To black Forest

The next day Dawn eat breakfast with the Baron, Livia, and Andres.

Of course her mother was included.

They eat with silence but Livia cant help but to mumble

"How filthy."

Diwa can only lower her head while eating while Dawn continue to eat like there is no tomorrow.

I have to get more nutrients. my body is so weak!

After swallowing the food in his mouth Dawn drink and glass full of water and look at the baron.

"Lord, I wish to go to the forest of darkness."


Diwa drop the spoon she is holding.

Arvin itself was so surprise that he stop putting the steak in his mouth.


Diwa cant help but to object.

the forest of darkness was nnot called forest of darkness for no reason.

There is a lot of wild beast there that can rip the body of a gold rank knight.

If she lost her son then she will definitely go insane.

"Its alright, Mother. Im not going there to die."


"Why do you wish to go there then?"

Diwa got cut off by Baron Arvin.

He look at Dawn with his sky blue eyes.

He does not look worried unlike Diwa.

"I plan to train. I want to go to academy."

Thats right. The academy.

He have to get an important item there before the tower appears.

"Hee, a commoner trying to attend an academy for nobles only. how foolish."

LIvia commented to what Dawn just said.

Just like she said the academy is only for the noble sons and daughters but there is a scholarship for a commoners who has a great potential.

"I dont mean to belittle you but you only started to hold a sword not even a month Dawn. There is no way you can survive to that place. As for for the academy I cant help you with that."

Baron Arvin said while shaking his head.

Diwa looks relief about what the Baron said and continue to eat.

He expected this outcome after all.

Dawn did not say anything afterwards. He just continue to eat while Livia and Andres scoff to him.

After eating breakfast Dawn help his mother to do house chores and practice his sword.


At night a man fall to the ground.

He is wearing a robe that made using a rags.

a sword hanging on his waist.

The only visible to his face is his eyes.

The blue eyes that shine when the moonlight hit it.

Its really pretty.

That man was Dawn.

He stole a sword and some important things from Andres room. He cant possibly kill a beast with just his wooden sword.

He expected that the Baron Arvin would turn him down thats why he made a second plan where he will go there without everyone noticing.

The Baron territory is the nearest territory to Black Forest.

It will only take him two to three hours to go there if she run.

With his body now it would be best if he maintain the slower pace.

Dawn started to run and his destination is the one of the three forbidden forest.

The black Forest!


After three hours or so Dawn arrived at the front of the black Forest.

Every tree is black, the leaves on it is black, the soil is black, everything that belongs to the forest is black.

"Literally black indeed"

He then enter the forest.

The forest looks normal like others forest but the color is the only difference.

He leisurely walk through the forest while looking around.

The forest has a three layers

The outer where not much threat will come for a silver rank,

The middle where the regular beast will come out and bite you, ripping you neck.

And the core where all the beast there is fighting for survival.

Thats why they are the strongest.

They live to live and kill to live.

They are strong enough to fight toe to toe to a platinum rank individuals.

thats why he must be careful

It was not called forbidden forest for no reason.

After walking for a while Dawn can already feel the eyes through the shadows.

They are eyeing him.

Dawn stop walking and prepared to fight.


There is four prey that thinking they are the hunters.

After a minute of waiting one wolf came out.

It bare its fang to Dawn and rush to him.

Dawn did not move a little and wait for the wolf to come into his range.

When then wolf was one feet away from him he thrust mhis sword towards its neck.

After seeing that the other wolf also come out.

They circled Dawn while growling.

They must be surprise that their companion died in one strike.

They pounce toward Dawn.

This time all of them attack.

At three different direction, They strike while baring there white teeth to Dawn.

Dawn this time did not wait, He rushed to the wolf infront of him


A single slash cut off the head off the wolf.

Then he turned to look at the other two.

the other wolf began to be cautious toward him.

They are stepping back little by little and run.

Dawn did not chase them, they are just low level intelligence beast who move according their instinct.

After that Dawn meet a pack of for wolfs again but their number increase by two so they are six wolfs.

Dawn beat them easily like the last time

then another group appeared again and again.

"There is alpha."

The leader of the pack.

He is the one who keep sending the wolfs to him.

He consider me as a threat.

The ambush of wolfs only stop when the number of wolfs reach ten.

"It will come out"

It only test Dawn strength by sending his underlings.


A growl of a wild beast can be heard in front of him.

It must be the Alpha.

Dawn did not hide nor prepared to fight.

he only sit at the rock and wait for it to come out.


A huge Gray wolf came out from the bush.

A two meters Gray wolf appeared in front of Dawn.

Its fang was as big as Dawn arm and its height is twice as Dawn but Dawn did not seem care about it.

its strength must be Gold mid stage

He is just sitting in the rock and doing nothing.

When its about to charge it suddenly stopped moving from its pace and stand still like being wary of Dawn.

"I knew it."

Dawn release his killing intent directly to the wolf.

It used tactics to measure Dawn strength.

Dawn Figure out that its has at least ability to talk and know how strong he is.

Of course he is not that strong.

He will definitely die if he fight toe to toe with this beast.

But fighting is not the only option.

his killing intent came from his past life where he slaughter a thousands of demons on his own.

This intent cant be use to the lower intelligence beast but effective to the high intelligence ones.

"Can you speak?"

He spoke coldly in front of Gray wolf.

High intelligence beast can understand human language and some can even speak.

He must act strong in front of this beast to make it submit to him.

Just as he expected. The Gray wolf lower its head and spoke.

"Y-yes my lord."

Dawn lips curled up.

He already address me as a lord.

"You are too fluent to our language i wonder why?"

Dawn spoke while increasing his killing intent.

"I-This one mutate from normal wolf to a Gray wolf after eating a lot of H-humans that came here, my lord."

So a mutated one huh? that explain why.

" A lot of humans huh."

"T-this one is only protecting his this place. E-every time human came here they will kill my brothers and other living creatures thats why we have no choice but to fight back."

The gray wo must be misunderstand his word.

"I know."

that word make the Gray wolf sigh of relief.

"Where is the corpse?"

The Gray Wolf looks surprise on what Dawn question.

"T-the humans corpse?"

"Is there any corpse?

"T-there is a lot of beast corpse too. we dump them into one place as a sign of the territory."

"Then bring me to that place."

The human corpse must at least have some equipment on it.

The wolf hesitated for a moment before lowering his head again and like telling to Dawn that he can ride him.

Dawn accepted it and the Gray wolf ran towards the mountain of corpses.