
Part 4

"The tea made by Rias's [Queen] is superb."

"Thank you very much."

The guy who praises Akeno-san's tea, —Raiser. Akeno-san is also smiling, but she doesn't say her usual "Ara ara" and "Ufufu". I feel a bit scared...

Buchou who is sitting on the sofa. Raiser who carelessly sat next to her and is holding her shoulder. Buchou keeps on shaking his hands off, but the bastard keeps on touching her hair, hands and shoulders. That guy is way too close to her!

We, her servants, are sitting away from the two High-class Devils and can only look at them.

Ku... Just looking at him pisses me off! He keeps on touching her body! If he starts touching her legs, I'm seriously going to jump at him! I also want to touch that thighs of hers as well!

Ah, if I think about it I already know the sensation of Buchou's oppai. Does that make me more amazing since I know the sensation of those breasts even before him who is her fiancé?

Fufufu, yeah. I am. I have already seen her naked body twice. Fufufu. So it's my win then!? Nuhahaha!

"U-Umm, Ise-san. Did something good happen?"

Asia who is next to me, asks with a worried face.

Huh!? I made a victory declaration in my mind against Raiser.

"...Indecent thinking is prohibited."

Koneko-chan gives me her harsh words again. Ungh, does this girl have some power that allows her to read my mind?

"Ise-kun, in any case you should wipe your drool."

Kiba gives me a handkerchief with a refreshing smile.

"I-It's none of your business!"

I tried to wipe my drool with my sleeve, but Asia wipes it for me with her handkerchief.

"It's almost time to eat snacks, so you drooled thinking about it, correct?"

Ugh. My heart hurts because she said that with a smile. This girl probably doesn't know that I was thinking about naughty stuff.

"Thank you, Asia."

I'm sorry Asia. I thanked her, while apologising to her in my heart.

Then at that time—.

"Stop it already!"

Buchou's angry voice echoes through the room.

When I look, Buchou got up from the sofa and is glaring sharply at Raiser. Raiser on the other hand is smirking like usual.

"Raiser! I told you before! I will not marry you!"

"Yeah, I heard that before. But Rias, that won't do, you know? I think the situation of your household is quite serious."

"That's none of your concern! If I'm the next heiress for the House of Gremory, then I will choose who will become my husband! My father, brother, and everyone in the clan are rushing it! Also it was a promise that I will be free until I graduate from university of the human world!"

"That's right. You will basically be free. You can go to college and you can do whatever you like with your servants. But your Otou-sama and Sirzechs-sama are worried. They are afraid that your household will become extinct. We lost a great number of pure-blood Devils in the last war. Even if the war has ended, our rivalry with the Fallen Angels and God hasn't ended yet. It's not rare for the successors of pure-blood Devil to get killed in the worthless battle against them, which leads to the household becoming extinct. So for a pure-blood Devil that are also happens to be a High-class Devil, getting together would be the obvious solution for the forces of Devils. A pure-blood High-class Devil. Even you know that these children will be important from now on, right?"

Buchou and Raiser starts to argue about something I don't get. But even an idiot like me knows that they are discussing an important thing about the World of Devils.

Buchou becomes quiet when Raiser started a serious topic. Though her sharp eyes hasn't changed. Raiser continues to talk after drinking the tea.

"The newly produced Devils—. The ones like your servants, the reincarnated Devils, are expanding in terms of strength but that would make us, the High-class Devils with old history background, lose our place. There are old nobles who gets close to the reincarnated Devils because they are very powerful. Well, that might be alright. The newly produced Devils are also important for our future. But we can't allow the pure-blood Devils to go extinct right? You and I were chosen in order to prevent the pure-bloods from going extinct. My house is safe because I have my older brothers. But there are only two siblings in your house. And your brother is someone who left the house. Then there would only be you, Rias, who can inherit the House of Gremory. If you don't take a husband, the House of Gremory will go extinct in your generation. Are you trying to crush the household that has been continuing for a very long time? Because of the past war, there is not even half the number of Devils who were referred as "72 pillars". This marriage has the future of the Devils on the line."

