New Life

This world looked a bit more advanced than my previous world but its entertainment side and some of the technology that should've existed are not yet been created due to a few reasons such as the existence of magic, human that is stronger than a regular human, phenomena such as dungeon gates and human continuous war with monsters and demons.

All these make certain types of technology advance faster such as intelligence technology, medical sectors, weapon making, and magic-related technology but some technology seems to be neglected especially those related to the aircraft industry.

"That's why this thing was never created," I said while observing the hot air balloon toy.

Grandpa said that he would not give me any more of this kind of toy since the person creating them have gone missing for almost two decades and he gave me these toys since I kind of made him remember that person.

"There's a possibility that person is also a transmigrator but I'm not sure if he came from the same world as me as many of these toys and gadgets used magic as its basic principle" I muttered while looking at the other items scattered across the lab's marble floor.

"I should try to make this little hot air balloon fly first and when I understand magic better, I will take a look at the other items" I decided before I went out of the lab and went to find Ron since I asked him to find me small nylon strings, gasoline oil and a small metal bottle that have a high melting point.

There's nothing much to modify on the hot air balloon since I only have to install the burners.

"Young Master, you woke up earlier than expected" suddenly an older maid greeted me when I was walking in the hallway.

"Hmm" I responded slightly since I didn't feel the need to tell the maid that I actually staying awake the whole night and currently looking for my errand boy.

"The former matriarch invited you to have breakfast with her," she said politely without having any eye contact with me.

"Lead the way"

"Please follow me, Young master"

Knock knock

"Madam, the young master is here," said the maid after knocking on the dining hall's door.

Yesterday I stood in front of the door for solid 10 minutes looking at the weird diagrams and symbols carved on it. Interestingly, it looks exactly like hieroglyphs that I've seen in an Egypt Pyramid documentary. Luckily, Grand was busy yesterday and I ate alone thus I managed to brush off Ron who was urging me to quickly enter the dining hall.

The maid opened the door and quickly closed it after I entered. I saw Grand already sitting at the head of the long table and there was a seat with complete cutleries beside her indicating that was where I should seat.

"Good morning Grand" I greeted her politely.

"Yeah but I don't think I should say good morning to a person who stayed up all night," she said after I sat down.

"I just lost track of time" I tried to give a reasonable reason.

"Don't worry, I won't mind anything you do as long as it's within my territory but you should take care of yourself" she said and started eating her breakfast.

Seeing the portion of food in front of us, it seems true that Zanuki was a glutton family since they eat a lot which was more than thrice the amount of normal people. No wonder grandpa was so big and tall but the women in this family seem normal.

"So what're you doing?"

"Huh I'm just taking a look at grandpa's presents and arranged them"

"You just do that all night?"

"Not really. I kind of modified or repaired one of them and it doesn't take the whole night actually"

"Is that why you send your butler away early this morning?"

'Oho, this old lady sure doesn't talk big when she's telling me that she knows everything within her territory'

"I just asked him to buy a few things," I said honestly.

"Tell me if you need more money"

"Can I access the library?" I asked since Ron said that the Zanuki loved to collect things when they were still a nomadic tribe where books and manuscripts were one of the many things they've collected and it could fill up a regular-sized library.

"Yes sure. But don't bring any of the books or manuscripts from the library outside this mansion"

"Thanks, Grand"

"It's not much. But please don't go near the vault room since there's a lot of security mechanisms there" she said giving me another reminder.

I already realized that this family does treat 'Ares' especially by spoiling him and kind of overprotecting him either out of love or due to some reasons.

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind."

"Your training plan has already been put on your study table so take a look at it and you can start right away. Notify the kitchen when you start your training since they will prepare your meals based on the intensity of your training"

"Yes I'll do that"

Finally, the most formal breakfast that I ever had, ended without any mishaps thanks to the subconscious memory of this body where it instinctively acts according to proper noble eating etiquette every time I eat.

After reading through the 2 pages training schedule, I started to create my schedule based on it and will give it to Ron later since as noble, I must make sure my servants know where I'm almost all the time.

"I just let one day of the weekend empty after lunch so I can take a stroll around this territory," I said after finished writing the last sentence on my schedule.

"Hmmm it looks pack but this is still bearable since my life never been this idle, to begin with," I said while waiting for Ron.

'Rayyan Lee must've truly dead and now I have to live as Ares. Since God give me this chance, I have to make sure 'Ares' will survive until the end right?'


[POV: Jinu Zanuki]

"Sir this is the letter from the matriarch"

"Yes thank you," I said before signaling my aid to exit the room and leave me alone.

"It's rare for that woman to suddenly sent a letter since this is not the ancient time anymore hmm so it says here-huh.....what?" I was shocked and confused when seeing the content of the letter which also asked me to become a weekly tutor.

