Faith in a Friend

The gentle summer breeze blew softly on Kai's skin, as he lay cross legged on the village pastures. The grass was soft and comfortable, the birds chirped as they flew by, the leaves were floating through the air, temporarily finding their place on the ground.

But young Kai was not concerned with any of this, his breathing was sequenced oddly, sometimes he'd breath deeply, other times he'd breathe sharply. His hands were cupped together, within them, was a barely noticeable fragment, that only stood out due to its faint glow.

Kai had lost semblance of what was occurring on the outside, in his mind he would only emphasise the faint energy he felt from the fragment.

To build a connection with the world energy, one should know what it feels like in a highly concentrated form, but still, many failed nonetheless.

A strained expression slowly presented itself on the boy's face, there were the odd sweat droplets that streamed down his face, eventually, he opened his eyes with a hint of frustration in them.

'Why won't it work? Am I missing something… No it can't be, I just have to keep trying.'

He subsequently closed his eyes and focused once more.

Two days passed, Kai had returned each day and attempted the same process to no avail.

'Damnit, I'm to meet with Theodan tomorrow, I'd like to make a sliver of progress at the very least.'

The boy closed his eyes and tried again. The fragment had always given him an odd sensation when he held it, this odd sensation was difficult to translate.

It felt warm, but slightly cold at the same time, sometimes the feeling would be faint, other times it would disappear altogether. There were small cracks all over it, but the ore itself was extremely sturdy.

The sun was slowly setting on the horizon. By now, the sensation of the fragment was etched into Kai's mind, yet he couldn't feel it around him.

'Could it be I need to be present in a denser environment of world energy, perhaps that could help… but where would one even find denser world energy?'

'I would ask Sir Illinor, but I'm not due to meet with him till another few days, nor do I feel he would indulge my curiosity after our last session… Uh, I guess I must keep trying for now…'

Kai focused himself, and closed his eyes once again.

As morning of the next day drew close, the father and son, as usual, packed their wares and began walking towards the village carriage that was scheduled to travel to the city.

The two quietly walked along one another, Kai was engrossed within his own thoughts. Damien glanced to his side, he raised his arm and patted his son's shoulder. "Take it easy son."

Kai faintly smiled, but his thoughts didn't slow, he still held the fragment in his hands as he fidgeted with it.

"Father, you mentioned the Leventis Trials before, could you tell me more about it?" Kai spoke while still lost in his thoughts.

The boy's words caused Damien's eyebrows to furrow, he held his son tighter, and turned the boy towards himself.

"You better not be planning to go anywhere near those trials son. Those who dare to enter often end up with irrecoverable injuries, sometimes… sometimes participants can even die."

Damien eyes reflected a subtle hint of fear, he also held onto his son tightly, not ready to let go. He eventually calmed himself and looked away.

"Kai, I've kept you away from the Leventis Trials, but it's not because I don't trust you, rather, I myself cannot attend them, nor do I want to talk about it… I-I was forced at a young age to enter that wretched tournament, in the end I was beat, strangled, worn out… I almost died son." Damien walked forward, he still seemed to be avoiding the topic.

"But, I-I won't hide anything more from you, not anymore… The Leventis Trials are held every two years, all the Lords force their best and brightest fighters to participate… the rules are simple, you may loose by forfeiting, but you may also die fighting… Promise me Kai, you won't enter the trials?"

Kai walked along his father with a look of concern.

"Father I don't intend to cause you any worry, nor am I interested in entering the trials… But I may need to help a friend of mine with it, eventually… So, it's important I'm prepared."

Damien smiled slightly, "oh boy, you really don't know how to be vague about things do you… I do understand, ahem, that this friend of your requires your assistance, just… just not at the cost of your life."

"Yes father." Kai wanted to glean more, but he didn't ask. He only clenched onto the fragment piece tighter than before.

The entrance to the grand Keep was closed, the King had made his way to the forest ranges to hunt for the day.

Yet, the staff was busy as usual, the chamberlains were rushing through the different rooms, as they serviced the areas. Even the Marshal was busy supervising the clerks as they tended to the horses of the royal stable.

The kitchen was full of the undercooks busy preparing the many meals for the day, while the cupbearers were filling in wine to serve the guests at the Keep.

Damien stood in the middle of the Kitchen sternly watching over all at work. The undercooks worked more carefully and swiftly as they felt Damien's stare on their backs.

In the courtyard, sitting on the corner bench was a young boy with black hair. He simply sat cross-legged on the bench as his hands cupped a fragment with a silver hue. He had been patiently waiting there for hours.

'Soon… just a bit more'

Kai could feel his heart beat faster, he'd been anticipating this meet for a month, and he surely had a lot to share with his friend.

Evening came as the sun began to set in, the staff was cycling through their shifts, yet most people still remained busy. Even Steward Abernathy was pacing around the hallways, regardless of the day or occasion, the King loved his feasts and today too there was a small gathering of the Keep's residents, all nobles of course.

Still sitting on the bench, Kai opened his eyes with a frown, he had grown more anxious over the past few hours, afraid Theodan won't make an appearance at all.

The fragment of the origin stone glowed mildly in the darkness, it was clearly noticeable from a close proximity. It continued to exude the same warm-cold sensation.

