A Taunt & A Taint

The heat of the afternoon could be felt in the warm air. Sweat rolled off Kai's face. His skin had tanned over the past three weeks of training. It hadn't been long since he began, but its strenuous nature made it feel like an eternity.

Sir Illinor was lax as usual, his grip was loose and the wooden sword was gradually swinging around. Kai stood on guard, his stance had improved over the past few weeks, it allowed him to swing regularly while being better prepared for the incoming strike.

Illinor hadn't acknowledged the improvements Kai had made, but just the fact that he was forced to try harder to strike Kai was evidence enough. On average, Kai would manage to avoid more than half of Illinor's strikes in a session.

The knight's attitude towards the boy had considerably improved, Illinor even began teaching him more complex strikes.

The only worry that was weighing on Kai's mind was that despite giving it his all, he had yet to impress Sir Illinor.

A few days ago Kai had attempted the refining technique detailed in the immortal scourge manual he'd acquired from the Sirbius Palace. However, the pre-requisite listed at the beginning of the manual required the individual to have achieved resonance with world energy.

Resonance didn't come easy to most, and it certainly didn't to Kai, so he needed the fragment now, more than ever. Initially he ended up straining himself, by overdoing his attempts in training.

Eventually he was lectured by Sir Illinor to contain his actions within his capabilities, "Keep pushing yourself to do more, to do better, albeit realistically. You cannot construct a house in a day, but part by part, you will achieve it."

After grounding himself Kai tried some more, but today too, proved to be ineffective.

Kai would constantly observe Illinor's reactions, but the Knight remained silent and expressionless through today's session.

"Sir, what shall it take for me to earn the fragment of origin stone?" Kai spoke softly after a moments silence.

Illinor casually walked about without replying, he eventually looked at the boy, "you haven't impressed me yet, not once, not truly."

Kai frowned, "if I may sir, there is no lack of effort on my part, so what is it then?"

"You're right, but if effort was enough, than every hard working peasant would be a refiner... it simply isn't enough, show me you are worthy of it, show me more than effort... If you cannot figure out what that means, then you've already lost this battle." Illinor spoke expressionlessly, as he observed the state of his wooden sword.

Kai was unsatisfied still, but he spoke no further, instead, he readied himself for the inevitable strikes of the Knight.

Illinor stepped about slowly, he had on a wry smile as he choose to interject training with some conversation for a change.

"I spoke with your father recently about your recent progress, he did not express it, but I could tell he has high hopes for you… Do you believe you're doing enough to meet his expectations?" Illinor spoke as he strode in circles around Kai.

Kai's movement faltered just a slight bit, but it was enough, Illinor didn't hesitate to strike from the side as soon as Kai's movements froze. Whack!

Kai faltered to the ground begrudgingly, he didn't reply to Illinor, but there was a noticeable frustration in his eyes. He stared at Illinor, took a deep breath, readied himself and took his position again.

"Does your mother feel the same way about your training as your father? Does she expect you to burden yourself time and time again, especially when you lack the talent to make something of their precious coin."

Kai's movement indiscernibly stiffened but he didn't hesitate like last time and continued.

"Why are you speaking of my parents now of all times?" Kai's tone was slightly hoarse, but it didn't stop Illinor.

"Perhaps your father hopes for you to redeem him, are you not hoping to impress the House of Grier with your skills, isn't it where your father and inevitably you come from, well despite being the outcasts."

"How does that make you feel boy?"

Kai kept swinging, but his form was coarser than usual, "Please sir, hit me all you want, but provoking me with words is unacceptable."

Illinor didn't stop, in fact he picked up his pace, "To be honest with you boy, I have come to be tired of your stagnation, if things continue like this, you'll only be laughed at by the Griers, I'm sure you don't want your father to see such a day, especially after what happened with him."

Kai's hands began trembling, in turn his swings were slightly off, and the tremble didn't help his defences either.

