Buchou's fingertip touches my cheek. My heart is beating. I feel something mysterious running through my body!

"You are the only one who would do it as soon as I ask and will go till the end."


Buchou approaches me. I have myself pushed down onto the bed. Buchou horse rides on me. The place where her buttocks and thighs are touching is my important part!

Her crimson hair falls down on my body. The smell of her crimson hair excites me.


The sound of the bra being unhooked. The second coming of Buchou's oppai! Her beautiful pink nipples are already erect.

Her breasts bounces with her slight movements. This has too many destructive powers!

This is my second contact with this breast! I never thought that I will be able to see it again on this bed!

"This is your first time, right Ise? Or do you already have experience?"

"I-It's my first time!"

"I see. It's my first time as well, so let's do it till the end even if both of us have no experience. It's all right, it's very simple. You just have to put it inside here."

Buchou touches her important part with her finger. It's so stimulating that my brain is about to burst!

Then Buchou takes my right hand and...!


My right hand which was grasped by Buchou is placed on top of her oppai! I can feel a really soft sensation on all five fingers while it sinks in! It's a guy's thing to concentrate their thoughts and sensations on their right hand at times like this!


I know that there is an insane amount of blood bursting out from my nose.

T-The sensation of the oppai that I dreamed so much about! Crap, my head is about to burst because of this amazing situation! But if I have to describe this sensation, then it's like a pudding that won't crumble! Or the best quality marshmallow! No, you still can't describe this sensation with expressions like that! You absolutely can'tttttt!

"Do you realise it?"

Buchou says that to me with a charming voice.

"I'm also nervous. You can tell by my heart beat right?"

Now that you mention it, I can feel her heart beating fast through her soft oppai that I'm touching with my right hand. If I look carefully, her pure white skin starts to turn red.

...B-Buchou is also nervous? So Buchou who usually acts with elegance gets nervous for her first time as well huh.

Then Buchou starts to strip my clothes off! Uwaaaaaah! I'm getting stripped naked by a giiiiiirl!

"B-But! I-I don't actually have the confidence!"

I accidentally made a whiny voice because I'm so nervous! Well, obviously! That's because I really am a virginnnnnn!

Buchou gets her face close to mine and says it.

"Are you trying to embarrass me?"


With that comment, my brain blows. I know it's the sound indicating that I can't hold my instinct back anymore.

I grab Buchou by her shoulders and put her down against my bed!

On my bed. There is a fully naked girl below me. She's saying that I can do her! Make your determination, Hyoudou Issei! I'm not really sure, but my time has come! I have to do it!

Wait, is this really all right!? But I can't control myself if the beauty I admire says things like this to me!

After I gulped down my spit and took a deep breath, I lean my body against Buchou—.


Then the floor of my room flashes once again. W-What is it!?

Seeing that, Buchou sighs.

"...Looks like I was a bit late..."

Buchou stares at the magic circle with disgust. The symbol on the magic circle is—Gremory group?

Who is it? Kiba? Akeno-san? Koneko-chan?

Wait, no matter who it is, getting caught in this situation is baaaaaad!!

But my prediction was wrong, and the person who appears from the magic-circle is a silver haired woman. Her clothes look like that of a maid. Is she a maid?

The beautiful silver-haired maid speaks silently after seeing me and Buchou.

"Are you trying to break the agreement by doing something like this?"

The maid says it plainly as if she is astonished. Buchou twitches her eyebrows hearing that.

"If I don't go this far, both Otou-sama and Onii-sama won't listen to me right?"

"Both Sirzechs-sama and the master will become sad after they find out that you tried to give your purity to some lowly person like this."

Master? S-Sirzechs-sama? Who is it? From what Buchou said, is it her father and her brother? So Buchou has a brother.

But lowly... She's talking about me right? I feel a bit shocked if someone I just met calls me that.

Hearing the maid woman say that, Buchou becomes unpleasant immediately.

"My purity is mine only. What's wrong with giving it to someone whom I acknowledged? Also don't call my cute servant lowly. Even if it's you, I won't forgive you, Grayfia."

B-Buchouuuuu! I'm so moved because you became mad for me!

The woman called Grayfia picks up Buchou's bra.

"Anyway, you are the next heiress of the House of Gremory, so please don't show your skin to a man recklessly. Even more so if you are in the middle of this situation."

She then puts the bra on Buchou's body.

The woman looks at me. She then bows her head down.

"How do you do. I'm a maid that serves the House of Gremory. My name is Grayfia. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

I received a polite introduction from her. I feel a bit awkward because I was called a lowly person when I first saw her, but if I look carefully she's quite a beauty. If she's human then she will be in her early 20's.

She seems like a calm and collected person, and her silver hair that is shining looks beautiful. She has her hair split into three strings, which are then knotted with each other. Grayfia-san huh, I think older woman are also quite good...


Buchou pinches me because I'm gazing at Grayfia-san. It hurts, Buchou.

"Grayfia, did you come here of your own accord? Or because the household sent you? ...Or is it Onii-sama?"

Buchou makes an unpleasant face. Somehow she's acting like girls her age. This is a new side of her I haven't seen.

"All of them."

Grayfia-san answers like that. Hearing that, Buchou sighs as if she is giving up.

"Is that so? You, who is brother's [Queen], came to the human world personally. So it can only be one thing. I understand."

Buchou picks her clothes up. She puts her arm through her clothes. Her wonderful naked body is getting covered.

"I'm sorry, Ise. Let's make it so that the thing from earlier never happened. I wasn't thinking straight either. Let's forget about today's incident."

...Ah, so it's over then. W-Well, I don't know what's going on either... But I know that I will definitely regret it afterwards.

"Ise? Wait, is this person?"

Hmm? Grayfia-looks at me with a shocked expression. I never expected a cool woman like her to be this shocked.

"Yes, Hyoudou Issei. My [Pawn]. The user of the [Boosted Gear]."

"...[Boosted Gear], the one possessed by the Emperor of Dragons..."

What is it? Suddenly Grayfia-san starts to look at me as if she's looking at something extraordinary.

"Grayfia, let's go back to my room. I will listen to what you have to say over there. Akeno can also attend, right?"

"The "Priestess of Thunder"? I don't mind. It's a must for High-class Devils to have their [Queen] by their side all the time."

"Very well. Ise."

Buchou calls me. She walks towards me and then she—.


Buchou's lip touches my cheek. ...Wow. Uoooooooooooo!

I got kissed on the cheeeeeeeek!!

"Please forgive me for today with this. I troubled you a lot. Let's meet again in the clubroom tomorrow."

She gives me a farewell and disappears in the magic-circle together with Grayfia-san.

...I'm the only one left in the room now. I'm standing there dazzled while touching the cheek where I was kissed.

"Ise-san! I finished using the shower!"

I heard Asia's voice soon after that.