Kai rubbed the callous surface of the fragment as he brought it closer to his face. Looking directly at the fragment, he couldn't determine anything special about the ore's existence.

'Just where do origin stones come from, if I can find the place where it's mined, Ill probably find the necessary density required to achieve resonance, perhaps, Theodan can help out… if he decides to show up that is' Kai sighed deeply with a forlorn expression.

"I see you managed to acquire one of those origin fragments Kai, surely we have much to catch up on."

A calm voice sounded in Kai's ears, his eyes immediately perked up, there was a noticeable excitement in them.

"I was starting to believe you won't show your face today… Glad I was wrong." Kai spoke with a soft smile as he looked towards the hooded boy standing in front of him.

"Hahahahaha, please tell me you don't believe I'd treat you that way. Out of the people I know well, you're the one I haven't disappointed yet, and I don't hope to begin now."

Theodan removed the cloak covering his face as he spoke, his slightly overgrown silver hair stood out in the dim courtyard. The prince had a wide smile on his face, his eyes looked slightly relaxed after seeing the black haired youth.

"You look… well, better than before. I'm happy to see that."

"And you look… Beaten up for some reason. What've you gotten yourself into in just a months time?" Theodan spoke with a bemused expression, as he seated himself next to Kai.

The prince carefully observed Kai's face, the bruises were glaringly visible, and there were quite a few of them. Even Kai's smile looked pitiful to Theodan.

"I began training in swordsmanship, around the time you disappeared into seclusion, later I earned myself an opportunity to become a refiner, whether I become one or not, is entirely upto luck. But I seem to have already hit a wall. This past month, it's all been rather difficult… Sometimes, I question if I'm even meant for this. I don't want to end up hurting people, nor do I want to quarrel with them…"

"Then why do it in the first place?" Theodan interjected as he looked at the origin fragment in Kai's hands.

"I'm doing it because I made a promise to myself, I hope to keep it no matter what, and so I must proceed with training and refining, even if there's a sliver of hope for me." Kai spoke in a determined tone, causing Theodan to finally shift his gaze to the boy besides him.

"I may have underestimated how much has changed in such a short period of time. I'm glad to see it though, I knew you'll eventually find a path. I also know you'll see it through once you do. As for me… I don't know quite yet where I'll end up, I mentioned an opportunity in the letter, but it's too early to say anything." Theodan resigned himself as he spoke.

"That's simply unfair, I told you something about my life, now it's your turn." Kai crossed his arms, with a pout on his face. He sat patiently without saying another word.

Theodan looked away from the stubborn youth, he tried hard to hide his sheepish and awkward expression, but in the end, he simply sighed. Young Theo pondered a while, eventually, the faint hue of the origin fragment caught the prince's attention.

"This opportunity… Its related to the nature of the very fragment you hold in your hand… That's probably all I can say without revealing anything to you. Mother says no one in the Kingdom can be trusted unless the House of Lambros deems them so." Theodan spoke briefly, but there was a noticeable hesitation in his tone.

"Well, I'd like to make my case by saying, you can trust me, but I understand nonetheless…" Kai spoke in a reminiscing tone,"I have come to understand a little more about how difficult families can be." A weak, pitiful smile emerged on the young boys face.

"If anything, part of my promise to myself, is to become strong enough to assist you in the future, I don't know how, but if one day I can, I'll give it my all." A familiar sense of determination returned to Kai's eyes, as he stared into nothingness.

A small chuckle resounded next to the black haired youth, the prince was amused. "You continue to surprise me, and make me laugh, but in a welcome way… Kai, I wasn't joking when I said I'd participate in the Leventis Trials. I know of its dangers, but I also know of what's at stake… It's only a matter of time before the power dynamics of the Kingdom tilt in another direction. If I'm unable to prove myself by then, it'll be the end of my house."

"I've made some progress in my new endeavour, but my results are simply insignificant. Perhaps… perhaps I may really need your support in the future… Father has those he trusts, but I'm not like father, I'm tired of being the weakling, the worthless prince. I'm ready for change, and for that I'm going to need my own allies, for now, there is only one person I can think of." Theodan looked towards the black haired youth, the prince's silver hair were swaying with the light breeze, but his eyes were bright and unrelenting.

"I promised father I'd stay away from the Leventis Trials… but I-I will do my all to support you otherwise." The black haired youth placed his hand on Theodan's shoulders, he was ready to commit, despite the apparent hesitation.

Theodan was quite pleased by his friend's response, but the plan he had in mind had yet to begin, and much had to be done.

"Let us grow stronger together, let us show those naysayers what we can do… What do you say Kai? Ill try my best to support your efforts to grow stronger, and in turn you shall eventually become a Knight of Lambros, my Knight… But don't answer yet, I want you to think of it proper-"

"There isn't anything to think of Theo, I'm in." Kai spoke with a relaxed smile, he felt no hesitation in supporting his friend.

"Good, meet me in a week's time, I think I can help with the resonance problem you've been facing… If my theory is correct that is." Theodan stood up as he spoke.

"How did you know I've been facing such an issue?"

"I have my ways. I can't tell you everything just yet… But soon, you'll know." Theodan smiled lightly, as he slowly walked away from the black haired youth.