Chapter 6: Search

"Good work everyone." Najenda stated to the resting Akame, Hijiri and Lubbock. Hijiri groaned and rolled over to face down on the couch, his unusually sweaty back a source of concern for his teammates.

"Hijiri-san, to think you would beat Esdeath. I can imagine the look on her face after she got her ass kicked." Mine laughed, earning a weak thumbs up from Hijiri, his hands dropping lazily afterwards. He sat up and drank a glass of water, raising a brow at the concerned glances of his colleagues.

"You sure you're ok, Hijiri?" Leone asked, placing the top of her hand on his forehead as she flopped on the couch beside him.

He leaned forward with a sigh, replying tiredly. "I just need to get some rest and I'll be ok. Besides, we have a bigger problem."

"To think that the strongest of the Supreme order would be on the empire's side." Tatsumi stated solemnly.

"Huh?!" The Night raid turned to Hijiri, surprised at his sudden exclamation. "Who the hell are you calling the strongest?!"

"Uh…that's what you said, right?" A confused Tatsumi stuttered. Turning with a frown, Hijiri spotted Lubbock whistling shadily at the corner of the room.

"Tch…there is no weaker or stronger one in the Order in the terms of power. It all depends on skill and experience and in that Arata and I are about equal." Hijiri ruffled his hair in annoyance, "…and there's the oath we took to never battle each other." He leaned back, resting his arm on Leone's shoulder.

"Rest up you three, we'll figure something out later." Najenda sighed, dismissing the assassins.

"I'll head in first." Hijiri muttered, rising from the couch.

Arata strolled around the camp, unconsciously searching for the absent Esdeath. Upon reaching the cliff that oversaw the entire encampment, he spotted her slender and beautiful figure, the moonlight reflecting off her light blue hair.

"Can I help you, Arata-sama?" She asked, her cold tone freezing Arata in place. Walking slowly to stand beside her, Arata said. "No, I was simply wondering where you were. But never would have I had imagined that you would be up here brooding."

"I'm just contemplating everything that happened today." Esdeath said with a sigh, rubbing her left arm.

"Does your body still ache?" Arata asked, glancing from his nightshirt to her gown.

"It'll pass." She said quietly, earning a slight frown from Arata. Sighing, he patted Esdeath's shoulder and turned away. "Be sure to get some rest, we have a long day tomorrow."

"Couldn't sleep?" Leone playfully asked Hijiri as he climbed the roof.

"Nah…. I've slept enough." He replied, taking a seat beside her. The two sat in comfortable silence, Hijiri's slightly tense posture easing. Stealing another glance at him, Leone poked Hijiri's arm. "Has your body cooled down a bit?" He raised a brow at her, chuckling afterwards.

"I didn't think you'll remember or bring it up." He smiled wistfully and turned away, gazing at the starry night sky. Staring at Hijiri until he turned to her, Leone flicked him on the forehead, gaining a baffled expression.

"Of course I would remember, even Akame's been bothering me about it since you returned and it's never been this bad." Leone held his tired gaze, searching. She knew what she wanted to or rather, needed to find. Of course she considered the ever-playful attitude of his as a mask, the guy talked about the death of his entire tribe like it was an event where he was simply a spectator and had nothing to do with it.

Hijiri had his issues too… yes, she could tell, but Leone wished he would share just a little of his worries as well. She wasn't completely sure why she wished for this, but one thing she did know was that if Hijiri could rely on her, she would be pleased.

But I bet he'd spill everything to the boss if she asked. Leone jerked in surprise at her covetous feelings.

"I'm sorry for worrying you." Hijiri's quiet voice interrupted her train of thought, as she turned to him, surprised. "Was it that bad?" He questioned playfully, staring at Leone's baffled expression.

"N-no…I just…" Leone paused as she noticed Hijiri's smug smile. She stuck her tongue out playfully and turned away with a huff. Her emotions switched from surprise to a form of satisfaction as Hijiri's rich baritone laughter rang out through the night.

"Thanks…I really needed that."

