Chapter 5: Fire and ice

"To think I would be requested to quell a rebellion, good grief." Arata said in exasperation as he shielded his eyes with his hand. The sunny clear skies revealed the imperial army along with its leaders. Esdeath urged her horse closer to the cliff as she studied the prospective battlefield, a small smile gracing her lips. "If you can't keep up then you should return." She said taunting Arata. With a sigh, he returned his gaze to the land before him. "If they were simply battling for their freedom and battling against oppression, then I would not have gotten involved. But those human scum are just bloodthirsty and leave nothing but pain and destruction in their wake for no just cause, that I would not tolerate." Arata said irritated, his grip tightening on his horse's reins.

"Then why did you sound displeased about the mission?" Esdeath asked, brow raised.

"I know how the empire, specifically your subordinates, suppress rebellions. It is inhumane." He replied, glancing from the soldiers behind him to Esdeath.

"Oh, is that so?" She asked with a taunting smile. Arata hopped off his horse, dusting off his full plate as he touched down. Gesturing down the hill, he faced Esdeath. "Shall we get this over with?" She nodded in response, ordering her soldiers as she guided her horse downhill.

"Please! Please, I beg you!" the prone woman said between tears as a brawny man leaned over her, ripping her gown apart. "I haven't had my fun yet, now have I?" he sneered licking his lips as he scanned her exposed form.

"What do you think you are doing, mongrel?" Arata glared at the man, his tone ice cold. The rebel yelled in confusion and drew his blade, a circular trail of blood following shortly as a soft thud behind the man broke the momentary silence. He slowly looked at his left hand, the woman's scream breaking him out of his stupor as he noticed his limb's absence. Clutching the stump left behind as it bled, the rebel collapsed to the ground with a loud groan. Arata shielded the woman from the view, covering her with cloak from his back. "I apologize for showing you such a horrendous sight. Are you harmed in any way?" Shaking her head in reply, Arata gave her a small smile. "Can you show me where the rest of your people are?" Shuddering as she clutched Arata's cloak tightly, she pointed at the nearest tent to theirs. Arata gave her another smile and covered her face with the hood attached to his cloak. Turning to the groaning rebel, bright white arcs of lightning surrounded his right palm as he placed it on his head; ash and the sick smell of burnt flesh, the only residues.

"Can you walk?" Arata faced the woman, sincere concern reflected in his eyes.

"Y-yes." She muttered between occasional sobs.

Upon leaving the tent, Arata was met with the chaos that was the clash between the imperial soldiers, with Esdeath at the lead and the disordered rebels. Startled by the chaos, the woman stumbled back but was caught by Arata. "You need not worry, I will protect you." Arata said calmly, guiding her through the commotion, hand in hand.

"Oh, what's this?" A soldier leered at the women who huddled together in the tent, frightened.

"Quite the catch eh? They'll be enough to relieve ourselves, won't they?" His comrade asked, grinning so repulsively that the women all shrunk back from the two.

"Of course they will. Since it's first come first serve, I'll…"

"YOU, JUST WHAT DO YOU THNK YOU ARE DOING, MONGREL?" Arata's voice froze them in their tracks, shivers running through both their spines. He walked forward, still staring at them while he spoke, his tone ice cold. "THE BOTH OF YOU MUST LET THE REST OF THE SOLDIERS KNOW THAT SHOULD ANY OF THEM LAY A FINGER ON ANY OF THE HOSTAGES, I WILL BEHEAD THEM."

"Y-yes sir!" the soldiers scampered out of the tent. Sighing, Arata turned to the women hurdled together. "You need not worry, none of you shall be harmed."

"General, I have the report."

"Go ahead." Esdeath replied, her gaze on the camp before her.

"The rebels have surrendered and we have swept through the camp, no others remain." The soldier ended with a salute.

"Good, take me to them." Esdeath stated, steering her horse to follow the soldier who led the way.

"Oh and General. I ordered that the men from this village that were forced to fight alongside the rebels be separated."

"Are you a fool?" Esdeath asked, her calm gaze changing into a frown. "What is your mission soldier?"

