
Time flew by faster when you're busy and currently, it's already the start of summer but my cousins and sister were nowhere to be seen. The only things signaling that I have a good relationship with them were the regular monthly letters from 4 of them.

The latest letter told me that they couldn't come to Kazigare Valley since they were busy preparing for the royal ball and hunting. They currently staying at our family mansion in the capital since it's easier and closer to the venue of the event.

"I always forgot that this world still has nobility classes since they looked like a modern world in some sense" I muttered to myself while preparing the gift for my sister and cousins.

I planned to give them two hot air balloon toys and two cute cat shape lanterns that I've finished making. There's also an instruction manual included along with my letter.

"Why are they sending me letters when they can just video call me?" I have asked this question to Ron when I first started getting the letter.

"The matriarch blocked your communication line thus no one can contact you without the matriarch's permission. This is to ensure you can recuperate, train and study properly. The blockage will be lifted during the winter celebration" he explained to me reassuringly.

"Eris or Zerisa is my sister, right? She is 17, the same age as Karin my cousin. Adrian and Kara are 15 years old. All of them are studying at HGA right?" I try to confirm my knowledge with Ron.

"Yes, young master. I'm sure they will love your gifts since they must be bored preparing for the events" Ron said confidently.

"Have you already sent it to grandpa?"

"Yes, and he said he likes it."

"Ok wrapped this up along with my letters and send it to Amma," I said before walking out of the lab and going to the gym.

It's been a few months since I started training and my height seems to increase since this body is still in its growth spurt phase thus it's not too surprising when I manage to grow around five centimeters in a mere four months.

My training in the gym usually consists of me jogging for a few kilometers on the treadmill for an hour, then I will start with doing planks and sit-ups before I do weight lifting. Currently, I managed to lift the 60 kilograms weight a few times at ease. It doesn't seem much since I once saw Grand lift a sofa single-handedly just because she saw the design looked a bit crook on its corner.

"Young Master, the captain said you can start your sword training first since he will be late today due to a meeting," Ron said from outside the gym entrance.

"Then what else do I have on my schedule?"

"You have to finish Sir Jinu's monthly assignment tonight since the due date is this weekend" he earnestly reminded me.

'Damn those monster research and economic studies' I complained in my heart since I don't know why the hell I should learn economy all of sudden.

"Yes I understand," I said hiding my grievance.

I was learning swordsmanship from a former knight and currently the chief trainer in Kazigare Valley where only low ranking knights were stationed here but from what I observed, their force was not as weak as I imagined. Maybe it's because the trainers were experts or it's due to the pressure from their superiors.

Since I have a leaner body compared to other men in my family, the instructor decided to let me wield a katana rather than a regular sword and since he also realized that I was ambidextrous which I could use both of my hands with equal dexterity, he started teaching me dual handed swordsmanship.

He also asked Ran who is my maid whom I rarely see since she doesn't always appear in front of me like Ron to spar with me and teach me how to use daggers since ambidextrous individuals usually choose daggers as their weapons.

"Young master. I will accompany you until the instructor comes" Ran said after I arrived at the training hall.

My training time usually was when the knights went out on patrol or working. The training hall would be full of knights early in the morning and afternoon after tea time.

"Yeah sure," I said while taking two daggers from my spatial ring.

"We will have you use aura again today" Ran said to me.

Compared to Ron, I really like Ran straightforwardness and she looks like a living artificial doll due to that emotionless face of hers. However, I already confirmed that she is human since this world is not on that level to have an artificial human yet even though a few researchers are planning to create them.

'How can twins have an opposite character to each other like this?' I lamented when I compared Ron with Ran.

The former likes to act like a loyal cute dog always wagging his tail for his master while the latter is a quiet unfriendly dog that you only brought out when you wanted to intimidate your annoying neighbors.

"As I said before, young master, the aura can strengthen one's physical body and their weapon but mana borrows the power from natural elements from nature to use magic but you always mixed both of them" Ran commented after clashing with me a few times.

"Isn't it sturdier if I put mana on top of my aura?" I said confusedly since no one can use aura offensively.

"Hmm I think I know where you're going with that," she said before stopping her attacks and observing me.

"What do you mean?"

"One of your cousins also do the same thing and instead of just coating her weapon with aura, she kind of managed to hold multiple weapons just using her aura mixed with mana" she explained to me.