Illinor pushed himself forward once again, except this time his loose grip tightened just a smidge. His swing was faster, and stronger. Kai could feel the strike's ferocity even before it struck him.

The sword struck hard, so much so the impact formed cracks on the wood, Kai was flung to the side, he could feel intense pain, more so than ever before, pulsating through his left arm. "Fuck…. Aaaah."

Illinor simply walked back and picked up another wooden sword, "This is the part where people laugh at you, that's just how it is when you dual someone for the honour of your name, or in this case, your father's. Do you really want him to witness this sorry state of yours when the time comes."

"Y-you don't… know what you're speaking of…" Kai spoke as he held his left arm in pain.

"Oh you think I don't know what I speak of… Boy. I know enough. It is my duty to know, if I want to teach you well, its best if I prepare you for whatever there is to come. And as you are now, your chances of achieving anything are… feeble at best."

"You wanted to know why you haven't impressed me yet… you don't lack perseverance, you don't even lack determination. What you do lack is the mindset to think while you fight, and more importantly you lack the spine to back yourself." Illinor spoke with a displeased expression, he stared down on the young, injured boy, as if the boy held no worth to him.

"Stop it…" Kai mustered two words before going silent again, he stopped rubbing his arm despite the pain.

"I learned your father was disowned by Lord Ulysses Grier, even amongst disappointments of the House, disowning a child is rare. And now your family is doing well for themselves, despite that your father is still a mere staff of the Keep, how do you think he'll feel when he inevitably meets his family again, how do you think he'll feel when they remain unimpressed by you as they were with him?"

"You know, there's a term for the outcasts of the Houses of Leventis, they're called the grand disappointments, I'm sure your father can qualify." Illinor played around with the sword in his hands, waiting for Kai to resume his stance.

A moment of silence followed Illinor's words, there was simply no reaction coming from the boy, he was frozen in place, he was subtly trembling while his right fist was tightened around the wooden sword he'd been using for weeks now.

Kai struggled himself up. He was calm, unnaturally calm.

He trembled as he forced his left arm to grip onto the hilt of the sword. But the pain wasn't enough to stop him, not anymore. He raised his arms and swung down on the dummy, his force wasn't too strong or too weak, just enough.

"Tch, you believe doing the same thing again will make a difference? I guess you aren't going to learn anything after all." Illinor walked closer and closer to the swinging Kai as he patiently waited for his chance to strike.

"Perhaps, you'll end up becoming another grand disappointment for that so called family of yours, especially compared to Sir Anton's son… I believe his name was Ian Grier."

Kai's body paused ever so slightly again, perhaps it was an unconscious reaction, but it was just the thing Illinor was waiting for. He stepped in with his right foot, his grip was slightly tighter than usual, as he swung for Kai's left shoulder.

The strike swung towards the boy, but there seemed to be no movement from him. It was highly unusual for him to not attempt to avoid a strike. Nonetheless, Kai stood in place, at the very last moment he raised his eyes, they were sharp, devoid of his feeble nature, all that remained was a calmness, that even surprised Illinor just a bit.

Kai turned his shoulder minimally, almost as if he hadn't moved, but it was enough, the strike passed by in the nick of time. However, it didn't end here. Kai moved his right foot forward, firmed himself, and swung down with all his ferocity at the very Knight who was instructing him.

The boy yelled as he swung down right after dodging, he was not holding back. Illinor was caught slightly off guard, but he didn't hold himself back either and took a step back to doge the strike.

However, at this very moment, Kai turned his strike, readjusting the momentum at an angle that would still strike the Knight.

Illinor's expression strained as he didn't expect the boy to employ a faint in such a state, his yell and swing were convincing enough to be determined as a true strike from an inexperienced swordsman. Illinor attempted to step back once again and dodge the second strike.

Kai's sword swung passed the Knight's chest by a sliver, Illinor was stretched thin by his stance, but he needed only a moment's time to recover and strike this insolent boy.

