A Frustrating Encounter

With the Leventis Trials soon approaching, more and more people could be found near the training grounds. Kai had arrived earlier than usual, he felt a certain embarrassment to his actions from last time, so for once, he decided to arrive before Sir Illinor.

The small section where the two trained remained empty, except for the dummy and wooden swords, which were neatly placed in a basket.

After arriving here, Kai had to consistently reassure himself to calm his ever anxious demeanour.

He sat himself down on the dirt and placed a small silver fragment within his hands.

Time slowly passed, the boy quit anticipating his teacher's arrival and focused himself on the fragment, primarily the sensation felt from it.

"I wasn't mistaken when I judged your perseverance… but, as I suspected, you struggle to achieve resonance."

Kai's expression strained as he opened his eyes, he turned around to face the voice which addressed him.

"You aren't wrong sir, but I don't plan on giving up anytime soon, who knows, I may surprise you" the young boy spoke with sharp eyes.

Illinor smiled faintly and walked across the section to the wooden swords, he tossed one to Kai and picked one for himself.

"Enough training with the dummy, from here on, you shall face me. Here's the deal boy, you need to strike me successfully and we end training for the day, but in turn I get to strike you as much as I desire, I won't hold back either. Understood?" The Knight tightened his grip around the sword he'd been holding.

Kai had observed the loose grip his teacher held throughout their previous sessions, so seeing it finally tighten, made him visibly nervous. Yet, he held it together, he positioned himself, it felt odd facing a person rather than a dummy, in fact it made him even more anxious.

"Are you sure I'm allowed to strike you sir?" Kai asked hesitatingly.

"Who says you'll even be able to if you tried?" Illinor walked calmly and slowly, but every step he took closer to Kai set the black haired youth on edge.

'Calm yourself, calm yourself, calm yourself…' Kai repeatedly thought as he observed every move the Knight made.

Upon reaching within striking distance, Illinor's arm raised as he prepared to swing. The boy in turn prepared to defend from below, but just when Kai expected the strike to land, a kick penetrated his guard and pushed him back with a strong impact.

The boy fumbled on the ground, he struggled to breath. Eventually, he had to force out breaths till he returned to normal once more. Except, now there was a coldness in his eyes, he certainly wasn't happy.

Illinor's smile deepened, 'Let's see how far this anger of yours will take you…'

Illinor walked towards the boy as Kai picked himself up. The knight paced faster and faster until he arrived closer, Kai immediately retreated. He was forced on his toes to gain enough momentum to avoid the oncoming swing. Swoosh! The tip of the wooden sword merely scratched the boys torso.

However, as soon as Kai stabilised himself, another kick rammed into his stomach causing him to roll in the ground as he attempted to stop himself.

"Are you just letting out your frustration from last time!?" Kai immediately picked himself up and yelled. He ignored whatever pain he felt, he wasn't used to the pain, but he was familiar enough with it.

"If you think that, then you're worse off than I imagined… You're allowed to strike me as much as I'm allowed to strike you, how about you let your swordsmanship do the talking. Or do I always need to involve your family, to see a glimpse of the real fighter within you?" Illinor spoke sternly, he was not concerned with the formalities between a student and teacher.

"Fine, if that's all you wanted then that's what I'll show you" Kai replied with a look of determination, his eyes looked calm like before. But his reaction only caused the Knight to feel excitement.

Illinor stepped forward, but the boy rushed at him with the sword still in his hand, he hand't initiated a swing, he only moved closer to the Knight.

The Knight wasn't hesitant either, he was taking this exercise equally seriously, he twisted his torso as he swung down on the approaching boy.

Kai tightened his claves as he forced himself to stop before he entered the trajectory of the swing. As it swung by him he lowered his body, turned his grip in the opposite fashion, and swung from a lower angle.

Illinor moved his neck back in the nick of time, 'Not bad boy. But not enough' The Knight followed Kai's strike by kicking him while he remained in his lower position.

The boy wasn't completely helpless, he held his arms into a cross to protect himself from the impact, but he was nonetheless pushed back as he fumbled onto the ground once again.

"Argh, Again!" Kai picked himself up and rushed in once more.

The two trained for hours with the occasional break. Now that the Knight was assessing the boy more seriously, striking Illinor had become quite the burden for Kai. He'd come close but it was never enough.

An annoyed and exhausted Kai laid on the dirt with no concern for his clothes, he was breathing fast and could only feel pain around his torso. He'd been struck with the sword, kicked, and even punched multiple times.

"Why… why must you be so hard on me sir?" The boy asked without any concern, he truly wanted to know.

"Nonsense, you think this is close to the best I can do? If I deemed it, I could kill you with this wooden sword… The purpose of today's lesson is something much less sinister." Illinor sat cross legged with his eyes closed, he was in a relaxed state.

"Oh… yea… and what would that be." Kai spoke belatedly still attempting to recover his breath.

"Humility boy, every good warrior should know of it, you know how to fight well in anger, but that same anger can cloud your judgement. It can become a poison, enough to cause a fatal mistake during a fight."

"Is it not unfair to say I made mistakes out of anger, when I stood no chance in fighting you?" Kai protested with a hint of anger.