"So you can be really honest when it counts, well it can't be helped. After all that's one of the reasons I like you." The two sat in a comfortable silence, smiles on both faces.

"I was berserk for… I dunno, two or three days, just going from camp to camp killing anyone who tried to pick a fight with me."

"Are you talking about after the massacre?" Leone's face fell at his statement.

"Yeah. I'm not sorry for it, it's not an excuse but in the end, I wasn't the only one to blame."

Leone glanced at Hijiri, solemn expressions replacing the previous melancholy. "What do you mean you weren't the only one to blame?"


Hijiri sighed, locking eyes with Leone and gesturing to his right arm, he muttered. "The demon bastard that's part of me." Leone blinked, confused. "Huh?"

"That's the drawback for my ability. I get far stronger and faster, but my bloodlust grows. I've been able to suppress it most of the time but sometimes, like during the fight with Esdeath, I drew out too much of its power and it started to leak out."

He leaned back and laid on the roof, his hands holding up his head. She stared down, gathering her bizarre thoughts before facing him.

"It's just as you said, you did it so there's no use in drowning yourself in guilt or playing the role of the tragic hero. Just do what I do… eat, drink, sleep and have as much fun as you can."

"Wow, just how do you come up with such brilliant advice, Leone-sama?"

Leone laid beside him, smirking. "When you've been in the business as long as I have, you just know these things."

"Is that so?"

There it was again, the silence that bordered between comfortable and awkward. The two didn't seem to mind it, rather to them it showed just how much of themselves had been bared out before the other.

"But if you do go berserk again, I'll stop you myself." Leone said quietly. Hijiri smiled, contented as he shut his eyes.

He sluggishly rose from his bed, a dull throb running through his right arm as he slowly clenched and opened it. Running his hand through his bed hair, he walked towards the voices and ran into Najenda, Akame and Leone in the common room.

"Morning Hijiri." Najenda greeted with a smile.

"Yea… morning Najenda." Hijiri yawned, waving sluggishly.

"I was just telling Akame how soon I'm planning on tossing you back into the fray."

"I was wondering when we would start the search."

"Before that…" Najenda interjected. "…can you give us a little hint on how you plan to track them down." Hijiri gestured to the common room and stated. "They went into hiding after their clansmen were massacred, but I've been keeping tabs on them long before I came in contact with Night raid, so I'll track 'em down."

"That's good. I don't mean to strain you, but the earlier we find them before the Empire does, the better." Najenda stated. Scratching the back of his head, Hijiri waved it off. "Nah… I totally get it. Who's assisting me this time?"

"I will join you Hijiri-san, but only on the condition that I can spar with you whenever I request." Akame stated, standing beside Najenda.

"Oh, so you finally recognized your big brother's skill huh?" Hijiri grinned smugly at Akame's nod.

"I'll accompany Hijiri too." Leone's smirk changed to a misty-eyed expression as Najenda smacked the top of her head with her mechanical arm.

"You're supposed to be on your way to meet the contact." Najenda folded her arms, frowning.

"Huh? Is there an issue?" Hijiri asked, brow raised.

"Some of our imperial arms that were being transported have been highjacked, so Leone and a small group will observe another transport to move in a few days from now."

… Do they have anything to do with that group who kept popping up everywhere we operated? Hijiri pondered, his hand on his jaw. "Anyway…" Hijiri looked up at Najenda, who said, "…Tatsumi will be the other person to accompany you this time."

Nodding and turning to Akame, Hijiri said. "Get Tatsumi and let's head out."

"So is it true that even with your intervention, a stronghold was lost, alongside two others, Arata-sama?" The prime minister who stood beside the emperor questioned with a tone that hinted at a mix of annoyance and strangely, excitement.

"I believe the report submitted to the emperor showed that I was a part of the force selected to handle the subjugation of a rebellion within the empire. And secondly, I was only able to get involved in the situation after following General Esdeath." Arata replied, his thoughts racing regarding the subtle excitement hidden in the prime minister's tone.

"General Esdeath?" The emperor called.

