
Catherine was smiling during the whole carriage ride. She still couldn't believe that she got to ate dinner together with Albert. The feeling of warmness spread to her heart as she recalled their small conversation earlier.

While recounting their encounter, she did not notice that they had arrived. It was only when Fred loudly knocked on the carriage door did Catherine got out of trance. Fred was considerate enough to guide Catherine back to the front porch of the hospital quarters.

"Good night, Milady." Fred, with his ever so nonchalant face, bid farewell politely.

"Thanks for tonight, Fred. Take care, drive safely." Fred nodded in acknowledgement while Catherine waved her hand. She waited before the carriage went out of sight before entering. What she did not know was that two persons were waiting for her in the lobby of the dormitory. Lord Zachary and Doctor Helene.

Seeing Catherine back from the Moriarty Manor, Lord Zachary and Doctor Helene put down their teacup and inquired.

"How did it go?" Doctor Helene pulled Catherine to sit down beside her and ask her with a bunch of questions.

"Helene, let her have a break. Stop asking questions" Lord Zachary reprimanded her.

"As if you're not curious." Doctor Helene just rolled her eyes at him and ask Catherine again, however this time, she soften her stance.

"It went well. William and I plan on going to the bar to investigate tomorrow. Please be assured I will relay any information we'll get tomorrow." Catherine recounts what happened at the manor.

"That is great. I know you must be tired. Why don't you turn in for the night. Sleep well so that you'll have energy for tomorrow." Lord Zachary, as considerate as ever, dismissed Catherine for the night. Doctor Helene was also understanding so they bid farewell to her.

"Then, I'll retire to my quarters. Please don't stay up late, you two." Both the two seniors just nodded to her.

Tired from today's event, Catherine walked up to her room. As she entered, her roommate was already asleep. She silently walked towards the bathroom to take a quick bath, change into her nightgown and turn off the lamp. Gazing at the bright night sky outside the window, she closed her eyes to pray, then covered herself with the blanket and went to sleep.


At the Moriarty Manor…

After Catherine left, Louis patiently waited for Albert to go inside. He did not say anything. For a while, Albert suddenly turned around, smiled at Louis and quickly went inside. Seeing his older brother's reaction, Louis chuckled at himself, followed suit and went to the second floor.

Louis stopped at the door and knocked politely. "Brother William, It's me."

"Come in, Louis."

The voice heard inside seems a bit tired as if he just took a break. Louis then entered the room only to see a tired William covered in his blanket slumped at his desk chair.

"Brother, you should turn in for the night. Also, Catherine bid you farewell. She was asking why you did not show up." Louis recalled what happened.

"It's fine." William lazily replied.

Louis help him clean up his desk and other papers scattered around the floor.

"Louis, have the carriage with no crest be prepared for tomorrow. I'll pick up Lady Catherine at half past nine in the morning. Also…" William straighten his posture. "Could you call up Brother Albert to come here, there is something that I wish to discuss with him."

Louis smiled. "Did you know brother, Brother Albert smiled ever so sweetly earlier when he escorted Catherine to the carriage. He looked so happy. He may not realize it but he was actually acting like someone deep in love."

"Is that so…" William leaned on his hand and stared at the window. "Love is a great thing."

"True." Louis then excused himself.

The silence of the night was peaceful for the people of Durham, each of them thinking about something precious, while others looked forward to what would happen tomorrow…

Morning, Durham Hospital Dormitory

As the sun's rays hit Catherine's face, she slowly woke up to a brand new day. Remembering her appointment with William, she then took a bath, changed into plain yet presentable clothes, and went to the communal dining room.

The only people in the room were Luke and a few junior doctors. Some of them politely greeted her, while others just nodded. Catherine returned their greetings while avoiding Luke. He felt different today, as if he had changed into someone she didn't recognize.

She then took some sandwich, and a glass of orange juice and settled to a table, far from Luke. Some have notice this, while the others pretended to have not seen anything, after all, see no evil, hear no evil. They don't want any trouble, considering that Catherine is under Lord Zachary and Doctor Helene's care. Without a care for what was going on with the others, Catherine ate in silence, focusing only on her sandwich.

"Miss Catherine, you're not going to the Emergency ward today?" a junior doctor asked her casually.

"Yes, I have an appointment today. Perhaps later during the late shift, I might be able to fill in." Catherine answered truthfully.

"Well, Miss… although it's just a rumor but I would like to ask, Is it true that you are dating Professor Moriarty?" some of the doctors present also tuned in. They were pretty much interested in Catherine's love affair.

But before Catherine could answer, Lord Zachary beat her to it. "Looks like the junior residents are lacking in training sessions since instead of focusing on your lessons, you all are pretty much inclined to gossip sessions… "

All the junior residents gulped nervously as they continued eating in silence. They dared not continue their chatter and didn't even glance at the Chief, fearing he might add tasks for the day.

"Catherine, Lord William is outside waiting for you." Lord Zachary informed Catherine on the matter.

"Oh? Then I should go. Thank you for telling me, Lord Zachary." Catherine hastily finish her drink and got up. She bid farewell to the people at the table and left.

Lord Zachary followed her with his gaze, and after she vanished out of sight, he then glanced at Luke, who was also looking to where Catherine had left. He then gave Luke a warning glare, without caring for the others. After achieving his goal for the day, he then went to get breakfast.

At the lobby of the hospital dormitory, Catherine bumped into Doctor Helene who was entertaining William and Albert as they waited for her. Lord Zachary invited them inside since it was a bit rude to let the Earl and his younger brother wait in the carriage in the early morning. The three had a pleasant conversation, and they all stood up seeing Catherine coming over.

"I hope I hadn't made you all wait for too long." Catherine apologized as she fixed herself.

"Not a problem. Please take your time, Catherine." It was Albert who replied to her. Catherine was shocked by his presence.

"Oh?… Albert? You're here too?" Catherine ask in surprise.

"Is he not supposed to be here?" Doctor Helene asked in confusion. She then looked back and forth between Catherine and the Moriarty brothers.

"Well… I've shared our itinerary for today with Brother Albert, and since he was on a break, he wanted to tag along. I hope it's alright with you, Catherine?" William explained the situation.

"Yes, of course." Catherine replied almost immediately. She thought that it wasn't too obvious, but unfortunately for her, this was noticed by both William and Doctor Helene.

"Off you go now. Just tell me all of it when you come back. Lord Moriarty, Professor Moriarty, please do take care of Catherine." Doctor Helene changed the topic and guided them outside. William, who caught on the hint also went along with the Doctor.

"Rest assured, Doctor. Catherine is in good hands." William promised.