
Dawn arrived safely in the mansion. He ran with his full speed to make sure that he will comeback home before the sun rise.

Like before he use the window to get up to his room without anyone noticing him.

afterwards he cover his body and act like sleeping.

after an hour or so his mother came as he expected

*Knock knock*

"Dawn, I'm Coming."

Diwa woke up Dawn and did not notice him being gone for a whole night.

Just like the other day Dawn help her mother to the house chores and in his free time he did not practice his sword but to the City.

He wore his self made robe and walk to the city.


At the City Dawn make his way to the merchant on the road to sell the common products and materials then he proceed to his main target.

the biggest merchant building in the city.

He will sell of his extra armors and weapons to this building.

He make his way to the building. Its a four story building so it can easily see even when you're in the entrance of the city.

He was about to enter when the guards hold him.

"Only exclusive person and person with a valuale item can enter this place. If you're not then please leave immediately."

'Of course the security here is also strict.'

Dawn show a spatial bracelet, not only one but three of it.

The guard immediately change his tone and make a way for Dawn

"I apologize for rudeness, I hope you understand that it is only my job"

"mm" Dawn only nod and make his way to enter the building

Inside the building looks grand and spacious they really live off the title of the biggest merchant of the city.

The Lakas merchant.

They are the biggest merchant in the city and second largest merchant in the Maharlica continent.

Dawn walk towards the counter and the woman on the counter welcome him at once.

"Good day Sir, How can I help you?"

"I'm want to sell my equipments."

The woman look at Dawn with a confuse look. Dawn is wearing a robe so she can't see his armors but the robe he is wearing is a rag, How can he have any valuable item if he can't even buy his own robe? it only cost a two silver or so depending on the materials.

But she can't be rude in front of the customers that's why she decided to ask one more thing

"May I know what item you're trying to sell,sir?"


Dawn put down all the three Spatial bracelet.


The woman can't believe what she saw.

A spatial bracelet that cost thousand of golds and not only one three!

"Will that be enough to make me pass to your puny test?"

Dawn make sure release a hint of killing intent to scare this woman and to let her know that he is not some stup*d who will come here to play.

The woman felt that the atmosphere around her change and her body tremble subsconciously.

"Y-Yes, Sir. I-I apologize for inconvenience" she bowed ninety degree to show her sincerity to Dawn.

"P-Please wait a moment. I-I will call the manager for this transaction."

She bowed again and rushed to the second floor.

After a minute she came back but this time she has someone with her.

A man wearing a black coat came down with her. looks like he is the manager of this building.

The man went straight to where Dawn is and introduce his self.

He bowed a little like a nobleman

"My name is Morgan. I heard that there is a gentleman who brought a spatial bracelet with him. I'm happy to meet you....Mr?"

"Nigma" Dawn just thought this name

"...Mr. Nigma then, My employee shows you a rudeness, please forgive her. We will definitely make sure that this will never happen again. And as for the bracelet, I wonder if all of them are empty?"

He raised his head look at the man with a rag robe. This person brought a precious things with him but only wearing a rag robe. He must be hiding his identity.

'it's obvious'

"It has rare weapons and armors there overall all there's at least a hundreds of rare equipments and weapons their."

Dawn take all damage items for him to use and all the rare equipments and weapon are the only thing he sell. the unique equipments and weapon will be in his possession.

Morgan and the woman can't believe what they just heard so Morgan take a look at what's inside the spatial bracelet and shock at what he saw.

There is indeed a hundreds of rare equipment and weapons there!

It will cost at least a hundreds of thousands of golds!

But the profit was bigger if he sold this items!

The Spatial bracelet itself already cost twenty thousand gold.

"I-It will take a lot of time to identify all this items"

Dawn already expected this.

"Then go. I can wait."

he did not wait for the other side reply and sit to the chair beside the wall cross arm.

"T-Then we will have to make you wait for a while."

They bowed and the manager call the other employee to help him identify each items.


After thirty minutes or so they came back

Four person now walking towards him with a pale faces.

'Did they get tired by just inspecting those items?'

They walked straight to Dawn and Morgan start to speak

"Mr. Nigma we identify all the items and we can tell that all of them are rares. all of that including the spatial bracelet its total cost are 117,489 golds"

then another man carrying a sack on his back came out from where Morgan and others came out. This man is in the peak of silver rank.

"H-Here is 20,000 gold. We don't have any gold to pay you right now but we will promise to pay you after a month."

This much gold is more than enough to buy the mansion of Baron Arvin and make a living.

"So be it." he took the sack full of gold and prepared to leave when Morgan stopped him

"A-Are not going to make a contract? with that it will safer for you and you will have assurance."

With that word Dawn release his killing intent and make it spread like a wildfire in the whole floor. The atmosphere change. even the peak silver rank warrior tremble when he feel the killing intent coming from a mysterious man.

"Are you going to trick me?"

His voice are like the thunders for Morgans and others. They can't breathe and their body can't move. The air became cold and the cold sweat starting to form.

The pressure is strong enough to make a Peak silver warrior to tremble and immobile by just pressure, how can they, a normal person can survive to this.

'This person is strong! he will kill us!'

He want to speak but he can't it feels like he is under the water and slowly suffocating.

'I can't breathe!'

He's literally dying right now.

He close his eyes subconsciously then he feel the pressure starting to lose little by little untul there is none at all.

All he can see now is unconscious employee laying on the ground and trembling warriors.

Mr.Nigma was gone like he did not exist from the start.

"I must report this!"

A strong person means a lot of treasure. If they befriend with him or make him at least sell all his goods to them then they will definitely get a high profit in return!

'But first let us prepare his golds.'

He will never forget that feeling.

The death.