Treasure Trove

Dawn and the Gray wolf arrived at the wolfs den.

Their Den looks like cave that they just dig with their claws and its too dark that you cant even see the depths of it.

As the Gray wolf come, all the wolfs also greet him.

They bowed their heads and look at Dawn.

They seems confuse as what is happening and who is the human riding their leaders back.

Dawn ignored those eyes and look around. as he did he saw mounds not far from where the dens are.

"Lord, that is what I am talking about." The Gray wolf spoke as they get near to the mounds

It looks normal mounds but when you get close to it you will see and smell the stinking smell of rotting corpse.


Dawn jump out from Gray wolfs back.

He walk towards the corpse and look around.

Then a small crystal took his attention and he immediately go to check what it is and he smile and cant help but to laugh at what he saw.

Its a bracelet that can only fit to a child arm with scarlet crystal embedded to its middle.

"A spatial Bracelet."

Its an Item that can carry other items ten times or even hundred times bigger that what it looks like depending on what size it is inside.

He immediately check on what is inside and cant help but to smile at what he saw.





and a lots of rare materials!

He cant believe on whats inside this spatial bracelet,

A person who is holding this must be a strong individual or rich merchant.

He look around and saw a small bone near besides him.

so its him.

no wonder it contain a lot of rare materials.

"A Dwarf."

they are small person smaller than an average six years old human but they have a strong body and there skill at making weapons are unparalleled!

The saddest thing is that they prefer to work on their own and avoid humans. They are also prideful that they don't want to work under anyone but because of that other humans kidnapped them and make them work very hard. They use various means to threat them to make them work.

Some torture them. Some trying to kill their child and a lot more.

When the king of dwarfs heard that news he declare a human as a enemy and they will kill any human they see.

That end the bridge between the humans and the dwarfs.

Even the towers appeared only a little number of dwarfs appeared and they did not help humans but they climb the tower themselves to get materials.

Dawn was already happy with this spatial bracelet.

He turned around and raise the spatial bracelet he is holding

"Take all things similar to these things and take all their weapons and armors."

As he ordered that the Gray wolf turned around and after a minute or saw all the wolfs started to move.

With that much of corpse it is possible that there is also another carrier of spatial bracelet. a spatial bracelet alone cost ten thousand gold and its only size inside is three by three meter, the one he is holding is nine by nine meter. it cost at least tens of thousands of golds.

As the wolfs are still searching he inspect the goods inside the bracelet

"A hundred piece of rare materials, hundred and twenty pieces of rare equipments and weapons, twenty pieces of unique equipments, Four pieces of unique weapons and exactly ten thousand seven hundred and fifty three golds."

with this its enough to buy a land and rest peacefully until he die but there is no such things as peaceful as the tower appeared.

I must prepare all the things I need to conquer the first tower.

"My lord, this is all we get"

After an hour or so the Gray wolf comeback and brought another three spatial bracelet. the two of has the size of five by five meter and the other one only has three by three meter.

all of them not contain similar to the first bracelet but most of whats inside the bracelets are golds, foods and equipments. There's also small numbers of rare materials and lot of normal materials.

He was elated to this and cant help but to curve his lips

"Good, That's right. are you the only ruler of the outer area of this forest?"

"No my lord, my only domain is the west. the east is under the protection of a black bear while the north is under the protection of white lion. We clash to each other back then but when the new leaders appeared in each tribe we decided to make a non aggression contract."

He is already used to call me lord that fast.

so that means all of the leader of each tribe has a high intellect to communicate to others.

"What about the south? who reigns there?"

"The south has some smoke or something that prevents us to go near their. it is air that even I and the other rulers of outer layer of black forest didn't dare to go to."

So that's where is it.

In his previous life there is a great magician who lost his way through the forest and when he came back after three weeks with a black flame that never burn down unless the person is dead. that man became so powerful but also arrogant. In the he died in the hands of an assassin that killed him for money.

That Great magician will appear exactly two months from now on.

I must have it!

I must get it before he does.

"How long it will take to bring me to the south with your full speed?"

The gray wolf have the look of surprise when he heard Dawn but still answer.

"It will take me two hours If I ran without a break, My lord."

two hours huh. that's petty fast.

"M,My lord"

It look like it is trying to say something. Its eyes look back and forth to Dawn and the other wolfs

"Say it"

"This one the the current Head of the wolf tribe"

he explained

"I am the head because I am the strongest in our tribe. The place lord is trying to advance is definitely the place I will die. If I die the other tribe will take advantage of it and that with be the end of the wolf tribe."

He said every word with fear in his eyes"

"of course you will die if you go with me inside"

Dawn's word make the Gray wolf shiver in fear. But his next words reassure him

"That's why you will only wait for my return. Now bring me to the entrance of the forest. I will comeback tomorrow with some people so make sure to bring some wolf for easy travel.

He will take it but not now. His mother will wake him up tomorrow and if she saw that Dawn was not their She will probably worry about where he is.

The Gray wolf lower its head straight away and let Dawn ride his back again.


As Dawn jump to it ran with its full speed.