Chapter 7- Prope



"Last I heard, your mission was super important, wasn't it?"

"It's just a bodyguard mission, plus my squad mates won't be at the rendezvous for another two days, so there's no rush." Hijiri leaned back with a sigh. Leone who sat facing him studied his shirtless form as the light from the camp fire highlighted his muscular figure and the various scars that ran across his body.

"Your scars… doesn't your regeneration get rid of them?" Leone asked, her wooden spoon halfway to her mouth.

"Yeah, I feel like it's a constant reminder that I'm still human…for the most part." Suddenly clenching his jaw as he ended his statement, Hijiri gripped his bandaged right arm tightly, a violent shudder running through him. Surprised, Leone set her bowl aside and rushed to his side.

"Hey??!" She exclaimed in concern, examining Hijiri. With visible effort, Hijiri muttered. "I'm fine."

Leone inspected him once more; his sweaty forehead and his messy white hair that stuck to it, his heavy breathing, the flinching that occurred whenever she came in contact with his right arm and the continuous throbbing Leone felt when she remained in touch with it was concerning.

Reaching for his forehead, his body temperature caused Leone to frown. "Have you fully recovered?"

Hijiri chuckled weakly and glanced at her. "I haven't exactly been in "optimal health" since I joined the Night raid. Plus, my fight with Esdeath might have taken more out of me than I initially thought, especially the third stage…yikes."

Third stage? Leone's surprised expression switched to a frown as she moved closer to tap him lightly on the shoulder. "Dumbass, wash up and let's get you inside so you can actually get some rest." Leone rose, holding on to him as they left the campfire behind.

"But hey, on the bright side, you'll be in the tent to look after me." Hijiri smirked.

"Don't get cocky now." Leone chuckled.


An uncomfortable silence filled the office as an unfazed Arata stared at the frowning Esdeath.

"Take a seat, General. I insist." Arata stated quietly.

Sighing in annoyance, she took a seat, crossing her legs as she glowered at Arata. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he heaved a sigh. "Yes…yes I knew."

"And you saw no reason to inform the emperor?" She questioned, her tone taunting.

Arata paused, staring at Esdeath inquisitively. "I felt it would only cause unnecessary commotion. So I ask you this general – Arata leaned forward, his cerulean eyes gazing intensely at Esdeath – what will you do now that you have learned this?"

Relaxing her posture, Esdeath held his gaze. "Nothing Arata-sama, I just wanted to know where your loyalty lies."

"Of course my loyalty lies with my people and the Supreme order but the empire is an ally and I am not one to betray my allies."

Glancing away, Esdeath muttered. "So it would seem."

"But it is understandable, after all you were simply looking out for yourself and hopefully the empire as well." Esdeath's lips hinted at a smile, Arata's statement her source of amusement.

The silence returned for a brief moment, Arata and Esdeath coming to an unspoken agreement.

"If you'll excuse me, Arata-sama." Esdeath broke the quiet, rising from the chair.

"A moment General." Arata called, rising and walking briskly to stand beside Esdeath.

Snapping his fingers, the air rushed at them, spinning swiftly to form a transparent air bubble around them. "My spies have located a member of the Supreme order – Esdeath held his gaze, her brow raised. – but I do not wish to inform anyone else about this."

Glancing around the room, Esdeath's gaze returned to his. "And why is that?"

Crossing his arms, Arata leaned on the desk behind him. "When my subordinate informed me, he told me about the presence of another group of observers who seemed particularly interested in the battles of my comrade."

Esdeath's mouth tightened into a thin line, her brows furrowing slightly. "Is it Night raid?"

Turning to the table, Arata took an envelope and handed it to Esdeath. "Most likely. I wish to avoid accidentally tipping off the enemy so I wish to handle it with absolute discretion."

Looking up from the letter, Esdeath asked. "If you wish to be discreet why tell me?"

"I require your help and who knows, maybe your spars with our soon-to-be colleague would be far more threatening than your spars with me." Arata stated, his tone hinting at delight.

"So, when do we leave?"

"It would be best if we left at nightfall."

Hijiri lifted the tent's flap and stepped out, sunlight dancing around the numerous scars that lined his shirtless muscular frame. "Seems I overslept…that's new." Hijiri muttered, running his hands absentmindedly through his messy bed hair.

"Morning Hijiri-san." Akame greeted, handing Hijiri a small wooden bowl.

"Yo, Akame-chan. I take it Leone's gone already?" He asked, glancing from the water in the bowl to Akame.

"Yes, she left quite early so she'll be able to catch up to the cargo."

"Cargo?" Hijiri cocked a brow.

"Her current mission is to act as bodyguard for a transport," Akame explained.

That girl. Hijiri smirked. "Does she usually cut it this close?"

Holding Hijiri's smirk with a deadpan, Akame replied. "Opposed to how she usually acts, she's quite punctual to missions. This case is the only exception I'm aware of."  Hijiri held up his chin, his brows knit, conflicted.

He wasn't exactly a pro on this kind of things, so he'd do what he normally did for situations he found problematic, wave it off, especially since overthinking would lead to baseless assumptions.