"Has she become senile all of the sudden?" I commented and re-read the letter once again and confirmed that the letter was exactly written by the matriarch and from the tone of it, she sounded serious.

"Fuh I'm busy enough so maybe I should just give some tasks and assignments for him to do. That guy Zenin might agree to this and who else is there, maybe Zoroas also get this same letter" I said before pushing the communication button calling for my assistance.

"Yes sir," the middle-aged man said to me politely.

"Send all the books that I've written along with the sample tests that I have created to the former matriarch's house and tell them that is my answer. Tell that person, one set must be sent to me each month and a complete research paper must be sent before he enrolls in HGA"

"Tell him to choose only one subject as his research paper but for the assignments, he must finish both subjects" I continue and gave a list of books that should be sent away to the servant.

"Yes sir, I will send it right away early tomorrow morning through express delivery"

"Yeah sure since it's not urgent or personal" I quickly agreed to his arrangement and shoo him away.

"I am already busy with the older one and she wants me to take care of the younger one. Not that I hate him or something but why should I be near a ticking time bomb. I even tried to do a fake assassination on him before so is this a punishment for me" I said grumpily.

When Ares just woke up from a coma, I tried to do a fake assassination attempt and Ares swiftly avoided it like it was nothing.

Even though the doctor already determined that Ares suffered from PTSD, the way he acted was more in line with how a Zanuki should act which was how the strong acted, indifferent to useless things.

Not all Zanuki were cold and emotionless like Zerisa, Ares's sister but the similarity that all Zanuki should have is the sense of confidence of the strong and the curiosity as a former nomadic clan member.

Karin and Adrian have an extrovert disposition but they were bold and just do whatever they wanted without the fear of repercussion because they were Zanuki clan members, the strongest clan in the empire.

As Zanuki, not many people have the guts to voluntarily be close to them. Some people like them and many hate them. The public viewed Zanuki as a need to ensure the empire remained save especially from demons but they also feared them because they were strong and not vey open to the public eyes.

Jinu or what the Zanuki's younger generation called Uncle Jin was a selfless person. Everything he did was not only for the sake of himself but for his clan.

He didn't hate Ares but for him, Ares was a dangerous existence, a double-edged sword. A wrong move and it would implicate the clan or even the empire.

However, the matriarch was soft-hearted as Ares was still her youngest grandson. Maybe due to affection mixed with guilt, she never let Ares be wronged even the slightest.

"Those old people became overprotective over this brat. I don't know whether it's a good or bad thing" Jinu muttered before he heard a voice message from his intercom.

"Sir, we detected her at the border of the Carindale Harbor. Should we just let her be?"

"Yes just let her" I replied nonchalantly.

"But the former matriarch's Shadows...."

I quickly cut him off before he managed to finish his sentence, "Do you think that old lady doesn't know? She knows everything so just do what I tell you if you want to live longer"

I cut the communication after finished saying what I wanted. Those people won't be able to detain her even if I asked them so just letting her do what she wants will avoid unnecessarily lost of manpower.

"I think I just have to meet him during the winter celebration then" I mumbled to myself while staring at the piles of documents that needed my attention.


"Since you have awakened your mana before, we will teach you how to hold your aura," Ron said to me while Ran just stand behind him silently.

"Are you sure I can wield aura?" I asked since nothing about Ares's ability was mentioned in the novel. Even in the game, he was designed to be similar to an assassin thus I'm not sure if this body can wield aura or not.

The Zanuki is known to be able to wield both aura and mana at the same time. However, there's already a case when a Zanuki couldn't wield aura at all so it was not surprising if 'Ares' also couldn't.

"The matriarch said you can since she has seen your aura before" Ron answered confidently.

"So what should I do now?" I asked curiously because I truly didn't know anything about aura since not every character could wield it and not many details were mentioned, unlike magic and mana.

"As you know, an aura is a colored emanation said to enclose a human's body or any animal or object. In some esoteric positions, the aura is described as a subtle body. We, humans, have improvised our aura to not only enclose or enhanced our bodies but also to do the same to our weapons. Thus master level knight and warrior are those who managed to use aura to their maximum potential" Ron explained clearly.

"The Zanuki mostly have fire aura where it contains purifying elements in it. However, a few of your cousins don't have to purify elements in their auras but something else. Zanuki's aura is said to be different than normal people since it can affect everyone if it was not properly restricted and controlled" he continued before pointing his index finger towards my earrings.

"What? These earrings?" I asked confusedly.