...It seems like the discussion is getting really serious...

The "72 pillars", I was told about it from Kiba before.

A long time ago there were 72 Devils that held a peerage, and each clan had dozens of armies, but most of them died in the war. Buchou's clan are one of the important pure-blood Devils that survived the war.

I was pissed when Raiser kept on saying engagement, but listening to the whole story makes it seem very complicated.

Pure-blood Devils, in other words Buchou and Raiser. A pure Devil. It means their parents are also pure-blood Devils. A real Devil. Asia and I will be categorised as reincarnated Devils then.

A rule from ancient time, huh. Then my opinion won't mean a thing huh...

But it's alright. I will just agree with Buchou's decision. Of course that's after hearing her true feelings.

"I'm not going to crush my house. And I am willing to take a husband."

Hearing Buchou, Raiser makes a big smile.

"Oh, to be expected from Rias! Then let's—"

"But I won't marry you, Raiser. I will marry the one I acknowledge. Even the Devils from the old noble house have the right to choose."

Buchou talks over Raiser and says it clearly.

Hearing that, Raiser suddenly becomes unpleasant. His eyes become sharper and he even makes a noise with his tongue.

"...You know, Rias. I'm also a Devil who carries the name of House of Phoenix behind me. I can't let that name get tarnished. I didn't even want to come to a small old building like this in the human world. Rather, I don't like the human world that much. The fire and wind of this world is filthy. For a Devil like me who rules fire and wind, I can't stand it!"


There are flames around Raiser. There are small bits of fire around the room.

"I will take you back to the underworld, even if I have to burn all of your servants."


His hostility and killing intent fills the room. The pressure from Raiser's body come right at me, no, at us.

I feel something cold on my back, and it feels like all the hair on my body is about to stand. The killing intent directed by a High-class Devil. This is bad! My hands and body are trembling.

Asia hugs my arm because she got scared. Yeah, Asia won't be able to withstand this atmosphere. I feel the uneasiness like the time when I fought that Fallen Angel, no, it's even worse.

Kiba and Koneko-chan aren't trembling but they are getting ready to fight any time.

Buchou makes a stance against Raiser, and there are red aura coming out of her body.

Raiser also starts covering his body with fire. Intense heat fills the room. Hot... That fire, it's obvious that we will get turned to ash if we get hit by that! I can feel the same strength of demonic-power as Buchou from his flames!

Buchou is stronger than the Fallen Angel I beat... If I can sense the same strength from him, does it mean that Raiser is a Devil who is incredibly strong?

The flame gathers around Raiser's back and forms into wings of flame. Exactly like a fire bird.

The atmosphere is intense. But there is one person who interfered calmly. –It's Grayfia-san.

"Ojou-sama, Raiser-sama, please calm down. If both of you were to continue, then I won't be quiet about it. For Sirzechs-sama's honour, I won't hold back."

Buchou and Raiser both make a serious face after hearing Grayfia-san's quiet and intense voice. It seems like they are scared of her.

Raiser calms the flames around his body and sighs while shaking his head.

"...To be told that by the "Strongest Queen", even I would be scared... I definitely wouldn't want to fight the people from Sirzech-sama's group, which is known to be made up of monsters."

So Buchou's brother has that much influential power huh. I also didn't know that Grayfia-san is that strong. I don't even feel any killing intent coming from her at all.

Buchou also stops her red demonic-power and disbands her battle position. Looks like we avoided the worst case scenario.

Seeing that both Buchou and Raiser have no intention to fight, Grayfia-san speaks.

"Master, Sirzechs-sama, and those from the House of Phoenix knew it would turn out like this. To tell you the truth this was to be the last discussion meeting. Everyone knew that it wouldn't be solved, so they decided to make a last resort."

"Last resort? What do you mean, Grayfia?"

