0.9 I thought we were friends? (Tubbo and Tommy)

"It's a stupid disc Tommy" the brunette boy argued against his friend. They had been fighting over this for hours, weither a couple discs were worth a hassle.

"No Tubbo, they are not just discs. They are one of the most valuable fucking possessions I have, and fucking green smiley face over there stole them!" The blond said, pointing over to a green man with a mask on. The brunette sighed, before sitting down on a bench. The two were standing in front of the classical house the blonde had built into the indent of a hill. The blonde stood in front of the brunette, staring at him, waiting for another answer.

"Tommy. I don't care, they're discs" the brunette emphasizes the last word, practically yelling at the boy standing in front of him. He was getting annoyed.

"If they were just discs then why have I gone through so much for them?"

"I don't know Tommy. Because your fucking crazy. Every think about that possibility?" The blondes jaw clenched at the sudden remark from the opposite boy.

"You've helped me get them back before. Why not now?" He asked, calming himself down.

"Yeah I helped. I helped when I cared, but after then you seemed to pin everything on me. Everything you did you blamed on me. I almost got killed Tommy. I almost lost my fucking life because of you being so selfish" the brunette fought. Spilling out his feelings as if it was nothing. As if it were the easiest thing in the world.

"Whatever. You're no help anyways." The blonde boy shouted, turning around and walking into his dirt home. He had filled the interior with a bunch of stone, blocking the inside from filling with crumbling dirt. He walked into his room and sat on his bed, sobbing into his lap.

The brunette stood up and walked down the prime path. He walked and walked all the way down, taking a few turns. He kept walking until he noticed he was no longer following any path, but instead he was walking in an empty forest. He looked around frantically trying to find someone or something. The boy pulled out a map, trying to see if there was anything around him that could possibly lead him back to everything. He looked until he saw a big boy of water, he began to follow the directions towards it. He was always told by Dream; 'follow the water if you get lost. It will always lead you home'

So that's what the boy did. He began walking to the water, walking and walking until he found it.

The blonde was still crying. He heard a knock on his door, he hadn't known who it was. But he assumed it was the one person he didn't want to see.

"Go away Tubbo" he mumbled, laying down and facing the wall.

"It's not Tubbo." A strong masculine voice came from the other side of the door. Dream. "I want to talk to you Tommy. Do you have a moment?" The green, masked man asked. The blonde boy had gotten up out of bed, and opened the door. Nodding as he welcomed the man into his home. The man refused, "come with me. I want to show you something." He said. The boy asked for a moment, to put something away. The man allowed him, and he grabbed a piece of paper. Writing something down, and placing it on his bed. Walking back out too the man before he grabbed the boys arm, Ender pearling away from the house and down the path. They arrived in front of a hill. The boy was confused as to why they were at a regular old hill, until the man walked over to a camouflaged button, clicked it, and a secret door opened. Revealing an open cave. The blonde hesitated, before stepping in after the man.

"What is this place?" He asked, looking around. There we're tubes of Lava all around them. They we're on some sort of platform, as the boy had seen a gate, blocking off a big drop. Followed by a huge pool of Lava at the bottom. He looked around to see more tubes, but of water instead. He seen empty tubes and other tubes filled with pigmen, and skeletons, along with zombies and creepers. 'Must be an xp farm' he asked.

"That- is not why you're here. Come with me" the man said, walking down a small set of stairs that was hidden quite well beside the gate. They walked down to the bottom floor, they were walking on glass. The boy was nervous he would fall, or that the glass would just snap because of his weight. He knew he hadn't weighed much, but he had still been scared.

The brunette boy was still walking a long the body of water. He had been walking for a few hours, until he saw a village a few feet away. He saw a villager, and a child, running around happily with an iron golem. He looked beside them and saw two young boys playing tag. The Two reminded the brunette of him and the blonde. He missed the boy, but he was still angry at him. He pushed his emotions away, and walked up to the village. He went to one of the small houses, looking through the window to see a villager standing in front of the door, walking out. The boy walked up to the villager and cleared his throat. Thinking quickly- of what he would say.

"Excuse me- sir" he quiet voice squeaked as the villager turned around to face him.

"Yes Mr- who are you?" The villager asked calmly.

"Uhm I'm- my names T-Tubbo. I'm from another village I- I think I'm lost" the boy stuttered. He thought of himself as weak for not being able to talk clearly. The villager just smiled at the boy.

"Nice to meet you Tubbo. Welcome to my village. You are welcome to eat and take whatever you would like. I'm sorry to hear about you being lost, I'm sure the map maker can help you find your way home. He's right over there in the small brown house" the villager said, pointing over to a very small house. The boy said thank you and walked over to the house. He knocked.

"Uhm- excuse me! Mr MapMaker!" He said, waiting for an answer. After a few moments he went to knock again, before the door swung open and he got pulled inside and thrown into a chair.

"Hello little boy. What do you need?" Another villager asked, standing in front of the boy.

"I- I'm lost, and I need help finding my way home." He spoke, explaining his problem once again. The villager thought for a moment before asking;

"What village are you from?"

"Dream smp"

"Yes yes, I know exactly where that one is." The villager said before turning to a weird looking table beside him. He grabbed a blank paper and started drawing on it, handing it to the boy once he was done. It was a perfect map!.

"Just follow these directions exactly. And you will find your way back home" the man smiled.

"Thank you sir" the brunette boy said, leaving the house and following the map.

"Tommy. Do you know why you're here?" The green man asked, taking his armour off and setting it down.

"No sir." The blonde replied.

"The discs Tommy. I want the discs. I'm willing to make a deal with you and-"

"I'm not giving you the discs Dream" the blonde interrupted. He loved his discs. He already lost one friends because of them, he might as well keep them. The man laughed.