"Those earrings are magic tools for filtering your aura. Due to mutation, Zanuki's aura is said to be dangerous to other humans thus it must be filtered. Aura is said to be the accumulation of positive and negative energy from someone's body but it doesn't have anything to do with whether that person is evil or good"

"Zanuki's aura is said to become mutated after they were trapped inside the demonic realm for a long period during the last Great War between humans and demons 1000 years ago. Due to prolonged exposure to demonic energy, their body undergoes mutation, which causes the aura to be abnormal. That is why currently, only the Zanuki will not be affected by demonic energy even if they were tossed inside the deepest part of the demonic realm."

"So there's a gain and a loss. Our aura becomes chaotic and harmful to humans but we are immune to demonic energy" I concluded.

'I think this must be why some people in the novel said the Zanuki is a half-blooded demon race' I lamented.

"Ermm young master, you can't make it sound sad like that. It's kind of a blessing in disguise don't you think so" Ron said trying to motivate me.

"Yeah...sure" I replied agreeing with him.

"So now you just have to sit in a lotus position like Ran and close your eyes," he said while pointing at Ran who had at some point already sat in a lotus position and closed her eyes. The only sign that she was alive was the slight movement of her chest moving as she breathed.

"It seems similar to meditation" I commented.

"You're clever, young master. It is indeed meditation. You have to meditate to be able to feel your aura" he said after seeing me sit down.

"Now close your eyes. Calm your mind, breathe slowly, take a deep breath each and slowly exhale. Make yourself calm and try to feel the energy enveloping your body" I can hear Ron's voice from behind me.

A few moments later, I felt a buzzing hot feeling on my hand. That must be my aura was what I thought however Ron's anxious voice gave me an ominous sign.

"Hmm young master, please make sure the energy you try to exert is not from inside your body but around. From around to inside not the other way. Aura is enveloping on top of your body and not produced from inside since you have to control it if you want it to move inside your body" Ron said

"Hmm Ran, I think something is wrong" I could hear Ron's voice once again.

"Here" I heard Ran's voice a few moments later before I felt my hands being chained up and my eyes also blindfolded.

"Ok, now we can start once again. Don't open your eyes young master and focus on your meditation. Try to feel your aura again" Ron instructed.

'Do you think I can open my eyes after you tightly blindfolded me like this'

After a few moments that felt like an eternity, I felt a cool sensation on my skin. The feeling was like a night breeze or damp air after rain brushing against my skin and it makes me comfortable.

"Yes go on young master. That is your aura" Ron sounded excited.

I tried moving my aura and I could feel a soft cold touch on my face. Later I felt like a thin cloth hugging me from behind. Before I managed to move it more, the cold feeling disappear and while I was still confused, Ron opened the blindfold on my eyes.

"Huh, why did you chain me up," I said startled seeing my hands were chained up with thick black metal bracelets.

"It's because you mixed your aura with mana. So we decided to restrict your mana with this mana restriction chain" Ran replied directly while Ron looked guilty.

"Ohh I see" I easily accepted the reason since they have no reason to lie to me.

"Do you want to see what your aura looks like young master?" Ron said trying to divert my attention from the chain. He gave me his tablet where he clicked play on a video.

In the video was me being blindfolded and suddenly a black mist started enveloping my body. It looks like a gas at first before it becomes solid black looking like a slime where it has golden glitters all over it. The aura moves around my body for a few moments before getting thinner and dissipating.

"What aura is that?" I asked curiously.

"Err we also don't know," Ron said while scratching his head.

"We will do some research and ask the matriarch about it later since as known until now, no Zanuki have wielded this kind of aura before" Ran said calmly while Ron looked worried.

"Ok then. At least I can wield aura but how about you guys?" I asked trying to ease the tension.

"Of course, we also can. Unlike the others, Moran is known to be one of the most capable aura wielders in the empire. However many of us don't have an affinity to magic since we have a really small amount of mana" Ron said energetically.

"Ran show young master, our aura," he said while staring at his twin, Ran.

Ran sighed before she started closing her eyes and suddenly I could feel the temperature of the surrounding seems to be decreasing a bit. Later, the fog started to emerge out of nowhere until my view was almost completely obstructed.

"Moran is known to wield a different kind of fog aura such as this" Ron explained to me while I kept staring at the fog in our surroundings.

"I never know you can cover your surrounding with aura. I thought aura was mainly used with weapons" I commented sounding excited despite my face remaining stoic.

"Only a certain aura can do this but other normal aura wielders can also cover a certain area with their aura after they reach a certain level. I have seen the matriarch aura before and it was way more amazing than this" Ron said proudly.

"How is Amma's aura looks like?"

"It looks like hell" Ran replied.

"Err yeah that's also one of the ways to describe it since I also don't know how to put it into words" Ron added after seeing me staring at him demanding an explanation.

"You will see it one day," Ran said seemingly too lazy to try to think and make up sentences to explain it any further.

"So now I only have to know what my aura is and how to use it right?" I mumbled.

"We will also help you, young master," Ron said energetically.

"Practice well young master" Ran added flatly.