"Ojou-sama, if you wish to push your opinion forward, then how about you settle it by having a [Rating Game] against Raiser-sama?


Buchou becomes speechless hearing Grayfia-san. She seems to be very shocked.

[Rating Game]? I think I heard about it before...

"It's a game that is played by the Devils with peerage, and they compete by making their servants battle."

Kiba explains it to me because I have a confused look.

Oh, I think I remember about it. It's a battle amongst Devils where you use your servants, [Pawn], [Knight], [Bishop], [Rook], and [Queen].

I heard that your strength in the game reflects greatly in your social standing among other Devils. But wasn't that game only played by mature aged Devils, and Buchou who isn't at the mature age can't participate in it?

Grayfia-san continues her explanation and answers my questions.

"Just as you know, Ojou-sama, only mature aged Devils can participate in official [Rating Game]. But if it's an unofficial match between pure-blood Devils, even immature Devils can participate. However, in this case—"

"When it involves the family and household problems."

Buchou continues to talk while making a sigh.

"In other words Otou-sama and the others decided to have a game as a last resort if I was to decline, right? ...Just how far are they intending to interfere with my life to feel satisfied...!"

Buchou is really ticked off. Uwah...I can feel her urge to kill! Scary...

"Then Ojou-sama, you are saying you would also decline to participate in the game?"

"No, I won't, since this is a chance. Alright then. Let's settle this with a game, Raiser."

Raiser smirks after Buchou's provocative words.

"Hee, so you're accepting it. I don't mind. But I'm already a matured Devil and I have already participated in the official game. Right now I have won most of the games. Even so, you still want to play, Rias?"

Raiser replied back with an even more provocative words. Buchou sends back a fearless smile.

"I will. I will blow you away, Raiser!"

"Fine. If you win, do whatever you like. But if I win, you will marry me immediately."

Both of them glares at each other. They are both glaring at each other with scary eyes. Oh, their glares are so intense that a Low-class Devil like myself can't butt in!

"Understood. I, Grayfia, have confirmed both sides opinion. I will be in charge of the game between the two household. Is that okay?"



Buchou and Raiser both agrees to Grayfia-san's approval.

"Understood. I will inform the two households then."

Grayfia-san bows her head after confirming.

Wow, it has turned into a serious situation! Game! So I will be participating in it as well! Raiser looks at me and then smirks. He then makes a smirk which pisses me off.

"Hey, Rias. Would the ones here be your servants?"

Buchou twitches her eyes at his words.

"So what?"

Raiser starts laughing after Buchou answers him as if he finds it amusing.

"Then this match will be a laugh. Only your [Queen], the "Priestess of Thunder" can fight on par with my adorable servants."

Saying that, Raiser clicks his fingers, and the magic-circle on the floor glows.

The magic-circle has the same emblem of Phoenix that Raiser appeared from. Then shadows appears from the magic-circle.

One, two, three...s-shit...

I got speechless after I saw the number of shadows that appears from the magic-circle.

"Well, these are my cute servants."

Around Raiser who said that, 15 people that seems to be his servants gathers around him.

There's a person in armour that seems to be a [Knight]. There's also a person wearing a hood that seems to be a magician.

Full members! Just like in real chess, you can have a maximum number of 15 servant Devils under your control.

It seems like High-class Devils receives 15 [Evil Pieces] from Maou. You can form a master and servant relationship by using it to those who you want to make as your servant.

If the person you wish to make your servant has high potential capacities, then the chess consumption can be doubled.

That's why there are cases where there is only 1 [Rook] or 1 [Knight].

Buchou also had the same incident. That is me. You can get a maximum of 8 [Pawns], but Buchou used all 8 pieces on me because there is an extremely fiendish thing within me.

That's why there are High-class Devils that doesn't have 15 servants. But Raiser has the maximum number of 15 servants.

It's a magnificent view to see all 16 Devils including the [King].