"Do you mean a psychokinesis spell?"

"It's not a spell since she's using aura but it's kind of the same with psychokinesis. You can see her aura forming into a shape like hands."

"Young master!! I'm sorry I'm late" suddenly someone shouted from the training hall entrance. A blond man is walking fast coming towards me while waving his right hand.

"I want grilled meat"

"All right I will send them to you during dinner hehe," he said grinning at me.

This goofy-looking man is Grand's most trusted trainer since he had served Grand for three decades and had been training thousands of knights working for the Zanuki his name is Edgar Barnes and he has two children named Edmond and Emeline who worked at Soga Mountain where Zanuki main mansion was located.

"Now young master, just focus on using your aura and don't think of making it sturdier since your mana will start coming out every time you're thinking like that. My job is to make sure you manage to control your aura perfectly" he said to me while Ran is watching from the side holding a digital notebook.

"Yes I understand," I said before started training for two full hours.


"There are not many mages who like to enhance their psychokinesis skill since the magic circle is complicated and it's kind of an advanced spell derived from levitation where the latter is simpler since the objects only move upwards but psychokinesis makes the objects move freely to all directions based on the user mind," I said while going through the thick magic book.

"Young master, I already sent your assignment manuscripts this evening and tomorrow is the weekend. Do you have any plan for tomorrow?" Ron asked me after putting the next monthly tasks that I have to finish on a table beside me.

"Hmm I will study magic tomorrow so don't disturb me"

"Your uncle will be visiting on Monday. Is there any request you want me to pass to him?"

"No" I answered short and Ron just leave the room after making sure I didn't need anything.

"Isn't it easier if I can make a spell included something like an imaginary mana string to control the objects like psychokinesis does? Ran said that my cousin use her aura as an intermediary and then use mana to create something similar to psychokinesis but I think I will mess up since I always mixed my aura with mana. Isn't there a spell called puppetry or something similar to that" I mumbled to myself while rummaging through the magic books scattered all across the large study table?

Luckily, the monthly assignments papers are on another table thus they were not mixed. As a designer of this game, I've already seen tons of magic circles dozens of times since I'm the one designing them and I know the details of each stroke.

Not many people know that you can combine multiple spells into a single magic circle if you change its stroke. Usually, only talented mages would boldly try this method since your spell would be defective if the combination was wrong.

"If I combined basic puppetry magic circle with psychokinesis magic circle, it will look like advanced psychokinesis in a sense but the magic circle will be less complicated"

I kept on drawing dozens of magic circles for the whole night to find the correct combination and I only stopped when Ron reminded me to eat breakfast.

'Damn I worked the whole night again and this body still managed to finish the daily exercises' I lamented while taking a shower after coming back from breakfast and my training in the gym.

"Ron, I will stay in my lab the whole day so just let my lunch outside the lab door. Call me when dinner is ready" I said to Ron before I started practicing my new spell which I called simplified psychokinesis or a crude version of psychokinesis.

"Yes, young master" Ron replied before leaving me alone since.

I started trying out each magic circle until after a few hours, I finally managed to find the correct functioning one. I didn't have to put an invisibility spell on it since basic puppetry already contains invisibility magic in it thus making my job easier.

"There's seem like a limit on how much weight I can control since this is a combination of basic spells thus this might be the main reason why that psychokinesis magic circle is so damn complicated. Should I try finding out the limit first"

I started lifting every object in the room starting from the pens on the table to the steel chair where I only managed to lift it around 5 centimeters above the ground before it fell onto the floor when I tried moving it.

"Hmm, I think this chair is the limit. So should I try combining it with a mid-tier puppetry magic circle or add a weight reduction magic circle on it or both" I said while looking at the original psychokinesis magic circle.

Psychokinesis is considered to be between mid-tier and high-tier magic but not many mages actively practice it since it has less offensive power compared to other spells. Its complicated magic circle also has to be blamed.

"Ok let's do this one by one. I already expected that this is not easy" I said while rummaging through the thick magic books and finding four magic circles that I wanted.

"Weight reduction is a mid-tier magic circle since it derives from levitation spell which is also called an anti-gravity spell. Mages created this spell since they always lack in terms of physical capability compared to knights and warriors. Next is mid-tier puppetry, basic psychokinesis, and advanced psychokinesis"

As the designer, I know that advanced magic circles were formed from multiple combinations of different level of magic circles into one single magic circle making it looks more complicated but there is always a different version of magic circles that could be created from the same formula such as the one I'm trying to make.