"Subduing the rebellion in this region, General."

"Then who gave you the permission to separate them? They're all traitors to the empire and they will be judged accordingly, do you understand?"

"Yes, General Esdeath." The soldier replied, downcast. Returning her gaze to her front, she frowned at the soldiers who scurried to her. "What's the meaning of this?" Esdeath asked, her tone hinting at irritation.

"General, Arata-sama is interfering with your orders!" One of them said, his expressions a mixture of anger and fear.

"In what way exactly?" Esdeath asked, her lips tilting up in a mocking smirk. The soldiers looked at each other mumbling. "So you wish to stand against someone favored by the emperor himself? Creatures as pitifully weak as you should know their place." She sneered, directing her mount towards the captured rebels. Arata glanced back, spotting the approaching Esdeath. "Did you have anything to do with the order to release the so-called innocents among the rebels?" She asked as she stood beside him.

"Hm, I wonder. It would seem that kind of accusation cannot be avoided considering the kind of person I am." Arata stated, facing her. "Although I did not give the order, I support it." He ended, crossing his arms with an impassive expression.

"You are making things difficult, Arata-sama." Esdeath stated with a sigh.

"I would appreciate it if you were to respect my decision, General." Arata said softly, his gaze returning to the camp.

"We will have our battle once we're done with the subjugation here." Esdeath frowned, crossing her arms.

"I will gladly accept the spar with you, General." Arata smiled. The calls of a bird attracted the two as it circled over them. "A messenger bird?" Arata asked as Esdeath held out her arm, the bird landing on it. She reached for a small bag attached to the bird's leg and pulled out a paper. Unfolding it, she read silently. "Two strongholds destroyed…" Esdeath muttered with a small smile.

"Is there a problem, General?" Arata asked, a brow raised.

"Apparently two strongholds, a few miles from us were destroyed and the third has been predicted, so I am to subdue the perpetrators." Esdeath replied, freezing the letter in her palm and shattering it.

"Could it be the army of the resistance?" Arata inquired.

"The letter stated a small group of people were the suspects." She stated, her eyes scanning the camp.

"Night raid?"

"Most likely, I'll head out now so I can at least cut off their escape."

"I could get you there quite fast, that is if you do not mind."

"I appreciate the offer Arata-sama, but I would like if you were to remain here and oversee the remainder of the subjugation, after all I will have a group of soldiers follow me." Esdeath turned to him, her eagerness to go reflected in her entire form.

Studying her for a moment, Arata sighed and frowned slightly. "If you run into the Order of Flames, please be wise enough to retreat, he is not someone that you can handle alone."

"I appreciate your concern, Arata-sama." Esdeath stated with a small smile. Turning away, she mounted her horse and soon left the camp. Arata sighed, returning to the soldiers. Two citadels destroyed in an instant, could Hijiri have anything to do with that? The revolutionary army must be moving to the capital from that region. But if Hijiri did attack the citadels, there would be no way he would let anyone escape, so just how did the empire come to know about the fall of the strongholds?


I believe so.

"We're finally at the last stronghold." Lubbock stretched, adjusting himself atop a tree branch. Hijiri signaled for him to stay quiet, a patrolling soldier catching the trio's attention. He leaned forward with an open palm, a red rocky dagger materializing in it and he dropped behind the guard, slitting his throat before he could react. Akame turned to confirm something, then turned to Hijiri and Lubbock. They had noticed it as well.

It seems the empire is already aware of our movements, but how? Hijiri-san made sure to clear up any survivors and Lubbock told us that no got by him. Wait, Hijiri-san did mention that there was someone watching…could that person have been the one?

Hijiri tapped Akame's shoulder interrupting her train of thought. "There's no use overthinking it, besides I might have an ace that'll take out the entire stronghold, but it'll take some time to prepare and it's gonna be really flashy." He ended with a smile, bringing relief and a bit of curiosity to Lubbock and Akame's minds.