"Let's get outta here then."

"We aren't sparring, Hijiri-san?" Akame asked, slightly disappointed.

Ah. Hijiri visibly winced at Akame's tone. "I'll make it up to you, don't worry." Hijiri chuckled nervously, patting her shoulder.

"Hijiri nii-san." Tatsumi called, approaching the duo.

"I'm Hijiri."

"I just spoke with our contact and…" Tatsumi paused, raising a brow at Hijiri's reply.

"You spoke with the contact and?" Hijiri asked, snapping him out of his daze.

"…we have our target's location." Tatsumi continued, handing Hijiri a sealed letter.

"You can read right?" Tatsumi asked worried, earning a frown from Hijiri.

"I think you'll need to read it out for him, Tatsumi." Akame stated, expressionless.

"Oi! The hell's that supposed to mean?!" Hijiri barked, annoyed at the antics of the two.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of." Tatsumi shrugged. Smiling angrily, Hijiri folded the letter and swatted at Tatsumi's head, Akame stifling her laughter at his reaction.

Hijiri's frown became slowly replaced with surprise as he scanned the letter, looking up from it to Tatsumi and Akame afterwards. "You mean she's been observed for three days straight and she didn't notice a thing?" Hijiri asked rhetorically, surprising his audience.

"Is…is that supposed to happen?" Tatsumi asked, looking from the thoughtful expressions of Akame and Hijiri.

"Not really…"

"I have a few theories about this…" Akame stated, her brows furrowed as she paused, deep in thought. "It could be that she noticed them, but didn't think they were threats so they were ignored, or our surveillance team is so skilled that even a member of the Supreme order, whose senses are as sharp as sensory type imperial arms users, can't catch on to them." – "I doubt…" Hijiri commented. – "Which leads to the final theory, this might be a trap." Akame ended.

"And considering the fact that the Jaguars…" – "Yeagers." – "…whatever. They might also be tracking her and the other, we have to find them, fast." Hijiri stated, stuffing the letter into his pocket.

"Let's get going then." Tatsumi said, the three splitting up in different directions to clear up the camp site.

"Oh! That reminds me, during our stronghold mission, didja send any spies to watch us or anything?" Hijiri asked as he leaned back on the bamboo fence in the heated bath. Najenda who was on the opposite side, turned to the fence before settling into the bath, her back resting on it.

"I didn't. But if I really did, do you think I'd openly admit it?"

"C'mon Najenda, I thought we were past that?" Hijiri teased earning a faint chuckle from her.

"But I didn't do anything of the sort, unless the other generals in the resistance were curious about Night raid's newest addition." Najenda stated, a hint of uncertainty in her tone.

"Do they usually do this to all new additions to Night raid?" Hijiri asked.

"Not to my knowledge…I'll look into it." Najenda said, her suspicions rising.

Sighing, Hijiri eased up. "And here I was about to ask you to do just that, no wonder we're so compatible."

"What? Is that the line you used to get Mine to catch feelings?" Najenda chuckled, sinking into the bath.

"Huh? Feelings? The brat who wouldn't let me have peace?" Hijiri asked, turning to face the bamboo fence that separated the two sides of the bath.

Najenda sighed. "If only you were as sensible in these things as you were when planning our strategies."

"I could say the same for you and Lubbock." Hijiri mumbled loud enough for Najenda to hear.

She rose from the bath, glancing at the fence. "Sometimes things are better when you act oblivious."

"Exactly." Hijiri snapped his finger in agreement.

"Anyway, as I said, I'll look into it. But do you have any suspicions?"

Sighing contently as he sank into the water, Hijiri replied. "I dunno, probably spies from the empire or something, I won't be surprised if that bastard snitched."

"Wait! When did you notice the spies watching you?" Najenda asked, concerned.

Hijiri paused for a moment, speculating, before rising out of the water to give his reply. "It was at the second stronghold…"

"Then it's most likely the empire's spies." Najenda concluded, sitting back, the absence of the mechanical arm glaringly obvious in her posture as she cupped some water in her left palm.

"Tch, if only they were that skilled in espionage back when I was in the army." Hijiri grumbled, earning another chuckle from Najenda.

"Hijiri-san?" Akame called, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Huh?" He muttered, gripping the strap of his claymore sheathe tightly. "What is it?"

"Are you alright? You seem out of it."

"Sorry 'bout that. I was just remembering something." Hijiri waved it off, quickening his pace to match theirs.

"Oh ok, it's just that I had a question." Tatsumi stated, walking by his right.


"Do you know her? The girl we are to meet, do you know her personally?" Tatsumi asked, nervously glancing away.

"Ho!!" Hijiri leaned forward with a smirk. "You crushing on the mystery girl already? Didn't know you had a thing for women with power."

"I see. I'll take note of that." Akame stated, holding up her chin, a thoughtful expression present.

Flustered, Tatsumi waved his hands in front of him. "It's nothing like that Hijiri nii-san, Akame, I was just curious!"