"Your Highness, Arata-sama speaks the truth. After receiving word from our spy concerning the fall of the second stronghold, I was informed about the next possible target, so I headed there as fast as I could, only to clash with the Order of Flames that Arata-sama had warned us about." The emperor jerked forward, anxious and surprised.

"Im-impossible, how come?" Arata switched his gaze from Esdeath to the emperor, inquisitively. … How is the emperor not aware of this?... Did he not read the report?

The prime minister's statement interrupted Arata's train of thought as his gaze switched back to him. "However, I heard you didn't engage him and not only did you allow him and the others of the Night raid to escape, you obstructed General Esdeath from giving chase."

"Yes, that is all true." Arata retorted, impassively.

"And why, if I may ask?"

"That is because I undertook an oath to not engage the Demon swordsman in combat as our last clash caused the untimely death of several civilians."

"And how do you intend to sort this out?" The prime minister asked, stroking his beard.

"I have a solution that would require the help of the emperor, - Arata turned to him - if he is willing."

"Yes! Whatever it is you need." The emperor responded, enthusiasm replacing most of his earlier anxiety. "I require all information the empire has on the Supreme order and access to normally restricted zones in the empire so as to locate the last two Orders." Arata stated, amusing Esdeath.

"Please wait a moment, your Majesty. What exactly does he need access to restricted zones for? Arata-sama could just hand over the information he has to our intelligence unit and save himself from the tedious job of looking for the others himself." Prime minister Honest interjected.

"Yes Arata-sama, I would like to know as well, it's not like I don't trust you or anything." The emperor stated, a hint of nervousness in his tone.

Arata let out an irritated sigh, startling the child emperor. "I did not wish to say anything until I had gotten results but it seems I shall. I have been searching for the remaining Orders since the massacre and I was hoping that whatever information the empire had would be the final piece of the puzzle I need."

The emperor nodded in agreement with Arata's proposal while Honest frowned, displeased. "Prime minister Honest, could you arrange for Arata-sama's request?"

"Yes, your Majesty, I will get it right away." Honest replied with a bow as he turned to leave. "I believe that is all, Arata-sama, General Esdeath?"

"Yes, your Majesty." Esdeath turned to Arata. Isn't he going to mention that the Order of Flames is none other than the former Commander Hijiri, who was thought dead? Arata noticed her look but stayed quiet.

"you may leave." The two bowed in response and left the throne room. Walking in the hallway, Arata noticed the prime minister talking with a hulking figure of a man. He had spiky blonde hair with two longer bangs resembling horns. His dark grey suit of his armor, his red cloak and the famous imperial arms, Adramelech meant it could only be the Chief Commander Budo.

Quickening his pace, he approached the duo. "Good day, Chief Commander Budo."

"Good morning Arata-sama, congratulations on your successful subjugation." Budo replied with a nod.

"Could I speak to the prime minister for a moment, that is if you are not busy with him." Arata asked, sparing the prime minister a glance.

"Sure, go ahead."

"How may I help you, Arata-sama?" Honest asked, irritated at the exchange.

"I ask that you do not repeat the actions you took today ever again."

…This bastard!! Honest forced a smile and replied. "What do you mean, Arata-sama?"

"I believe you much too wise, no, intelligent to understand what I mean. If you do not wish to aid my campaign then it is best if you step aside."

"Is that so? ... You arrogant bastard."

"I do not show mercy to those who stand in my way. Have a wonderful day, Prime minister, Chief commander Budo." Arata nodded to the two and walked away, leaving behind an enraged Honest and an impressed Budo.

Akame sprinted towards Hijiri, wooden sword in hand. Sidestepping with a spin, she swung low, Hijiri narrowly avoiding her attack. Hijiri closed the distance, Akame lunging forward in response. He dodged, using his palm to smack Akame's wrist in attempt to the knock the blade out of her hand. Countering with a spin, Akame landed a kick on Hijiri's torso, using her other foot, she boosted herself off Hijiri, sliding and dashing towards him. Time seemed to slow down as Akame threw three kicks in succession, Hijiri's leg and arm the target of the first two, the final connecting solidly with his face causing him to stumble a bit as she hopped backwards out of his reach.

