Chapter 8 – The Order

Diving to his left, Tatsumi narrowly dodged a crystalline spear, Incursio's cape fluttering behind him. "Wait a minute!! We aren't enemies!" He yelled, rolling forward as another spear stabbed where he stood a moment ago.

"There's no use in explaining, we have to subdue her." Akame said as she rushed past Tatsumi, her hand on the hilt of her sheathed blade. Spinning, she dodged a crystal pillar that had shot out from the ground before her, ducking to avoid another pillar that extended horizontally from the original. Akame lunged onward, closing the distance between her and her opponent, her arms wound back to swing her blade. A large crystal dome appeared, obstructing Akame's attack, a small crack running down the spot her sword had struck.

"I got it." Tatsumi stated, running forward as Akame hopped back, thrusting his spear into a sight crack, the surrounding dome shattering. Tatsumi's moment of satisfaction was cut short as a group of small pillars slammed into his armored torso, knocking him several paces back.

"Are you alright, Tatsumi?!" Akame called out, her sword drawn as she stood before him, her eyes glancing from his crouched form to their adversary.

"Yeah…gimme a sec." Tatsumi rose his steel-clad fist, taking a deep breath as he resumed his fighting stance. That damn Hijiri nii-san!

They stood on a hill overlooking a conspicuous looking cave. Tatsumi glanced around, unsheathing his sword as he stepped forward to get a better look. "So, she's in there?"

"Yep." Hijiri stated, shielding his eyes with his right arm.

"How are you so sure?" Tatsumi asked, pointedly glancing at Hijiri.

"Because – Hijiri crouched, tapping the ground with his right index finger – I can sense her or rather her body heat to be exact."

"Wait, is that an ability of yours or does she know you're...?!" Akame spun surprised as four bright orange fireballs came to life above his open left palm.

"Nope, but she's about to." Hijiri chuckled menacingly.

Huh? Tatsumi turned quickly as Hijiri swung his claymore down, shattering the edge of the cliff where the duo stood.

They leapt back, landing unscathed but confused.

"What the hell is happening?!" Tatsumi who had instinctively activated Incursio mid-air offered Akame his hand as he surveyed the area. Four explosions rang in succession as a large cloud of smoke rose from the mouth of the cave.

"Yo, Tatsumi, Akame! I've got one instruction for you both! Don't embarrass me!!" Hijiri yelled with a toothy grin as a low rumbling echoed from within the cave.

"How the hell does he expect us to win against one of the Supreme Order." Tatsumi grumbled, studying the girl called Kanae warily.

"What do you bastards think you're doing?" Kanae's mouth opened, an inhumane tone the result. She looked down on them from a gem disc, her purple neck length hair fluttering in the wind.

She's beautiful. Tatsumi's thoughts raced as he noted her bright purple irises and light pink lips, her face was a bit slim and she had a slender figure. Her physique was similar to that of Akame except she was shorter. Shaking his head, Tatsumi frowned as he studied her attacks searching for an opening.

"It seems I had gone too easy on you empire dogs, a mistake I won't make a second time." Kanae stated, her voice filled with contempt.

"Wha- what?! We're not with the empire!" Tatsumi yelled spinning his spear to fend off the volley of crystalline projectiles.

"Focus Tatsumi! Talking won't get us anywhere." Akame yelled, gracefully evading the gems as she carefully approached Kanae.

"Akame!" Tatsumi yelled, rushing to her side. "I'll fend off the attacks, you find away through alright?"

"We'll use the strategy we use against Hijiri-san." Akame stated, her gaze never leaving Kanae.

Lunging forward, Tatsumi activated Incursio's stealth ability disappearing from her view. Glancing down to watch for footprints, Kanae traced his probable path with her finger, a torrent of crystals trailing him. The dust cloud cleared as Incursio's spear spun from Kanae's right, two crystal orbs flattening to take the form of a shield, successfully blocking the attack. Timing it with the block, Tatsumi leapt at Kanae while she was distracted handling the spear, his leg drawn back for a kick.

Time seemed to slow down as Kanae turned back, locking eyes with Tatsumi, her glare causing him to falter. His eyes widened as he instinctively crossed his arms to guard his chest, Kanae's gem coated shin slamming into it and driving him into the ground, the shockwave clearing the surrounding dust cloud.

Kanae yelped in surprise as a firm grip yanked off the floating disc, slamming her back first into the ground. She rolled and hopped up, Akame's fist hitting her square in the jaw. Startled, Kanae rose her left arm to guard her face as she watched Akame's right.