"I've witnessed enough, to know what is unfair, you do not differentiate between what the realistic and unrealistic… You'll understand what I speak of if you learn to contain your will, if you learn to fight with a clear mind. But, I suspect you're incapable of it currently. If you believe I'm wrong, then prove it." With this Illinor stopped speaking, soon a faint golden glow began to permeate from his exposed skin.

Kai looked at the Knight with an annoyed expression. 'I'll show you.'

Perhaps it was a feeble thought to console himself, or perhaps he really meant it, even Kai couldn't be sure.

As evening came to pass, Damien and Kai made their way through the market. They had come to the market place to prepare supplies for the Keep.

Damien had become used to seeing the bruised condition of his son, but it nonetheless pained him each time he noticed it.

"How has your training been son?" Damien asked with visible concern.

"Fine, I'd rather not talk about it though." Kai walked forward, his mood was still sour since today's session.

The path was still slightly crowded, but there seemed to be some sort of commotion on the path closer to the Keep, further in from Damien and Kai.

The stalls around the market place where still active, but soon to close, so the father and son did not have time to waste, as they searched for the necessary items.

"I believe we only need to visit the butchers stall and we'll be good for the day." Damien spoke as he observed a piece of parchment in his hand.

Packaged bread and a parcel of packaged spices were held in Kai's arms as the two made their way towards the Keep. Damien had his eyes on the lookout for the butchers stall. Suddenly a voice sounded behind the two.

"Oh my lord, I had truly thought I would never see you again… dear brother." It was a hoarse voice but filled with pride and majesty.

Damien didn't turn around, rather he froze in place, only Kai could see his expression. The young boy turned around in time to see a middle aged man, short black hair with the left underside completely shaved. He had a gold ring pierced into his right ear.

The man had a toned body, but he wasn't visibly burly. He wore a lavish breastplate that barely protected his torso, over it he wore a velvet robe that was embroidered well. The man was smiling, it wasn't apparent, but Kai could discern a slight mockery within it.

"Anton… You've arrived at the Capital, I-I was expecting it, but didn't think I would run into you so soon. Does this mean… father is around?" Damien finally placed the courage to turn around and face his elder brother. But his face looked pale, and a rare sense of anxiousness was plastered in his eyes.

Looking at his father's state, made Kai very uneasy, he couldn't understand what he was feeling, but he recognised it. It was a sense of anger. Kai turned his gaze back to his supposed uncle, despite meeting him for the first time, the young boy felt nothing positive.

"Oh, this must be your son, what the hell did you name him… hmmm I can't quite remember, I only remember how disappointed father was with the name you'd decided for him. Or, was that before you changed it?" Anton spoke with a slight smirk, he'd noticed the way Damien's son looked at him.

"My name is and has always been Kai… and I'd appreciate if you'd remember that, sir." Kai spoke with a harsh tone. But before Anton could reply, Damien interjected.

"Kai! That is no way to talk to your uncle." Damien looked at his son as he spoke. Kai could only observe a helpless expression on his father's face.

"But father…"

"Thats enough."

Anton's smirk deepened, "ah let it be, the boy's just having some fun with his uncle. I have sons of my own, so I understand when they get a little moody. In fact, I had one around me somewhere… Where is that rascal… Ian!"

A young boy about Kai's age made his way through the thin crowds as he appeared in front of Kai and the rest. He had rough dark hair, and wore circular glasses. He was relatively good looking, though he wasn't very muscular, nor did he seem strong. But he held a very calm attitude.

"What is it father, I told you to let me be around here, I finally get the chance to rummage through the graded manuals the capital has to offer… oh, who might they be? Ian asked as soon as he noticed Damien and Kai observing him.

"Oh shut it, you have enough manuals for a lifetime, don't think of yourself as a prodigy who can surpass the legends of this Kingdom. Now, I'd like you to meet your uncle, my younger brother Damien and his son… um what was your name lad."

"Kai." Kai replied without hesitation.

Ian was a bit confused as to the situation, especially once he noticed the way Kai looked at his father, nonetheless he wasn't pleased by his cousin's demeanour. "Hmmm, I've heard of Uncle Damien... Father, isn't he the brother of yours who was banished from the family for being inept." Ian asked straightforwardly, without regard, he choose to play dumb, but Anton didn't stop him one bit.

"Watch your tone cousin-"

"Or what, perhaps you don't know of us, as much as we know of you… If you wish to fight I'm sure that can be arranged, publicly." Ian spoke with a calm smile. There was no way to shake his confidence.

"Enough. Kai let's go." Damien turned around before the conversation could continue any further.

Kai forgot about his anger and turned to look at his father's back, he realised he'd been rather careless. He disregarded Anton and Ian, and followed after Damien.

"Oh come now brother, we meet after so many years, and you leave so abruptly…" Anton spoke these words, but his body made no effort in stopping Damien. He simply smiled and patted his son's shoulder.

"What do you think of Damien's boy, son?" Anton asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Simply from those bruises, I can tell he trains often, but he doesn't seem to be a refiner, and he seems too weak to be good at swordsmanship. I'd say I could beat him within a minute, comfortably." Ian replied emotionlessly.

"Very good... It seems things will get rather interesting when Lord Ulysses arrives at the capital."