"I knew you'd say that. You're such a dumb little boy aren't you? So stubborn, always putting himself in front of others. Am I right Tommy?" The man said, stepping closer to the boy. "You don't care how any one else feels. As long as you have your discs, you don't care who gets hurt. Well, you probably haven't even noticed your friend Tubbos gone missing yet have you?" The blonde felt something sharp stab at his chest. 'Tubbo? Missing?' He thought to himself.

"Tubbos missing?"

"Yes. He left after the little fight you two had by the bench. He left be cause of you Tommy. He left, and he hasn't came back. He's done with you Tommy. He doesn't care, just like nobody else does. If you give me the discs, I can make you powerful. I can make you the boss of everyone, you can do whatever you want to anyone. Just hand over the discs." The blonde debated. Had the man been speaking the truth? Did nobody really care?.

"You're bluffing." The boy spat.

"Oh Tommy. But I'm not." The man smirked under his mask. The boy couldn't see it, but it was there. He reached into his pockets, grabbed the discs from them and put them into the man's hands. The man laughed to himself. "Oh Tommy. You foolish- foolish boy."

The brunette had been walking once again, for at least another hour. His feet were bruising inside his shoes, he wanted to take a break from walking. But he needed to get home before dark. He really wasn't in the mood to fight off any monsters. He sat down on a nearby log for a moment, taking his shoes off and rubbing his feet. He put his shoes back on and sobbed into his hands.

"Why did I have to have that stupid useless fight with him." He spoke quietly to himself, referring to the blonde boy, who was once his best friend. The boy wiped his eyes with his sleeves and continued walking, hopeful that he would find his way.

"What- what are you talking about." The blonde asked, confused to the man.

"See what I mean? You always put yourself over everyone else. You gave me your discs in return for power. Power over everything and everyone. See how selfish that sounds? You're beginning to show your true colours Tommy. You really are." The man shut his hands, holding onto the discs, and throwing them into his Ender chest. The boys eyes widened in horror and shock, but also out of fear. He couldn't Believe what he had done. He had been played, but he had also played himself. Just like always. The boy was furious, not only with himself, but with the man in front of him.

"Any last words Tommy?" The man asked, before throwing his armour back on and picking up his netherite sword from behind him. The boy just stood there, he hung his head low.

"So we're taking the easy way out I see." The man said, stepping closer to the boy, the sword in one hand, an Ender pearl in the next.

The brunette was getting sad, the sun had started going down. He was getting tired. The boy was about to find somewhere to lie down, until he saw the familiar path ahead of him. He sobbed tears of joy, happy to be home. He ran up to the blonde boys house. He was going to apologize. He knocked on the door of the familiar dirt house.



Three times



No answer any of those times. He opened the door and walked in. He looked around, calling for the boy. Until he looked on his bed, he saw a white piece of paper. The boy walked over and picked it up, reading off;

"'Too whoever reads this first; if I go missing, and nobody can find where I am. Just know; I was last with the mysterious green man.' That son of a bitch" the boy spoke to himself. He knew exactly where the boy was. The man had taken him to the exact same spot as him, and he knew exactly what was happening down there.

The boy ran to his home, throwing open the front door, and barging up to his room. He searched through at least hundreds of chests, grabbing his armour along with a bunch of weapons. The boy was ready for a fight, and he wasn't going to be the one going down.

The boy ran out of his house, hoping he wasn't to late. He Ender pearled to the familiar hill he had been at before, he walked over to the button, clicking it. Revealing a hidden cave. He walked in, the door closing behind and ran down the stairs. Before him he saw the green man, a long with the blonde boy.

The boy raised his bow and arrow before speaking.

"Step away from the boy Dream. I'm not afraid to shoot" the man laughed at the sudden comment.

"I'm the one with the sword arent I? I could just-" he moved the sword closer to the blondes throat "-Slit his throat. And even if you do manage to shoot me, he'll be long gone before you learn how to aim that thing. The man was right, the boy hadn't known how to shoot. But he was willing to risk whatever it took to help save his friend.

"Put the sword down Dream." The boy said, taunting the man, and aiming the bow at the man's heart. The man laughed again, while the blonde boy managed the choke out a few words.

"Stop Tubbo. Run, please." Both boys were on the verge of tears. Neither of them wanted anything to happen to the other. But they were both willing to fight.

"See. Even the pathetic boy wants you to go."

"He isn't pathetic"

"Really? Because he's the same boy who just gave me his discs, in return of being able to control you." The boy looked at the other.

"Is this true Tommy?" The blonde looked down, avoiding eye contact with the brunette. The boy scoffed. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"Really? After everything I've fucking done for you? I can't Believe you. Maybe I should leave you here to die. You'd clearly rather that." The blonde shook his head rapidly.

"No- no Tubbo I wouldn't. I- I promise, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to I- I don't know what got over me. Please." He spoke, sobbing in between almost every word. The boy lowered his bow.

"I don't Believe you." The blonde felt like he had been stabbed right in the chest.

"Wh-what?" He asked, looking frantically from the man and the other boy.

"I don't Believe you" the boy repeated. The man smiles, though nobody could see it. He raised his sword towards the blonde before speaking to the brunette.

"Good choice Tubbo." Was the last thing he said before his ears got filled with high pitched screaming. The brunette dropped his bow and arrow, before running over to the blonde as his body dropped to the ground. Blood leaving his body faster than anything, and covering the ground. Dying it a bright red. The room; filling up with a copper smell from the blood. The brunette grabbed the blondes head and softly placed it in his lap, sobbing uncontrollably.

"No T-Tommy please don't go- please don't leave me." He could barley speak. The blondes breathing began slowing down.

"I'm sorry Tubbo." We're his last and final words.