Parrying with a smirk, Akame's left fist rattled Kanae as it slammed into her jaw. Huh? Kanae hopped back creating distance between her and Akame.

She's in range! Akame drew her katana, spinning it in her left, she swung the blunt side at Kanae's neck, metal clashing against rugged gems, the force knocking the blade out of Akame's hand.

Shit! I shouldn't have used my left. Her thoughts raced as she kicked Kanae's guarded torso, bumping her back by a few paces. Three crystal pillars lounged at Akame who eluded them, closing the distance, her elbow downwards for a jab. She halted as she spotted a crystalline orb flatten to become a shield. Twisting her foot back, Akame threw a high kick, Kanae barely able to react in time to guard.

The surrounding dust cleared as the cloaked Tatsumi swung the end of his spear at Kanae. She spun at the last moment, guarding against the spear with crystal gauntlets, the force shifting her off balance.

Subtle footsteps attracted Kanae as she noticed Akame close the distance in a moment. Leaning forward, Kanae grabbed hold of Tatsumi's arm, spinning and throwing him at Akame. Heat spread through her forearms, the blow Akame meant for her torso guarded against at the last moment. She stumbled back, the glaze in her eyes clearing. She looked up at Akame, her contempt filled look nowhere to be seen.

"Looks like all those sparing sessions with Hijiri-san paid off. But you're not as strong as he is." Akame stated, watching Kanae warily.

"I know that, so there's no need to rub it in!" Kanae yelled, her tone a higher pitch than before, startling Akame. Eh?

A body landed with a thud beside the two, startling them as Hijiri approached, Tatsumi in tow. "You sure you've been training, Kanae?"

"I believe I have, Hijiri nii-san." She replied, rising from her crouch. Akame raised a brow, glancing pointedly at Hijiri.

"It's alright then, you all needed the experience and there you have it." Hijiri replied handing Akame Murasame, her blade hilt first. Akame's eyes widened in surprise as she carefully but hurriedly took the blade from Hijiri, examining his bandaged palm with worry.

"Are you crazy, Hijiri-san! What if you had gotten cut?!" Akame yelled, angry but concerned.

Hijiri withdrew his hand from hers. "It actually did but this bastard won't let anything like that kill me, he wants the joy of doing that."


Noisy bastard. Hijiri smiled at Akame and Tatsumi's baffled expressions.

"Nii-san, what's going on here?" Tatsumi asked, glancing from the body to the less hostile Kanae.

They're not going to ask more questions? Kanae raised a brow, her gaze moving from Tatsumi to Akame and finally resting on Hijiri.

"It's real nice to see that you've learnt that I'll only explain more when I feel like it." He smirked, holding Kanae's gaze

"Nice to meet you, you must be Tatsumi-kun." Kanae bowed slightly, flustering Tatsumi. "And I believe you are Akame-senpai? She glanced inquisitively at Akame who gave the smirking Hijiri a deadpan.

"Just call me Akame."

"Akame-sen…Akame." Kanae muttered, glancing down in thoughts.

"Now that the intros are over." Hijiri clapped, gaining the trio's attention. "About this bastard, I think he's on the same side as the group that watched us back at the stronghold," Hijiri continued, squatting to unmask the unconscious spy. "I'll admit that I was lucky that he was so distracted by your fight that I could catch him, Plus, knocking him out without killing him was too bloody difficult." Hijiri yawned, sitting on the ground.

Approaching him cautiously, Kanae tapped his side with her foot. "Is he dead?"

"Nah, but I crushed his throat and that was only cause he was trying to kill himself with this." Hijiri replied, tossing a small satchel to Akame who held it up, her brows creasing in concern as the rays danced around the white substance in it.

"Akame, do you know what it is?" Tatsumi asked, undoing Incuriso's transformation.

Akame threw it back to Hijiri with a frown. "Yes, the empire used this for their expendables, especially the spies."

"I thought so." Hijiri muttered, frowning as he held his bandaged right arm above the unconscious spy's face. "Kanae, put up a dome to cover me, then move back, all three of you." Kanae nodded, a small crystal dome materializing around Hijiri and the spy.

"Wha-what's happening?" Tatsumi asked, glancing from Kanae to the dome confused.

"Hijiri nii-san is searching through his mem-" A strangled shriek from within the dome cut of Kanae, causing the trio to share a frown.

The screams caused an uncomfortable silence to hang around the three. After what seemed like hours but was mere minutes, the screams ceased.

