Ron's POV

"We can move now young master," I said while urging young master Ares to quickly move.

"Hmm," he complied lazily.

I have been working with the Zanuki for two years and my only duty is taking care of the unconscious youngest young master of the family. The doctor already expected that he has a few signs of waking up within this year thus everyone kind of expected that he will wake up soon.

From what the other masters of the family have briefed me before, young master Ares has a sensitive heart, kind of timid and he rarely talks especially to strangers. He is obedient to the elders and treats people politely including the servants. He is also an independent kid and a fast learner thus his previous butler postponed his retirement just to teach young master Ares and he decided to retire after I come.

"Please do not forget to eat your motion sickness pill" I reminded him when I saw him walking aimlessly towards the hospital entrance.

"Hn," he answered dazedly.

"You can sleep inside the car later, young master. I will wake you up when it's time to eat" I said while opening the car's back seat.

"I want to lay down"

"You can do as you wish young master," I said while observing him making himself comfortable inside the car.

"Uncle Dave we can move now and please stop at any rest area during lunchtime," I said to the driver before I sat in the middle seat of the car.

"Yes, you don't have to worry and just take a rest," the driver said after starting the car engine.

The front seat which is the driver's seat has a partition that divided it from the middle and back seat thus I can't see the driver but since this car required a strict security confirmation starting from fingerprints to iris identification and real-time heartbeat reading, it is almost impossible for the driver to be a spy or an assassin.

"Young master, are you asleep?" I asked after half an hour of the journey.

"No, why?"

"Do you want to take an art class since it seems like you have talent in drawing?" I said while looking at his sketches inside the spatial bag.

"No, I don't want" he answered directly

" Huh, why? Isn't it your hobby?" I asked confusedly.

"It's not my hobby"

"Then what is your hobby?" I asked probingly.

"Maybe traveling" he answered short.

It seems like his hobby is still the same as before. The matriarch has reminded me multiple times that I have to allow young master Ares to go outside every day and make sure to suggest him to go to different places around the hospital every few days since before he was in a coma, he likes to wander around the Zanuki territory alone and even accidentally found a defective dungeon gate. He also even learn how to read and draw maps from one of the Zanuki clan members.

"Do you know how to draw a map?" I asked.

"Can't we just use the map in our communication system?"

"..." I always imagine this young master of mine is a shy and naive teenage boy but after almost three weeks of spending time together with him, I have to admit the reality is a little contradictory from what I've imagined.

"Do you want me to make a world map globe?"

"Huh have you made one before?" I asked kind of excited.

"No, but Amma said that our family will all gather during the winter break to celebrate the end of the year and new year together. It's already a tradition to give presents to every family member and those we are close to within the clan so I thought I should start thinking about what to give"

"Wowww young master. You're such a caring person and this humble Ron will help you to my best ability" I said excitedly.

"Hmmm" he responded lazily like always.

"I will prepare the information about your family members later so you can come up with a suitable present for each of them," I said reassuringly and as expected I didn't get a response since the other person have fallen asleep.

He always falls asleep abruptly like this and at first I thought there was a problem or he might have another sickness but it already tested that he's fine. It seems like that is one of his traits where he likes to sleep whenever he wants to.

'No wonder the matriarch called him sleepy head' I muttered to myself.

"Let's see. The class schedule for the young master will be finalized next week after the instructors are successfully hired. He will rest for a few days before starting a basic mana control class with the former matriarch, martial arts and swordsmanship will be taught by the former head captain. The young master will mainly have to self-study on theoretical subjects and only have a discussion with the instructors once a week for each of them. The remaining time is for the young master to recuperate properly. I think that's all for now" I concluded after checking all details in my notebook.


"Sir Ron we have arrived at the portal gate," the driver said when the sun almost set.

"Yes thank you," I said while opening the car door for young master Ares.

"Is that place off limit?" young master Ares asked while we are waiting for our entrance to the teleportation gate.

"Not really but everyone that wanted to go there will be checked thoroughly and even the royal family aren't excluded. The first is for safety reasons since the remnant of demonic energy still lingers around and normal people will be corrupted due to it. Second, there are also a lot of black mages settling down there, doing research under the surveillance of the Zanuki and the empire thus there's quite a lot of dark mana lingering around mixed with the regular mana and those who do not have an affinity or even allergy to dark mana will be sick upon prolonged exposure. Those black mages are converting and purifying demonic energy into dark mana thus they kind of helping us of some sort. Lastly, it is considered a sacred place for the Zanuki since it has been their first settlement point when they decided to settle down and stop being a nomadic clan" I explained clearly since this is also his first time coming here.

"So what about us?"

"As a Zanuki, you are not affected by demonic energy thus dark mana won't also affect you" I explained to him properly.

"What about you?"

"Is young master worried about me? I feel touched~ Are you afraid that I will leave you alone? Don't worry, we the Moran as the vassal clan for the Zanuki for over half a century will be alright since we have been trained to be able to go anywhere our Lord will go"

"So that means I can still have an errand guy" he muttered to himself as if I can't hear him.

"Hmm young master, you know right that I can hear you. You look like a villain character when you're wearing that mask and talk slowly like that" I retorted.

"Hah," he chuckled slightly as if he found me saying he's a villain is funny.

"I'm not a good guy either" he commented.

"Yes you're a naughty young master who likes to use me like an errand boy," I said boldly since I know he doesn't mind this kind of joke.

"I'm hungry," he said ignoring what I'd just said.

"I will prepare the best dinner for the young master after we arrive there. My brother, Ray is one of the chefs there so he will be happy seeing us there"


"Sir, you can enter the gate now," said one of the guards.

"Let's go, young master~, " I said excitedly.

He just followed behind me quietly. The reason why I was assigned to young master Ares was mainly because I'm one of the strongest young generation Moran from the branch family.