"First is putting basic psychokinesis as the base then put mid-tier puppetry as its second base and weight reduction on top of both. I might need more time before this will work out since this is the crook version of advanced psychokinesis since I have to put a limit on the magic circles to make it stable" I mumble to myself while using the computer to derive different magic circles from combining the three of them.

I just know that I could use the computer to automatically draw dozens of magic circles and printed them out after I had already drawn dozens of magic circles by hand yesterday.

I checked the magic circles generated on the screen one by one and put a restriction on each one of them before I chose a few magic circles that looked alright and kept away from the others.

Since this world advanced along with magic, many magic-related systems and technology have been created and the computer in this lab was one of them where it could store tons of magic spells and information, designed and generated magic circles while also having the normal function of a computer as an internet.

"They use mana towers as satellites instead of out of space satellites huh" I commented when I first realized that fact.

Maybe that is why they never created an airplane or even a basic aircraft like a hot air balloon since there's no need to fly around when you have a teleportation gate almost everywhere and it is more convenient than riding an airplane where you might die if the plane crashed because of malfunctions or bad weather.

Mana also lingered in the air and the atmosphere thus making a mana tower as a substitute for satellites seem plausible.

"Maybe I should write about psychokinesis as my magic research assignments since I already chose a topic for my monster study subject. Hell no will I write about the economy when I barely understand them"

Later I went to have dinner with Grand since we already promised to eat dinner together once a week during the weekend.


Later that night after dinner, my body suddenly felt hot as if I'm having a fever. At first, I tried taking a cold shower to freshen up my head since I thought I must have overworked myself with those dozens of magic circles for the whole day.

However, when I started feeling dizzy, I decided to call Ron and asked him to bring me some medicines.

"This is a headache and a fever pill. You can take them simultaneously" he said after entering my room. His face seem worried and he seemed to put on some distance from me.

"Hmm, thanks, you can go," I said and just then I realized my voice have become hoarser than normal.

"Yes young master," he said before leaving me alone.

I didn't think this was a normal headache or sudden fever. This must be one of the conditions of this body that I didn't know of. This body isn't weak so getting a fever out of nowhere without any particular reason seems impossible.

And Ron's behavior that seems odd also indicates that he might know something.

'These medicines aren't normal headaches fever medicines aren't they?'

My brain started to turn around searching for every piece of information that I could remember about 'Ares'.

There's a mention about Ares going berserk and losing control in Zanuki's mansion before his enrollment right?

In the novel, a flashback from Zerisa seems to mention about 'Ares' went berserk so suddenly at night and causes the death of a few servants. Since then he become more enclosed and timid due to guilt thus making his heart more fragile.

"Is that thing happening now but why so sudden?" I said confusedly while gazing around the room.

The medicines didn't seem to be working at all since I still felt like shit. Suddenly, I had the urge to go out of the room but my consciousness tried to prevent me from doing so since I know, if I went out, some unlucky innocent servants might die.

"Go out? No?" I mumbled confusedly in a half daze state before my eyes locked on the room's window.

"Window? Out? Yes? No servants?" I said while walking slowly towards the window.

I accidentally bumped into my tea table and chairs but I just ignored them since my priority was going out of this suffocating room.

When I opened the window, I went to the balcony and jumped down. Despite landing flatly on my back when there was only a thin layer of grass which didn't help in absorbing the fall impact, I didn't feel any pain at all.

The only thing I felt was my body burning up and my brain was on a verge of exploding. After lying down for a few moments, I dazedly stood up and walked towards the lake in the backyard of the mansion.

"It's hot? Lake?" I mumbled.

My brain didn't seem to function properly and my body was moving on instinct based on my subconscious. Luckily, I still managed to realize where I was and where I was going.

"There! That is the young master" I heard voices shouting my name when the water level reached my waist.

"All of you surround the lake" I heard Grand's voice.

A few moments later, I could see Grand coming toward me where she walked inside the lake without the help of anyone. She smiled at me while her eyes looked exhausted.

"You're doing great," she said before hugging me.

Unconsciously, a tear dropped from my eyes and my body felt limp. The hot feverish feeling started to dissipate and my mind went blank.

Unknowingly, I fainted.