"What do you need…that is to prepare?" Lubbock asked, scanning the trees. Gesturing to their hands, Hijiri placed a few black disks in their open palms. "Bury this in the ground at most forty feet away from all three sides except for the cliff behind the citadel. It shouldn't be too difficult for the best assassins the nation has to offer, now would it?"

Lubbock nodded with a sigh and Akame clutched the disks in her hands tighter, the duo sprinting out of view.

Esdeath slowed her horse down to a trot, the large walls of the citadel coming into view. Her gaze moved from the path to the trees beside it, scanning for anything or anyone that seemed suspicious. Finding nothing, she looked up, sunrays emphasizing her beautifully pale skin and her sky-blue hair. Esdeath spun at the sound of an explosion, frowning as she saw a large pillar of flames coating the entire stronghold. She whipped her horse, urging it to go faster as her grip tightened around the reins, her soldiers on her tail.

Akame sheathed her sword, scanning the ashen remains of the citadel. She coughed, waving her hand in an attempt to clear the cloud of smoke that rose as a result of the collapsing walls. Akame walked into a clearing, her mind clouded with thoughts as she took in the level of destruction Hijiri was capable of. She hated the fact that at several occasions she doubted him but she couldn't help it. Hijiri was powerful, not just as the Order of Flames, but as a soldier. He would have been more than capable of overthrowing the emperor himself, his reason for joining Night raid seemed to be senseless to Akame. Lubbock's presence put a hold on Akame's thoughts as she nodded in response to his lazy wave. The sounds of footsteps startled the two as they leapt back, narrowly avoiding the volley of ice spikes.

Esdeath watched the two Night raid members with curiosity and a tad bit of excitement. "Where's Najenda? I didn't peg her as the reckless type to let only two assassins attack three strongholds. So…are there more in hiding?" Esdeath asked with a sneer, her raised fist halting the soldiers behind her. Lubbock took a step back, gritting his teeth as a few beads of sweat found their way down his face. He wasn't in top form and even if he was, Lubbock knew there was no way he could take on Esdeath. He peeked at Akame from the corner of his eyes and noted her resolve. He cursed quietly, his mind racing with strategies and needless thoughts.

Wait…where the hell is Hijiri-san?!

Lubbock looked around frantically, finally spotting Hijiri on a stump, nonchalantly watching the entire exchange. "Oi Hijiri!" Lubbock yelled, "quit sitting around and do something will ya!"

Hijiri? Esdeath noticed the white-haired man with a crimson and black claymore at his side rise from the stump and approach the trio. Hijiri? Could it be? No, the commander was reported dead and he had lost an arm. But whoever this Hijiri is, he seems strong. Hopefully he'll be different from that human-like imperial arms. Esdeath stared intently at Hijiri with a small smile.

"Oi Noodle brat, it's Hijiri-san to you. And it just had to be you, Esdeath?" Hijiri asked with a slight frown, holding his claymore upright. Hijiri dashed forward lifting his blade high to slash downwards. Startled, Esdeath hopped back, thick layers of ice encased Hijiri. Esdeath studied the frozen sword man for a moment, scoffing in annoyance and disgust as she approached Akame and Lubbock.

"Are you screwing with me?!!" Lubbock yelled angrily, adjusting his threads to form a barrier.

"Something's not right." Akame said solemnly, stepping back and tightening her grip on her blade.

"Ya think!!" Lubbock shouted, his fingers moving rapidly to complete his impromptu barrier.

"Three soldiers huh? So you thought you could handle this yourself so you took them for formalities sake? That's so like you Esdeath." Hijiri said, running his fingers through his white hair, his right arm tightly gripping his claymore's handle.

"With this are you confirming that you are indeed the former Commander Hijiri who fell in battle?" Esdeath asked, recovering from his easy escape.

"You're too bloody sharp to not notice so I wouldn't bother hiding. Besides, I gotta kill you here so Najenda doesn't nag me to death, after all, you're still as weak as fuck." Hijiri ended with a smirk.

