Criterion Bar

William and Albert gracefully helped Catherine enter the carriage. Perhaps out of understanding to the situation of the two, William sat across from Catherine and occupied the space around him, forcing Albert to sit beside Catherine. Albert noticed this and looked at William, but William only pretended not to know anything and glanced outside.

After the trio had settled inside, Fred closed the door, bid farewell to Doctor Helene who is standing outside the door watching them. He then drove the carriage towards the center part of the town.

After the carriage started running, William briefly inform them of the unfortunate situation. "Our destination is the pub right beside the town bridge. Unfortunately, Miss Frida died yesterday night. It was on the morning's paper. I asked Fred about the situation, he said it was ruled as suicide since some who witness the scene said she was dancing before she falls to the river. Her body was not recovered due to the heavy rain. I've got their schedule; it seems they are opening at 12 noon. It would be better to talk to them now since they will be busy when the pub opens."

"That's awful." Catherine was shock and sad to hear about the news. Albert silently patted her back to comfort her.

"With what just happened, is it alright if we won't bring anything? Won't it be rude?" Catherine inquired.

"Not necessarily. They would prefer if we gave them some money in return. They are much more inclined to the practical side of life." Albert answered her softly, with William nodding in support.

"I see." Catherine said, falling into silence as she contemplated.

The carriage stops at a building. Albert looked through the place. "Looks like we're here."

"Hmm." Catherine composed herself.

It was William who come out first, followed by Albert who help Catherine from alighting the carriage. Fred closed the door and informed them that he will wait at the corner. William nodded in acknowledgment and thank Fred, to which he then left.

"Criterion Bar. It is an interesting pub, to be honest." Albert commented as he observes the outward appearance of the building, a simple European design, with windowed balconies at the second floor, adorned with flowers.

He took a quick glance to the bridge where Miss Frida lost her life, closed his eyes in condolence before bowing a little.

"Shall we enter?" William asked.

"Yes." Catherine nodded.

Just then, they've noticed a litter girl, cleaning just by the entrance door, so they've walked towards her. After sensing that there are people, the little girl raised her head to look at them, with a displeased expression plastered on her face.

"Hello, Little girl! Is there any adult inside that we can talk to?" Catherine crouch down to the girls' level as she talk to her softly and politely.

"Who are you?" the girl responded in a hostile manner.

Catherine looked at Albert and William, whereas William nodded in return. After getting a reply, Catherine talked to the little girl once more. "We are someone from the University."

It was as if the word 'University' irked the little girl's wrath as she picked up the pale of dirty water beside her and threw it at Catherine's direction as she shouted.

Albert, who is silently observing everything on the side, immediately grabbed and hugged Catherine in a protective stance, shielding her from the water, not much caring if he was soaking wet.

Catherine couldn't comprehend what had just happened. She glanced at Albert, whose expression she couldn't understand. Was he angry? Why? She could feel his gentle touch. He was holding her tightly in his arms, but not suffocatingly so. She felt warm and liked the feeling. Seeing that he did not quickly let go of her, she also did not push him away and kept her gaze.

Albert finally noticed their position. He blushed when he realized how close they were. He could feel her warm body and her fragrant smell. Is it Lavender? He glanced down only to see that she was intently looking at him. He softly looked at her, observing her closely. Their gaze was locked on each other as if the people around them did not exist. It was only when William cleared his throat that both of them regained their senses.

"Catherine, Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Albert's voice was so soft that it could put someone at ease. He checked Catherine in an overall look to see if she was hurt elsewhere.

Nodding in a dazed manner, Catherine averted her gaze shyly. "No, fortunately. Thank you so much, Albert."

After Catherine calmed down, she noticed some water dripping on Albert's face. Subconsciously, she took her handkerchief and gently wiped his face. Her eyes fixated on his breathtaking face, his emerald eyes glowing like jewels in the dune as the rays of the sun dazzled. He was shocked at the gesture but did not stop her.

William was shock at the situation as he did not expect for them to progress this sooner. He calmed down and let them have their moment. The little girl then kept on shouting and crying at the same time, while pointing her fingers at them and gives off a livid look.

Her shouts alerted the people inside as they come out. A woman with a burgundy hair seem to have understood the situation, quickly asked for someone to bring a towel, while she went to the child.

"Ally, Why did you do that?" the bar owner tried to console the child but it was no use. Ally ran and hid in the entrance corner as she accused Catherine, Albert, and William.

"You monsters! Get out of here! Give me back my big sis Frida! Why did you kill her?!" at the end of her shouting, Ally wailed in despair.

Hearing the child's cry, Catherine turned to look at Ally, approached her slowly, and tried to comfort her. The boss accompanied Catherine lest Ally go berserk again. After they had calmed Ally down, William approached the bar owner to initiate a conversation.

"Good day, Madame. Pardon for the interruption, May we have a moment with you to talk about Miss Frida? I'm William James Moriarty, Lucian's professor."

"Um… Let's talk inside." The owner nodded. she looked at Albert in concern and pass her some towel. "Sir, if you may."

"Thank you." Albert kindly accepted the towel and patted himself dry as they walked inside.

"We heard about what happened to Miss Frida. We offer our condolences." as soon as they sat down, William went straight to business.

 "Thanks. So what do you want to talk about?" the boss immediately went on to the main point.

"By any chance, before Miss Frida's death, was there anything strange or unusual that happened? Forgive me for being blunt, but Lucian is my student. My companions and I are investigating this matter. If there are issues among my students, it is my responsibility as an educator to correct and guide them on the right path" William stated.

"Strange, you say? Well, as you may know, Frida and that student of yours had fallen in love with each other. However, he is an aristocrat, and we're just commoners. Status-wise, he is not the same as us. I warned her that he might be just playing games. Unexpectedly, though, he proposed marriage to her. I did warn her and tried to object, but she said she was with child. Seeing her joyful expression, I couldn't raise any more objections. But after that…" the boss paused, her hand clenched into a fist, her expression showing anger.

"A person came to talk to Frida. I don't know what he said to her, but it was obvious she was abandoned. It's inevitable in the world we live in… Even so, she got back on her feet and decided to raise the child alone. Until that regrettable day happened. From what the old man who lived under the bridge said, she was singing and dancing on the bridge before she fell. I just wonder what she could have been singing at the time." At the end of her recollection, she sighed, her expression one of melancholy.

"Please forgive us for making you recall that harrowing incident. However, with your assistance, we now know the whole picture." Albert emphatically said. He and William shared a looked before Albert stood up.

Catherine did not understand what was going on, but she followed nonetheless. With Albert's guidance, the two of them went outside. "William, We will wait in the carriage."

William only nodded with a smile. He waved to Catherine, then turned to face the boss. Although Catherine could not figure out what was going on, she believe that it was nothing for her to worry about.