"Ow, that really hurt." Hijiri said, resuming his battle stance. "Alright Akame-chan, looks like big bro's gonna go all out."

"If you would." She replied, her grip tightening on the sword's handle. Leaning low, Hijiri sprinted to Akame, who stood firm, wary of his straight charge. Clenching his right bandaged arm, he threw a swift and powerful jab, Akame leaned left, using the edge of the practice blade to guide the punch up. Spinning to a crouching position, Akame swung at his side, the edge of the practice sword grazing his side.


"Hm?" Hijiri eased his posture, his smirk faltering at the tone of Akame's voice.

"Could you not disrespect a fellow warrior by holding back?" Akame asked, solemnly.

"Got it." Hijiri tapped his right toes on the ground before looking back up at Akame. He raced headfirst, the ground shattering in his wake. Halfway from her, Hijiri leapt into the air, dropping in the spot Akame – who rolled to safety – was a moment ago. The ground caved in, shards and dust scattered about from the impact.

...Such power…?! Akame spun to her left, raising her sword to guard as Hijiri's right fist connected solidly, shattering the practice sword and knocking her back. A shock ran through her as she hopped from her roll.

...Is this what Esdeath went through? ...His blows are heavy, it feels like my bones would shatter if I continue to take them head on! Akame turned sharply, her arm folded in and her sword under her chin. Ducking faster than she could react to, Hijiri held her right arm and raised his palm to hover under Akame's chin.

"My win." Hijiri said quietly, taking a step back. "So, do you recognize me as your big brother?"

"No." Akame said bluntly earning a fit from him.

"Nii-san…" Tatsumi called as he walked into the clearing, wood in hand. "… I thought we were keeping a low profile out here. Scratching the back of his head with a sheepy smile, Hijiri replied. "Maybe I overdid it during the training – turning to Akame, he continued – Let's head back."

"I knew you would request a duel but to think it would be this soon." Arata said as he picked up a wooden staff and walked to the opposite side of the training arena. The arena had an oval shaped boundary with the entrance to the right and the training weapons by the left, leaving a few spots by the front and backside of the arena for spectators.

Arata spun the wooden staff and held it upright, studying Esdeath's sword stance. Glancing to the stands and spotting the Yeagers, the emperor, the prime minister and a tall dark-skinned man who Arata identified as the prime minister's son, he said. "To think you would call for such an audience, quite surprising if I would say."

"I didn't invite anyone, they obviously came to see who is the stronger one of us two." Esdeath stated impassively earning a small smile from Arata.

"Commander Budo, if you would." Arata called out to the Chief commander who stood between the two.

"The rules are simple, the match ends if either side gives up or is judged unable to fight. Both sides ready?" Budo took a step back from the center of the arena. "Begin!!"

"I do hope you won't hold back Arata-sama?" Esdeath asked, holding up her practice sword to face Arata.

"I will not be so crude as to do so." He replied, leaning forward, his staff in the firm grip of his right arm.

A gust of wind moved past Esdeath as she narrowly avoided a thrust to her head, flicking her wrist upwards, she smacked Arata's staff away, closing the distance. Wood struck against wood as the two traded blows. Stomping her foot downwards, Esdeath summoned large icicle spikes that spread out nearly halfway across the fighting area, a blast of air cleared the mist as Arata hopped to safety in the other half of the arena. She fired off volleys of ice daggers, dashing forward immediately after them.

...She is fast and it seems she is more tactical now than during her bout with Hijiri. Arata spun away from the line of fire, to meet Esdeath's swing. Raising his staff, he parried Esdeath's swing and thrust at her torso, knocking her back a few paces.

His blow isn't half as powerful as Hijiri but – Esdeath staggered forward, clutching her torso – they hurt a lot more because of his precision. She dashed forward, parrying Arata's thrust at the last moment and closing the distance, she thrust at his side, a blast of wind knocking her sword off course.

