"Buchou's problem? Maybe it has something to do with the House of Gremory."
Kiba says that to me while we are walking towards the clubroom located in the old school building.
I met with Kiba while I was on my way to the clubroom along with Asia. So I asked Kiba about how Buchou is acting strange lately, but it seems like Kiba also doesn't know the reason why.
"Akeno-san would know, right?"
Kiba nods at my question.
"Akeno-san is Buchou's most trusted servant, so she obviously would know."
I know that asking Buchou about her problem is rude, but I became concerned about her since I was involved in it last night.
But I don't feel like talking about last night with anyone. I mean, it will cause an uproar if I do.
Well, never mind. Anyway, if there is a thing I can help her with then I will.
When we arrived to front of the door, Kiba notice something.
"...For me to finally realise the presence here..."
Kiba puts on a serious face by narrowing his eyes. Huh? What is it?
I open the door without any concerns.
Inside the room are Buchou, Akeno-san, Koneko-chan, and—. The silver haired maid Grayfia-san! She sure does act calm.
Buchou has a very unpleasant face. Akeno-san is smiling like usual, but she has cold vibe.
Koneko-chan is sitting on a chair at the corner quietly. It seems like she doesn't want to get involved with others much as possible.
The room has an atmosphere where no one is talking.
Kiba quietly says "Oh my" from behind me. The three of us goes inside the room but none of the members are talking to us like they always do.
That's how tense the atmosphere of this room is.
Asia is also feeling uneasy so she holds onto my sleeve with an uneasy face. I pat on her head to comfort her and to make her feel safe.
Buchou speaks after looking at each of us.
"Looks like everyone is here. Before we start the club, there's something I need to tell all of you."
"Ojou-sama, do you want me to explain the situation?"
Buchou rejects Grayfia-san's offer by waving her hand.
"The truth is—"
It happens exactly when Buchou speaks. The magic-circle on the floor glows.
Eh...? Teleportation? But all of the people from Gremory group are here. So is it a Devil who serves the House of Gremory just like Grayfia-san?
After this, I realise that my guess is way off from the correct answer, and I will come to realise that I still lack knowledge as a Devil.
The symbol of the Gremory drawn on the magic-circle changes into an unfamiliar pattern.
—! What is this!? Isn't this the Gremory's magic-circle?
That's what Kiba who is close to me says. Phoenix? T-Then it isn't a Gremory!
The light shines through the room and a person appears from the magic-circle.
Flames come out from the magic-circle, and the room gets flowed with heat. Hot! Sparks are burning my skin.
There is a silhouette of a man inside the flames. When he swings his arm across to the side, the flames disappear.
"Fuu, it's been a while since I came to the human's world."
The one standing there is a man wearing a red suit. Since he's wearing his suit casually, he didn't have a tie and his shirt is opened till his chest. He looks like he's in his early 20's.
He's handsome but he seems more of the bad boy type. He has his hands inside his pockets.
Somehow, he looks like a host. More like, is he a host-Devil? His good looking face kind of pisses me off. If Kiba is the gentle type, then this guy is the wild type.
The guy looks around the room, and then smirks after finding Buchou.
"My lovely Rias. I came to see you."
...M-My lovely Rias? This guy, what kind of relation does he have with Buchou?
Buchou is looking at him with her eyes half closed. It doesn't seem like she is welcoming this guy. But the guy doesn't seem to care and approaches Buchou.
"Now then, Rias. Let's go and take a look at the ceremony hall. The date of the ceremony is decided so we need to check it before then."
What a frivolous guy... From which household is this Devil from? Kiba said Phoenix earlier...
The guy grabs Buchou's arm. W-What a rude guy!
"...Let go of me, Raiser."
Buchou says that with a deep and serious voice while shaking the guys hand off. Uwah, her voice sounds really scary... She's really pissed off!
The guy called Raiser doesn't seem to care about having his hand shook off and is just smirking.
Somehow, his slight movement is ticking me off. I'm starting to get pissed.
I then say this to him.
"Hey, you. You are being rude to Buchou. Actually, what's with that attitude towards a girl?"
I said it clearly to him. The guy looks at me, and starts looking at me as if he is looking at some trash. This bastard is pissing me off even more!
"Ah? Who are you?"
He said it with a displeased voice. It's totally different from the sweet voice he has towards Buchou. Nggh, he's clearly looking down on me. I can feel his hatred towards me. But I will say what I have to!
"I am the servant Devil of Rias Gremory-sama! I'm the [Pawn], Hyoudou Issei."
I said it to him! I even told him my name! How's that host-Devil!
"Hmm. Ah, okay."
I slipped after he makes a dull reaction. Ugh...Somehow I feel hurt by that kind of reaction. So you don't care about me. Is that right?
"I mean, who the heck are you?"
The guy seems a bit surprised by my question.
"...Oh? Rias, you haven't mentioned me to your servants? I mean, are there guys who don't know me? A reincarnated Devil? Even so."
"I didn't tell them because there was no need."
"Oh my, harsh like always. Hahaha..."
The guy starts laughing. Then Grayfia-san comes into the discussion.
"Hyoudou Issei-sama."
"This person is Raiser Phoenix-sama. He's a pure-blood High-class Devil, and the third son of the House of Phoenix."
Grayfia-san explains it to me about this guy.
Yeah, so he's a High-class Devil from the House of Phoenix. So he holds a peerage then. Isn't Phoenix a legendary creature that appears in books and is said to be a fire bird or immortal bird...? So there are things similar to it among the Devils.
So how does a guy like that related to Buchou? A friend? Or is he some childhood friend?
But soon, I found out the true reason that far surpasses my prediction.
"And he is the husband of the next heiress of the House of Gremory."
...Hm? H-H-Husband....? The next heiress...she's talking about Buchou right...?
"He is engaged to Rias-ojousama."
Huh? E-E-E-E-E-E-Engageeeeeed!?
I screamed because of the shocking revelation. This bastard is Rias-buchou's fiancé.