The other reason was because of my cheerful personality, unlike the usual cold, emotionless and serious Moran. The matriarch hope that I could become as close as a friend to young master Ares and not only his butler.

Young master Ares seemed to favor his previous butler and maid since they treated him like their own grandson but they have to retire due to old age and went back to their hometown.

That was when me and my twin Ran, filled in the vacancies beside young master Ares. However looking at his current demeanor which was in stark contrast to his past self due to the memory loss, I don't think there's anything to be worried about and forget about him being timid since the current young master that I have didn't even bother to care what others thought about him.

He even sat beside a group of mercenaries while we were waiting just now. Usually noble would avoid being too close with common people but as the matriarch has said, he never cares about status at all and treat people like a normal human being or just ignore them all together like they didn't exist.

After the assassination attempt, many of the Moran including me had changed our impression of young master Ares. Although Moran had pledged to serve the Zanuki, we still have our pride.

Many of the Shadows were reluctant to serve young master Ares since he was depicted as a weak kid.

Zanuki was a respectable and strong noble family not only because they were rich but also because they were indeed strong. The Zanuki could wield both mana and aura. Their mana pool was bigger than most average mages.

Thus after young master Ares settled the assassination attempt himself and didn't look like he care about it even slightly, some of the Shadows started to adore him. Even the one guarding young master Ares during that time was dumbfounded since he didn't sense any killing intent from the female nurse.

As far as I know, the matriarch already confirmed that young Master Ares could wield both mana and aura but since his body was weak since childhood, no one expected him to be proficient in controlling both mana and aura like other Zanuki.

Ron glanced at his young master who was looking around the area silently while the mercenaries around him sneakily take a glance at his young master.

His dark red hair that looked like blood attracted people's attention no matter where he go.

"Fuh we've arrived. This is Kazigare Valley, Young master. We have to walk along this big road straight towards the mountain there. The mansion is located on the highest peak of the mountain but since it's almost dinner time, we will just use this teleportation scroll to teleport straight to the mansion's front gate"

"Why aren't you using it before we went into the portal gate just now. What's the point of paying *50U?" he sounded displeased.

*(50U/50 Universal= the world currency equivalent to 50USD)

"Err it's the matriarch order. She wanted me to show you around in case in the future when you go out alone, you will know where to go. The teleportation scroll has a distance limit where it can't teleport you directly if the distance is too far thus you still need to use the teleportation portal."

"Hmm" he easily accepted my reason despite it sounding a little bit unbelievable.

"Ok here we go young master," I said while ripping off the teleportation scroll.


"Is the food to his liking. Tell him to have breakfast with me tomorrow since there's a lot to discuss" Madam Zandra, the former matriarch said to me from behind the curtain where I could only see her silhouette.

"The young master like the food and he eat more than usual. I will relay your order to him later" I said calmly while my body is shivering.

"You can go now"

"Yes, former matriarch," I said and quickly went out of the room.

'As expected, it's not a wise idea to meet the matriarch when she was alone without her aids and servants since she has a habit of not wearing her restriction earrings when alone. I could barely walk properly after not even two minutes of being in the room. Fortunately young master Ares doesn't have this kind of habit even when he was sleeping, he just keeps the earrings on him all the time'

The Zanuki have to wear special earrings to filter their aura all the time since their aura could harm other people just like demonic energy due to a mutation more than a hundred years ago.

"Should I get a midnight snack for young master" I mumbled while walking towards the kitchen.

'As expected of the former matriarch's mansion, the security here is no joke. Since I'm a Moran, they let me sense that they were everywhere inside and outside of the mansion. The Shadows here are only loyal to the former matriarch and some of them also have been put beside the young master's side as he is her direct descendant.'

"Brother~ can I get my young master a midnight snack," I said when I saw Ray's stoic face cleaning his kitchen knives.

"Are you sure it's for young master and not for a hungry thief acting like an errand boy?" he said coldly while giving a basket to me. I could smell a porridge and warm milk tea in there.

"There's also a Mac n Cheese in there and that's for you so don't touch young master's porridge and milk tea"

"Of course. Thank you brother" I said and quickly ran away from the kitchen when I saw Ray still holding the kitchen knives.

Knock knock

I knocked on the door of the lab that was specially made for young master Ares. The former matriarch started making a lab, study room, and a gym for young master Ares three years ago and it seems it would not be wasted and remain unused with young master Ares staying here.

"Come in" a voice echoed from inside the lab

"I bring midnight snacks for you young master. There's a porridge for you and one of the maids gave some biscuits in case you want to munch on something while working" I said while putting the basket on a tea table while young master Ares didn't even glance at me.

"You eat the biscuits and give me that cheese smell like food," he said emotionlessly.

"Damn this glutton nose" I mumbled not even trying to make sure that young master of mine would not hear what I said.

"You can eat the porridge and half of the milk tea"

"Are you sure young master?" I said as if trying to reject but not.

"Bring me an ice lemon tea after you finish eating"

"Alright~ But what are you doing young master?" I asked when I see him fidgeting with the unfinished gadgets given by his grandfather.

"I think I will work on this first," he said while showing a toy that looked like a balloon carrying a basket (hot air balloon)

"What is that young master? Isn't it a kid's toy? There are more weird toys like that in the storage inside your bedroom" I said confusedly.

"Then move them all here. Put it on the shelves over there. I will take a look at them later" he said while dissembling the toy and then putting the others neatly inside the drawer.

"Ok" I answered shortly since it seems good for the young master to have a hobby even though it is kind of weird.

'This must be why the former matriarch always asked Master Zen to stop giving him weird toys or weird unfinished gadgets even if they look cute. Despite losing his memory, he is still interested in those things'