He leaned forward, his blade at arm's length and darted towards Esdeath, the ground shattering in his wake. Esdeath rose ice spikes from the ground in his path, she turned to her left startled as Hijiri's claymore swung through to her head. Throwing up a thick wall of ice at the last moment, she rose her sword to guard. The claymore cut through the ice, slowing down a moment before clashing with Esdeath's sword and knocking her back. Esdeath skidded to a stop and stared at her left arm. -The blow was still heavy even when I used the ice wall. This is amazing! -She looked at Hijiri whose eyes glowed an ominous crimson, a wide wolfish grin spread across his face and hers as well.

"I do hope you entertain me, empire's strongest!"

"It'll be fun to have you as a pet, commander!"

Esdeath summoned hundreds of ice spikes and shot them at Hijiri, a large wall of flames foiling her attack. Hijiri closed the distance between he and Esdeath in the blink of an eye and swung down, narrowly missing Esdeath as the ground shattered from the attack. She dashed forward swiftly, layers of ice coating her sword as she set it at her side with intent to swing. Swiftly releasing his grip on his claymore, Hijiri spun around, aiming for the left side of her head with a kick. Raising her arm to guard, she was knocked back once more.

Again?! Esdeath dived to the side, shielding her eyes from a cloud of dust and shrapnel as Hijiri pulled out his wedged claymore. An ache ran through Esdeath's arm as she tried to lift it, her grip on her sword's handle tightening in response.

"Looks like even the third stage of The Five can't take you down, you're a real pain in the ass, Esdeath." Hijiri said, lifting is claymore to rest on his shoulder.

"You as well, Hijiri. I never expected the Commander Hijiri, who with a single arm, commanded as much respect as the emperor himself would be a member of Night raid and a member of the Supreme order." Esdeath said, returning to a battle stance.

Hijiri's eyes widened a bit, his face scrunching up right after in annoyance. "That blabbing bastard." He quietly cursed, gripping his claymore's handle with both hands and maintaining his stance. "Killing you here would mean there's one less troublesome person aware of my identity and there'll be less trouble for the resistance. So…" he leaned forward with a smirk, his blade at his side- "… no hard feelings" – and dashed forward. Spiked ice of different lengths and sizes shot out of the ground in Hijiri's path. He sidestepped and leapt up, spawning a large fireball in his left palm and smashing against the ice, a large cloud of steam coating the area. A gust of wind cleared the steam as Esdeath pushed her blade against Hijiri's.

She pushed against Hijiri, his smirk both confusing and wary.

Huh? The dazed Esdeath felt a rattle in both arms as Hijiri's blade clashed with hers knocking her airborne. Launching into the air, Hijiri swung at Esdeath's ice shield, shattering it and knocking her into the ground. Esdeath's eyes widened as she spotted Hijiri's blade nearing her just as she crashed into the ground. She rolled and hopped back, shielding her face from the dust and shrapnel that rose. The dust cleared revealing Hijiri's fist as it connected solidly with a thick ice wall, creating a web of cracks.

"Pierce through!!" Esdeath yelled as pillars of ice spawned from the wall, frowning as Hijiri weaved through them, planting a solid kick on her right arm, sending her tumbling. Pain surged through Esdeath as Hijiri's knee shattered the frost plating on her torso, launching her into the air. Midair, Esdeath snapped her fingers, mist giving way to a large ice boulder.

"Yeah!! That's it!!" Hijiri yelled with a wolfish grin. Clapping his palms together and opening them slowly a large blue fireball came to life in his hands.

"Down!" Akame yanked Lubbock behind a rock as an explosion rocked the area, the fallen trees and walls further clouding the area with dust.

"Woah did you know he could fight like that, Akame?" Lubbock asked, surprised.

"Not to this extent." Akame frowned at the scale of destruction. Hijiri was unbelievably fast and his strength was overwhelming, Akame could tell just how powerful Esdeath was to battle against him. His blows looked like they would shatter a person's bones if they were not durable enough and his firepower, flames the size of a large ball were powerful enough to take out an ice boulder.

A bright blue light and a loud explosion snapped Akame and Lubbock of their deductions.

