0.8 bees (Tubbo)

A small boy ran around in a flower field, hundreds of bees surrounding him. The boy wasn't particularly young, but he was still only 17. He had loved bees since he was a kidling. He knew thousands of facts, and how to take care of them. He knew everything you possibly could about bees.

The boy was running through the field one day when he bumped into another boy. He was taller, and looked older than the boy. The man had long, pink hair pulled into a tight man bun. The boy apologized for running into him, stuttering from nervousness.

The man looked at him and smiled, he told the boy not the worry. He also told him to follow the man, which is what the boy had done. He followed the man to a small bench. Both of them sitting on either side.

"So young man. Tell me, what are you doing here in This field? I see you here everyday, what's so fascinating about it?" The man asked him.

"I used to come here all the time with my brother Tommy. Plus I love bees. He always got scared he would get stung" he laughed at the sudden memory. "He never got stung once, I always told him he wouldn't. But he never believed me, he started to grow a liking on the bees after awhile. I was happy we'd share something in common." The boy said, staring off into the flower field around them.

"That's a wonderful story. I've been stung by a few bees, a shame the way their lives end. Hurting other people, dying knowing you just hurt someone. But it's all for protection right?, they feel threatened, so they do whatever they possibly can to protect their families." The man stated. The boy was happy he got to talk to someone about bees. He had never thought about what the pink haired man had said, it never crossed his mind. Now that the boy was thinking about it. It started making sense.

"Just like people." He spoke, his voice softer than ever. "People protect their families if they feel threatened. It may not be in a way the bees do it- but it's still sad in a way. I feel bad for people who have to go through that" The boy said, looking down into his lap. The man held his shoulder, causing the boy to look up at him once again.

"I think you are absolutely right young man. Bees and people- have much in common- even if people don't want to admit it. They both have a purpose, for such a short life. Live it happily, rather than in vein. Don't piss people off, make friends instead. You'll live a much happier, and longer life." The wise man spoke. The young boy made sure to take in every word he had said. Making mental notes, to make sure he wouldn't forget later on. And so he could tell his brother the same words the man told him.

"You seem to know a lot sir." The boy said, with a small smile in which lit up his whole face. The man nodded.

"I once had a friend who loved bees just as you do. He told me everything he knew about them, filled me in on very wise words as well. He told me the exact same thing I just told you. He got me a pet bee once, I hadn't liked bees very much. But that one small gift from my friend, changed my whole life forever. I started liking bees afterwards, but after my friend passed, I didn't like them very much. It was too hard to think about bees, as he loved them so much. But after awhile, I realized I should live on happily instead of - as I said earlier- in sadness and vein." The boy like the way this man talked. The words he used, and the sentences he spoke made him sound very smart.

"I'm sorry to hear about your friend sir" The boy said, making sure he didn't Accidentally say something else.

"That's alright. He lives in my heart, don't worry" the man smiled at the boy as he put his hand on his shoulder. The boy looked into the field, admiring everything. Before feeling his shoulder lighten. He looked beside him, and the man had disappeared. He didn't know where he went, but he didn't care. He just re thought everything he had said, and kept those exact words close to his heart.




(Little heart felt moment. One video that plays in my head of Tubbo 24/7 is when Tommy told him to tell Techo that there is no problem. And the only thing that came out of Tubbos mouth was 'problem there no is not')