We only have one of each of [King], [Queen], [Rook], [Bishop], [Knight], and [Pawn]. So that makes it a 6 versus 16!? I got shocked by this fact.

No, I'm sorry. There's something else on my mind. I mean, I can't help it! What is this!?

—They're all girls!

The knight and the magician I mentioned earlier are also girls! A girl wearing a Chinese dress! Two girls with beast ears! Two girls with identical face that seems to be twins! A loli girl! Two older girls with nice bodies! A Yamato Nadeshiko like girl wearing a kimono! There's also a girl wearing a dress who looks like a European princess! A wild looking older woman who is carrying a sword on her back! There's also a girl wearing a dancer's outfit! There's also a mysterious woman wearing a mask that hides half of her face!

They are all beautiful woman or beautiful young girls!! An army of beauty actually exist!?

Electricity runs through my body!

...! I see, so that's what it is! This guy, Raiser, actually done it!

Every guy's dream, —a harem! The High-class Devil who turned harem into reality! Raiser Phoenix! What a person... What a guy...

"H-Hey, Rias... This servant-kun over here is crying a lot while looking at me."

Raiser said it while looking at me. He seems to be really freaked out by me.

Buchou places her hand on her forehead when she sees me.

"This boy's dream is to have a harem. I think he was moved after looking at your servants."

Yup yup. That's exactly right. I'm crying because I saw my dream, my objective, right in front of me.

Ah, what a lucky guy. They are all girls.


"Raiser-sama, this person is freaking me out~."

Raiser's girls make a disgusted face while looking at me. Damn it! Fuck you all!

Raiser calms them while patting their bodies.

"Don't say that, my cute girls. Looking up to upper stream folks is what a lowly ones does. Let's show them how passionate we are."

Saying that, Raiser starts to have a tongue kiss with one of the girls!

Uwah! He's making noise by moving his tongue around!

Buchou seems like she didn't care.


The girl is making a sweet voice while putting her legs around Raiser's! Ugh, it's also affecting my crotch!


Next to me, Asia has her face turn red and has her brain blow. This view must be too strong for Asia.

Raiser takes his mouth away while there is a thread of saliva, and then starts to tongue kiss another girl! Don't start the 2nd round in here!

I mean, you can actually do those kinds of things with your servants!? So we can! Shit! So if I work hard I can become like this one day!

Raiser who finished his 2nd tongue kiss smirks while looking down at me.

—You will never be able to do this.

I feel like this bastard is saying that to me.

"You will never be able to do this."

"Don't say what I think you were saying! Damn it! Boosted Gear!"

I have my head full with rage and am super jealous, so I put my left hand up in the air, and then shouted.

While emitting red lights, the thing that is possessed in my left arm shows itself. A red gauntlet which has a mark of a dragon engraved in it, — [Boosted Gear]. It's a masterpiece Sacred Gear that gives enormous power to the possessor.

I point my finger at Raiser and then tell him.

"A womaniser like you isn't good enough to be with Buchou!"

"Huh? Weren't you looking up to the so-called womaniser?"

Ugh! He got right at the point!

"S-Shut up! That's different with the thing about Buchou! At this rate, you will continue to flirt with other girls even after you marry Buchou!"

"Heroes love women. That's a saying in the human world, right? A good phrase indeed. But this is just a close relationship with my servants. Aren't you also getting adored by Rias?"

T-That's true... But somehow I can't forgive him! A hate towards a similar type as me? Ugggh, does it mean I'm still a kid since I'm getting irritated the more I come to know?

"Hero my ass! You are just a bird guy! Fire bird Phoenix? Hahaha! That's the same as Yakitori!" [3]

Raiser puts a furious expression at my provocation.

"Yakitori!? Y-You Low-class Deeeeevil! Don't get ahead of yourself! That's not the way you talk to a High-class Devil! Rias, what's going on with your discipline towards your servants!?"

Buchou just looks away and says "Like I care".

"Hey Yakitori-guy! I will just beat the crap out of you with my Boosted Gear!"

