
Next morning. Asia and I are walking towards school.

I rub my eyes since I wasn't able to get a single bit of sleep.

Damn it. Damn itttttttttt!

I regretted it about last night! I regretted so much! I was suffering inside my bed!

The feeling of the oppai in my hand, and the image of Buchou's naked body burned into my eyes has impacted both my mind and soul!

So I got up at night and started to do lot of lecherous things by myself! For the whole night! I had to pleasure myself because I had so much hornyness within my body since she stopped right before doing it! That's why I'm flat out tired from the morning!

"Are you okay?"

Asia asks me with a worried voice. I feel like I know how dirty I am when I get stared at by her innocent eyes!

I'm sorry Asia. I was doing something you shouldn't know about while you weren't looking. I can't tell her that Buchou wanted to have sex with me last night no matter what.

"You didn't do the morning training today, so I thought your body was hurt."

Asia seems like she is very worried. I'm very sorry.

The morning training was cancelled today. I received a call early this morning from Buchou, and she cancelled it by saying "Can we cancel it today".

Well, I can't do training with Buchou herself in this state...

I'm walking towards the classroom while my legs are moving very slowly. Then—.


Matsuda is running towards me with an extremely pissed face from the end of the corridor.

Ah! It's about that!


From the other direction Motohama is running really fast.

Both of them got ready to do a lariat on me! I have nowhere to run since we are in the corridor!


Ugah! Both of their lariats hit my neck. It hurts idiots!

I coughed while touching my neck.

"D-Don't fuck with meeeee!"

Matsuda shouts.

"Ise! You bastard!"

Motohama grabs me by my collar and glares at me with eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Seriously, what is it?"

I acted like I didn't know what they are on about, but it doesn't stop them from being pissed at me.

"Don't fuck around! Fuck! What the heck was that!? He looked like those really strong guys from a martial arts manga! And why was he wearing Gothic Lolita clothes!? Is that an ultimate weapon!?"

Matsuda complains to me while crying. Looks like the two of them met him yesterday.

It seems like the impact of "Mil-tan" was too much for them.

Mil-tan— a regular customer of mine as a Devil. My contractor.

He is a girl born from a man that has the body of the world's strongest person, and he looks up to mahou-shoujo. His charming point is his Gothic Lolita outfit and the cat ears he wears.

You may think this information doesn't make any sense, but I can't help it if this is the truth.

The heart of a maiden, and a body of a man! That's the only explanation I have.

"Not only that! He also brought some friends! He made a gathering of some sorts! There were couple of those who looked like "Mil-tan"! I was so scared! I thought I was going to get killed!"

Damn. So there are more of them... Just thinking about it gives me shivers and nightmares. Where do "Mil-tan series" get produced from...? Yeah, I definitely don't want to meet them...

"They were going on about the world of magic! Whaaaaaat the fuck is the "World of Magic Serabenia"!? I don't know any shit like thaaaaaat!"

Matsuda-kun continues to complain to me while shaking my body violently.

"In my case, they were telling me about how to defeat the "Dark Creatures" if I ever encounter one... Apparently you can kill them by using a special item which is made by mixing the salt from the sea of the dead and a flower that only appears at night called "Moonlight flower", and then burn them to make a powder... No matter how you think about it, a punch from Mil-tan would be enough to kill any living thing in this world..."

Motohama says it to me while holding his head down.

I-I see, looks like these two have went through hell.

"Congratulations. Now you can beat the "Dark creatures" whenever you encounter one."

After I said that, Matsuda and Motohama does a double brain buster on me.