Using his wind that way, huh? Esdeath smiled and struck repeatedly at alternate targets, her sword clashing with Arata's staff at every mark. Alternating his staff to his left arm, Arata raised Esdeath's sword and channeled a blast of air at her torso, knocking her into her frost cushioning.

"Is that all, General Esdeath?" Arata asked, his staff end resting on his shoulder. The ground rumbled as several ice pillars spawned in different points in the arena, spikes growing off them. Mist filled the arena as the spikes on the pillars fired off. Weaving through the projectiles, Arata studied the pattern, noting the position of the pillars.

...A good chance to improve my sensory skills. Arata smiled, his eyes following Esdeath through the mist as she circled him. The fog briefly cleared as two large arcs of ice homed on Arata. Maneuvering through the two, he threw his staff at Esdeath, the force clearing a path through the fog. Striking his staff away, Esdeath's eyes widened as Arata appeared before her, his hand drawn back for a jab and she smiled as her ice trap was triggered. The fog cleared as Esdeath crashed into an ice cushion barely a foot away from the audience and on the other side an ice encased Arata stood, the ice shattering soon afterward as bright blue arcs of lightning flashed across the arena.

Esdeath slowly rose, wincing as she used her practice sword as support.

...By that much huh? She frowned, her gaze on the approaching Arata. "I believe I shall concede this match, General." He said, offering his hand to her.

"No – Esdeath put her hand up as she stood – I believe it is your victory, Arata-sama." She walked away, her expression impassive. Arata rubbed at his eyes with a sigh, noticing a messenger from his tribe waiting by the entrance to the arena.

"Arata-sama, a moment?" Budo called out to him.

"Chief Commander, is there a problem?" Arata asked, rubbing off the frost on his arms.

"I wanted to commend you on your victory, Arata-sama." Budo stated straight-faced as he offered his hand to Arata, who shook it firmly.

"I believe I conceded the match, Chief commander." Arata replied.

"I do hope you will continue to favor this empire, not looking at its present state but at the reign that has stood for a thousand years."

Arata's straight face faltered as a small smile lit his features. "It is difficult to say no to a loyal and unyielding warrior such as yourself, Chief Commander Budo, I do hope you will not falter when it's time to purge the filth present in the empire." Arata ended solemnly.

"You have my word, Arata-sama." The two shook hands once more as Arata turned to walk away.

Shutting the door behind him, the messenger turned to Arata and bowed.

"Greetings Arata-sama." With a wave Arata replied. "And for the third time, I acknowledge your greeting. Now - he leaned forward – about those tasks I gave you."

"Arata-sama, I have found who I believe is the Order of Beneath, he is residing in a town by the western borders of the empire where he is serving as its protector and it seems he goes by the name of Roland." Arata held up his chin in thought. "And Seryuu… how is she doing?"

"She is still in a critical state, Arata-sama. According to the doctor, her body is having a difficult time accepting the danger beast's cells."

"I see. You may leave." Arata dismissed him with a wave, his hand still on his chin as he pondered on the information. The messenger paused and stated. "My apologies Arata-sama, but there was something I noticed when I was observing the Order of Beneath." Arata intertwined his fingers, resting his elbows on his desk, his brows furrowed in concentration. "Go on."

"There seemed to be another group observing him as well, especially during his fights with danger beasts and the occasional group of bandits."

...Another group? Are Night raid making a move already? "I see, continue observing Roland and this other group. Request for reinforcements and avoid contact with the Order of Beneath and the second group, do you understand."

"Yes Arata-sama." The envoy replied with a bow.

"You may leave." Arata dismissed him and leaned back in his chair. I have to get to him before Hijiri does. "This is most troublesome." Arata muttered, tapping his desk with his right index finger.

A knock on his door snapped Arata out of his thoughts. "Come in." Esdeath walked in, standing before his desk as Arata rose to meet her. "General, how may I help you?"

"Arata-sama, there is something I have been meaning to ask, but due to several reasons I haven't been able to."

Arata raised a brow. "Ask away."

Esdeath stared at him with a frown. "Did you know that Hijiri was once a commander in the empire and was believed dead?"