A set of knocks on the dome alerted the three, Kanae clasping her palms once more as it disintegrated revealing a frowning Hijiri.

"Hijiri-san, what happened?" Akame asked, tone hinting at worry, an emotion she had felt too many times within such a short period.

Hijiri glanced from the man who shuddered violently and frothed in the mouth to the three who stood before him, curiosity and concern written over their faces. "Well that was a waste of time." He sighed, stretching his arms above his head.

"Why? What just happened nii-san?" Tatsumi asked, sparing the shaking body a glance.

"I just took a look into his memories and amazingly they're all screwed up."

"You mean you couldn't see anything at all, Nii-san?" Kanae asked.

"Yeah, I could only see shadows of people I believe are his bosses." Hijiri stated, crouching before the body once more and opening his palm over it.

"Could it be the work of an imperial arm or…?" Tatsumi was interrupted by the wave of hot air that rushed past them as Hijiri set the body ablaze.

"I don't think it is, probably some drug or some new torture technique…" Akame said, pausing as she noticed Kanae's disturbed expression. "…oh, my apologies."

"No, no, no, don't apologize Akame-sen…san. I just didn't think the empire would treat their own like that." Kanae replied, flustered at first but relaxing at the end of her statement.

"The empire doesn't care about anyone apart from the emperor and the prime minister." Tatsumi angrily replied, clenching his fists so tightly they turned white.

"Stop it will ya and stop bringing down the mood." Hijiri closed his palm, extinguishing the flames as he rose from a crouch.

"Since when did Nii-san start talking like an old man?" Kanae asked, visibly concerned. Seeing her expression, Akame and Tatsumi muffled their laughter, purposefully avoiding Hijiri's glower.

"Tsk. We need to return to the base as soon as possible so we can get in contact with the other one." Hijiri stated, walking away from the three.

"The other?" Tatsumi asked, glancing from Akame to Kanae, noting their puzzled expressions.

"Possibly you can't mean Roland-san?" Kanae inquired, her high-pitched voice filled with worry.

"Is that the final member of the Supreme order?" Akame asked, Hijiri nodding in reply.

"Um Kanae-san?"

"Yes Tatsumi-kun?" Kanae rose her brows inquisitively.

"Have you met this Roland-san before?"

"Ah yes, I was a shrine maiden before…" She paused, a slight shiver running down her arms. Hijiri patted her back, reassuringly, his expression that of concern. "…I met the other members of the Supreme order including Hijiri nii-san, on several occasions. But I'm not as close to Arata-sama or Roland-san as I am to nii-san, but what I do know is that Roland-san is not on the best terms with him. Ah, I apologize for talking too much."

"No, no. It's no problem." Tatsumi waved his arms frantically. "But did you just say Nii-san had a problem with Roland-san?"


"Eh?" He turned to the whistling Hijiri, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Oi, leave the past for itself, we have a long way ahead of us and we don't know if that guy's partner will show up with back up."

"Since when did the thought of back up scare you?" Tatsumi cocked a brow.

"It's an excuse. You could have asked me to help you catch the second one." Akame frowned.

"And alert both of them, no thanks. But it's quite surprising to see spies this skilled in the empire." Hijiri gazed at the cloudy sky deep in thought. Kanae studied Akame and Tatsumi, rushing to Hijiri.

"Nii-san, please come with me." She said, pulling Hijiri out of earshot of the two.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Hijiri asked confused.

"Nii-san, do you regard them as your comrades?" She asked, her gaze never leaving his.

Hijiri looked away, sparing the two behind him a glance. "I…should. Hopefully." He frowned, brushing past Kanae and increasing the distance between them. Sighing, Kanae turned back to Akame and Tatsumi and gave a small apologetic bow. "I apologize on Hijiri nii-san's behalf. He might seem tough but he's been through a lot so he's a bit sensitive." Akame patted her shoulder with a small smile while Tatsumi waved his hands, surprised and embarrassed.

"You don't have to worry about that. By the way, you seem quite close to Hijiri-san?" Akame asked.

Touching her reddened cheeks, she replied. "Y-yes, nii-san was the only one who kept in contact with me after everything that happened. He told me he was coming to get me soon and he did."

Akame's lips twitched upwards. "On the bright side, you're not as loud and as forward as he is."

"Not sure we can handle another Hijiri in Night raid." Tatsumi joked. Kanae giggled, an endearing high-pitched laughter that caused Tatsumi's face to redden.