But the boy had different plans, as his swing missed, he turned to his side and kicked straight into Illinor's stomach, his kick contained a lot more force than his swings, perhaps this was always the intended strike.

It wasn't like Illinor couldn't defend himself against a mere boy, but he had simply underestimated Kai.

The kick struck Illinor right in the stomach, it wasn't a necessarily strong kick, but the knight had his back bent to avoid the previous strike, coupled with the kick, it caused his back to fall flat on the ground.

Kai didn't stand around, after delivering the blow, he silently and calmly returned to the dummy and continued his strikes.

Illinor was beyond surprised by the boy's actions. He had expected an uncontrolled reaction, one made devoid of calculations and calmness. The Knight was planning to teach Kai how to control his emotions when provoked, but now, he was left reassessing the entire situation.

Kai didn't pay any heed to Illinor, or the pain in his arm, he was still calm and continued to strike the dummy.

Illinor picked himself up from the ground for a change, there was a hint of embarrassment in his demeanour.

"That was… unexpected, but welcome nonetheless." Illinor was attempting to calm the situation, but simultaneously, he was inching closer to Kai too, his grip slowly tightened on the sword.

As Illinor's foot reached in proximity of Kai, he prepared himself to strike the boy again. There was no hesitation in the boy's movements, nor was there any visible awareness to him. It confused Illinor rather than give him a clear indication as to when it's best to strike.

"I believe you may have taken my words too serious…"

Whoosh! Illinor stepped back once more, he expected as much. As the boy faced him, he could see Kai's eyes, they were focused, but slightly red also, the boy had been pushed to tears, yet he had remained calm. Kai was staring directly into his eyes, without an ounce of hesitation.

Illinor gradually smiled, "Once was lucky, it won't happen again!"

The knight gripped his sword tighter and swung at the boy, Kai didn't back down either, he swung forward too. As the two collided, the impact forced Kai back, Illinor's strength wasn't to be scoffed at. Kai stumbled a few steps, but his eyes were still focused on Illinor.

Due to him swinging right after dodging, Illinor took a second to recover after the impact. But, as soon as he recovered his stance, he saw a swinging sword that was flung towards him. He barely steadied himself in time and turned his torso to dodge the sword, as it flew past him.

"Not bad boy…but it's not enou" Whack! Kai's punch landed immediately after the throw. Illinor had brought up his forearms to block the punch, but it was hastily done.

The Knight took a step back, he shrugged off the minor pain in his forearms. He'd witnessed the boy strike him twice now, something he hand't anticipated, nor taught. The situation caused the Knight to pause in place for a few moments.

Kai walked passed his teacher picked up the wooden sword and returned to his position. He simply ignored the dumbstruck knight.

Illinor smiled sheepishly, he had underestimated the boy twice now.

'He sure is ruthless when he's angered... this is both a blessing and a curse for him.'

He sighed deeply. His fingers slid up to his pocket and removed a small piece of silver fragment from it. It contained a subtle silver hue to it.

He threw the fragment, it drew an arc in the air, as it fell near Kai's feet. The boy finally paused, he didn't look at the piece but instead turned to Illinor.

The Knight was gradually walking away, "I'll see you next week boy…" Illinor struggled with the words but he eventually spoke, "we still need to work on that temper of yours, just differently from what I imagined, but otherwise… well done."

Kai didn't reply, he only stared at his teacher as Illinor disappeared from the training section.

Eventually, Kai sighed, his heart was beating rapidly, and there was an uncontrollable anxiousness raging within him, the feeling of anger had dissipated after his second strike, but what followed almost made him drop to the ground.

He was breathing hard, his arm was throbbing uncontrollably as well. He collapsed on his knees as he couldn't remain standing anymore. 'That… That was too risky, but it was worth it.'

Kai looked at the small fragment, faintly shinning, lying on the ground waiting for an owner to claim it. With untempered breaths, he reached out to the fragment, he bought it closer to observe. There was a sliver of reflection in his eyes.

'I won't disappoint you father.'