"I apologize Hijiri, but I will have to interrupt your bout." A cool masculine baritone rang through the eerily silent clearing, the dust clearing to reveal a man clothed in silver armor with blue irises and short sky-blue hair. A gust of wind cleared the remaining dust as the armor clad man turned to Hijiri with a cool gaze.

"Arata ya bastard! The hell do you think you're doing here?" Hijiri hollered angrily.

"May I ask you to stand down, Hijiri?" The blue-haired man called Arata asked calmly, his gaze assessing Akame and Lubbock.

"And what if I don't? -Hijiri pointed at Arata with his claymore- are you gonna go back on your oath?"

Arata frowned, his tone much colder than before. "Of course I will not, but as I have become an ally to the empire, I will have to put down these terrorists here." He turned to Akame and Lubbock, a soft white light materializing a large scythe in his right arm.

"Arata-sama, it would be best if you stayed out of this. It is my battle and I don't need your help." Esdeath frowned, clenching her left arm tightly.

"I gave my word that should a situation with the Supreme order arise, I would handle it, did I not?" Arata turned from Esdeath to the Night raid trio with a frown, earning a sigh from Hijiri.

"Ok guys, you heard the man." Hijiri turned away, the bewildered Lubbock and Akame in tow.

"Are you walking away from me, Hijiri?!" Esdeath yelled, enraged. "You should be grateful to Arata, besides my squad's safety is my priority. But knowing you, I'm sure we will meet again and when that happens, I will kill you before your knight- Hijiri glanced at Arata -will be able to save you."

Esdeath raised her sword, Arata's armor-clad hand stopping it midway. "I apologize but I can not let you fight him."

"Get out of my way or I'll crush you first." Esdeath warned through clenched jaws. Arata chuckled lightly, replying coolly. "Who would have thought the ice using General Esdeath was actually this hot-headed. It is best we do not make any heated decisions." She glowered at him, sheathing her sword and walking away, fists clenched.

"Oi Hijiri-san, if that armored guy…"


"…yeah Arata-san. If he decided to attack, would we have stood a chance?" Lubbock asked Hijiri as they walked back to the rendezvous with the carriage.

"Nah, he would have killed you both before you could've done a thing. That guy's way to fast for anyone or anything below the level of a world-class danger beast." Hijiri frowned, reaching into his satchel and pulling out a roll of bandages.

"So he's faster than you?" Akame asked.

Hijiri sighed and opened the bandages, wrapping his exposed right arm as he replied. "Yes, he is. As an all-rounder, I'm pretty confident in my dexterity and my weapon versatility. Plus, I'm pretty strong myself."

"It seems this would be quite problematic." Akame said quietly, staring at the ground in thought.

"What are you talking about?" Lubbock asked, stuffing his hands into his jackets.

"The fact that the empire has a member of the Supreme order on their side, alongside the oath Hijiri-san and Arata-san have both undertaken." Akame explained.

"Yeah Akame-chan, that means if there's a target and unfortunately Arata's the guard, there'll be two options; one, pull back and forfeit the mission or two, attack him and get yourself killed." Hijiri stated fastening the end of the bandage in his right palm.

"But there are other members in the Supreme order, aren't they?" Lubbock asked, brow raised. Akame turned inquisitively to Hijiri as he cleared his throat. "That's brings us to our next objective, finding the others in the Supreme order." Hijiri stated, inspecting his clenched bandaged fist.

"Your intervention was unnecessary, Arata-sama." Esdeath stated as she sat on a tree stump.

"I do recall saying that I would handle any threat concerning the Supreme order, did I not?" Arata asked, sparing her a glance.

"Do you doubt my strength or is he that much stronger than me?" Esdeath asked as she slowly opened and closed her left fist, a dull throb running through it.

"I believe you know the answer to your question. But it seems I can not truly protect you or the Yeagers." Arata glanced up.

"Because of your oath right" Esdeath asked, turning to him.

"Correct, but it seems I have a solution to that." Arata clapped.

"And that is?" He turned to her raising the index finger of his right hand. "Find the other two of the supreme order."