My Boosted Gear that I am so proud of! It doubles my power every 10 seconds, and after a while, I can even defeat a God!

"We don't need to have a game! I will just take you all down, right here, right now!"


The sound came from the jewel located on the gauntlet, and at the same time my body gets overflowed with strength! It's the proof that my power has doubled! My strike that even defeated the Fallen Angel, taste it with your own body!

I was full of spirits, but Raiser just sighs.

"Mira. Do it."

"Yes, Raiser-sama."

Raiser gives an order to his servant. She is small just like Koneko-chan and has a childish face.

She takes out a stick that martial artists use and makes a battle posture after swinging her stick around.

Hmm, I don't feel like fighting such a small girl, but if I knock her stick away she will probably back down—.

That's what I thought, but suddenly my body feel lighter. It feels like my body is floating.

Huh? The floor is—.


A loud noise comes to my ears.

...Ouch... Pain passes through my whole body. ...What happened?


I'm in agony due to the pain in my stomach. Ouch... My stomach? Was I hit in my stomach...?


Asia comes to my side and she put her hands on my stomach. Instantly, a green light envelops around my body. A warm feeling takes the pain in my stomach away.

It's the healing power that Asia possesses. It's a Sacred Gear that can even heal Devils that doesn't even have the divine protection of God.

However, due to this, Asia was targeted by a Fallen Angel before...

More importantly, what happened to me? I know that I'm down on the floor. When I look around, there is a desk broken in half and stuff spread around the floor.

When I look towards Raiser, the girl who has her stick aimed forward put her stick away.

...So I got hit. I couldn't see it. Does it mean I received a damage without realising it? So I was hit towards the desk...

Raiser walks towards me, and says it to my ears while crouching down.

"You are weak."

—! That word carves a deep scar in my heart.

"The one who you just fought is my [Pawn] Mira. She's the weakest out of my servants, but she has more battle experience and has more talent as a Devil than you. Boosted Gear? Huh."

Raiser starts knocking on my Sacred Gear and starts laughing with his nose.

"This is certainly one of the invincible and dangerous Sacred Gears. By how you use it, not only me, but you can also defeat a Maou and God. There were quite a number of possessors who had that before. But there hasn't been any case where it defeated a God or Maou. Do you know what this means?"

Raiser then laughs really loudly.

"It means that this Sacred Gear is imperfect, and the possessors were also bunch of weaklings that couldn't use it! You are no exception! How do you say this in the human world again? ...Yes, "Pearls before swine". Fuhahaha! Yeah, pearls before swine! It's about you! Rias's [Pawn]-kun!"

Raiser starts slapping my head while laughing so loud.

...Damn it! I got so mortified that I clenched my teeth. I wanted to talk back but I can't. It's the truth that I am weak. I even lost to a girl smaller than me just now. I couldn't even see her attack. I'm disappointed in myself!

"But the match would be interesting if you were to get used to it."

Raiser put his hand on his chin, and it seems like he thought of something.

"Rias, how about we have a match in 10 days? We could do it now, but that wouldn't be interesting."

"...Are you giving me a handicap."

"Are you against it? Is it humiliating? [Rating Game] isn't something simple that you can win with only your feelings. If you can't use your servant's power to the fullest, then you will lose immediately. So it's not weird for you to train with your servants for your first [Rating Game]. I have seen Devils who lost without using their power to the fullest countless of times, no matter how great their potential and power was."

Buchou doesn't complain and listened quietly to what Raiser's said.

When Raiser directs his palm towards the ground, the magic-circle starts to glow.

"—10 days. If it's you, then you should be able to improve your servants."

He then looks at me.

"Don't be a disgrace to Rias, Rias's [Pawn]. Your blow is Rias's blow."


I understood immediately that his words carries his concern towards Buchou.

"Rias, the next time we meet will be at the game."

Saying that, Raiser disappears in the light of the magic-circle along with his servants.