"Yeah, sureee. Mine, Lubbock and Leone would love to hear about this." Hijiri smirked. Akame glanced at him, sighing at his nonchalance.

"Nii-san!!" Tatsumi exclaimed.

"Her name's Kanae. She was the shy type last I saw but who knows, maybe she's grown out of it."

"Kanae huh?" Tatsumi mumbled, glancing away as he noticed the taunting grin Hijiri wore.

"I just hope she's not too hostile." Hijiri sighed.

"Losing your loved ones does a lot of damage." Akame stated solemnly, shielding her eyes as she stared at the sky, Tatsumi frowning in response to her comment.

"That far huh?" Hijiri muttered, his gaze fixed on the partly cloudy skies.

Any word from Roland-san?


Sponsor huh? I almost forgot that is what you all are referred to as by each other.


Trap? I do not think Roland-san would be hostile, considering my information on him.


A bump caused Arata's eyes to shoot open. Cautiously scanning the entire carriage, he sighed in relief.

"Was your sleep enjoyable, Arata-sama?" Esdeath whispered tauntingly.

"Spare me the sarcasm, General." He whispered in reply.

"I know you wished for us to move quietly, but isn't our pace quite slow considering that we have spent an entire day travelling?" Esdeath whispered as she adjusted her sitting position in the carriage, subconsciously tugging on the hem of her hood to cover her light blue hair.

"Travelling any faster would attract unnecessary attention and that would defeat the purpose of not tipping off our enemies." Arata whispered, glancing from Esdeath to a man beside her on the carriage. Leaning forward, Arata whispered. "Being a noble attracts too much attention and I have yet to take my wife on a proper honeymoon, I believe you understand."

Looking around, he leaned closer to Arata and muttered in reply. "Of course I understand. The honeymoon is much too important to miss, just make sure to take it easy on the young lady."

"Do not be deceived by appearances, she is much stronger then she looks and she is not the type to quit so easily." Arata whispered, sharing a brief chuckle with the traveler. He settled down beside Esdeath, his brow raised at her expression.

"Aren't you enjoying this a little too much, Arata-sama?" Esdeath shielded her mouth with her palm, her tone hinting at distaste.

"Of course I would enjoy a trip with you, dear." Arata replied, barely muffling a snort that came shortly afterwards.

To think he'd have such a weird sense of humor…adorable.


"Yes?" Arata replied, wiping his sweaty face with a towel offered by Esdeath. She sat beside him, the waving branches interrupting the silence occasionally.

"I looked into the records the empire had left on the Supreme order and I found nothing so I decided to ask you." Esdeath stated.

"And what might that be Esdeath-san?" Arata asked as he hung the towel on his neck. Esdeath paused, glancing at him inquisitively.

Sighing, she returned her gaze before her. "The danger beasts responsible for the Supreme order's abilities, is it of the world-class or something stronger?" Esdeath asked, her slightly furrowed brows and a hint of something else in her tone, something Arata tagged as annoyance.

"I would never have thought you to be one that would be affected by a loss so greatly but most strong ones usually are?" Glancing at her, he continued. "Like with all danger beasts, there is a hierarchy, that exists within the world-class as well. The beasts chosen are the most powerful ones out of the four strongest world-class danger beasts."

"What?" Esdeath looked up in surprise.

"Yes, the storm dragon merged with me is the strongest of all storm dragons. That is why only one person can successfully fuse with the danger beast in a clan and they have to be…powerful as well, mentally and physically." Esdeath glanced away, her brows creasing as her frown deepened.

"I could tell in our battle. His fighting style might look wild but it's precise and suits his build and weapon." She stated solemnly.

"Are you really the one to tell me that? I believe I have fought with him and against him more times than I can count." Arata chuckled.

"To the think the usually quiet Arata-sama would be so talkative when asked by a pretty woman such as myself." Esdeath teased with a small smile.

Arata chuckled, glancing away. "Your beauty has nothing to do with this, General."

"General? I thought you were going with Esdeath-san." She taunted.

"It seems I will not be hearing the end of this." Arata sighed, unable to wipe the smile from his face as he rose from the bench.


"Yes?" Arata muttered, turning to Esdeath.

"It seems we've arrived." She whispered nodding at the town's gates.

"We will be off now." Arata announced as they rose to exit the carriage.

"Good luck and I hope you get yourself a nice healthy heir." The male traveler who spoke with Arata moments before called out, a ripple of laughter passing through the carriage.

"I will see to that, thank you." Arata chuckled heartily earning a sigh from Esdeath.

"Is the thought of having me as a bride that exciting, Arata-san?" Esdeath teased, the edges of her smooth pale lips tilting up in a smirk.

Arata shot her a sidelong glance, simpering. "It is definitely less of a mortifying thought than it was on our first meeting."

"Ah…so you had thought about it then? Why thank you, I didn't think I was that enchanting."

Arata studied her, a snort escaping him as he eased up a bit. "It seems I am not the only one who is changing." He said quietly as they approached the town's gates. "Let us achieve our goal while our absence in the capital is still unnoticed."