Chapter 8: Part II

The bustle of the town this late in the afternoon intrigued Arata as he observed them from the window of his rented room. Looking over the room once more, Arata sighed. Though it couldn't be compared to the luxurious ones he was used to both in the capital and his hometown, it was also nowhere as bad as the camps he made while in the military.

The room was quite suffocating, a desk and lamp were at the side of the room and the bath was adequate. It was quite reasonable given the fact that it was a room which originally had one bed and at his polite request and hearty donation, had another added. There was no way changes couldn't be made even if there was no other room. Arata wasn't ready to reply heartily and dive into the room with Esdeath and have an embarrassingly awkward exchange like it was some poorly written novel.

With the two beds present, Esdeath occupied one while Arata occupied the other. He spared her a glance, raising a brow at her outfit. She wore a black sleeved t-shirt with long slits running down the side of both arms. The slits were partly covered with a thick thread in a zig-zag manner with a baggy black trouser and her hair was tied up in a neat ponytail. Esdeath gave off a different feel from her usual self almost endearing if observed by one who had no prior knowledge of her.

She scanned through some papers before her, the edge of her pen tilting down her pale pink lower lip. Esdeath looked up, catching Arata's gaze.

Smiling, she asked. "What's the matter, Arata-san?"

Arata held her gaze, sighing and turning away a moment after. "I believe it would take me a while to get used to that side of you, Gen- Esdeath-san."

Tilting her head to the side, Esdeath smirked tucking her bangs behind her ear. "To think the fast-paced Arata-san would have this much trouble adapting to the situation, it's quite surprising."

"I believe it is the casual wear." Arata replied, his gaze fixed on the town.

Esdeath drew out a part of the t-shirt, looking at it before turning back to Arata. "Obviously I couldn't walk around in my uniform, now could I? Is there a problem with the outfit, Arata-san?" She taunted.

Running his hand through his sky-blue hair, Arata dropped on his bed. "It is just unusual to see you in…" He paused, turning to the window with a frown.

Esdeath's brows creased slightly in concern. "What's the matter, Arata-san?"

Picking his trench coat hung on the wardrobe, he hurriedly wore it, sparing Esdeath a glance. "It seems Roland-san is under attack."

Grabbing her sheathed sword, Esdeath placed it in a sword bag and slung it over her shoulder, speedily approaching Arata. "What's happening?" She asked, the two walking briskly down the inn's hallway

"Though we were unable to meet him upon entering the town yesterday, I spent a better part of the night searching for him." Esdeath turned to him startled. "But you never left the room last night."

Turning from the receptionist, Arata smiled, tapping his forehead with his right index finger. "As expected of the general. However, I used a skill of mine that should I focus, I would be able to notice disruptions in the air current within a certain area. A town of this size is not a problem but a province as large as the capital would be taxing but possible. But the larger the range the less efficient it is."

Esdeath looked away perplexed. One on hand, she was relieved that her senses had not grown dull even in the face of the oh so mighty Supreme order, but on the other hand she had a better understanding of the kinds of monsters they were and to her surprise and excitement, the gap in strength wasn't so far off.

Arata chuckled. "It seems I have become quite talkative when speaking with you."

"It's probably what happens when you speak with subordinates." Esdeath waved her hand dismissively.

"No." Arata gave her a sidelong glance. "From the start, I have only viewed as an equal, General."

"Says the stronger one." She scoffed.

"You are an intelligent woman, strong, capable and an impressive tactician who has earned the devotion of the strongest unit in the empire. With that you have earned my admiration," He stated, his lips tilting upwards.

Esdeath glanced at him, a chuckle escaping her. "Forgive me, but I didn't think the prestigious Arata-san was capable of such flattery."

Shrugging, his brows creased. "Whoever his opponents are, they seemed to be fairly skilled, skilled enough to be troublesome."

"Could Hijiri be among…" A loud explosion startled the two, screams and a stampede separating them. Arata summoned the winds, hovering in the air, while Esdeath stomped, a pillar of ice raising her above the crowd.

"There seem to be two groups responsible for this. I trust you to handle the other group while I rescue our colleague." Arata stated, Esdeath nodding in reply.

The armor-clad man tightened his grip on his large mallet, breathing heavily. He resumed his battle stance, his full plated armor glinting in the sunlight. The man was much larger than the two opponents before him, he held up a large mallet with two square flat surfaces, gold runes ran down both sides of the mallet and they seemed to glow brighter the tighter he clutched it. His body armor was bulky and gray in color, making his large figure all the more intimidating. The top of his helmet was curved and covered his entire face, leaving but two slits which bright gold orbs glowed from within.

But even in the face of one as intimidating as the Order of Terra; Roland, his foes showed no fear. He couldn't tell who they were, only that they were fairly strong, strong enough that he wouldn't win against them if he continued to hold back. But Roland knew better, that should he fight to defeat his enemies swiftly, the people in the town, who he had sworn to protect would not survive the shockwave of his attacks. He cursed the fact that he lacked the precision that the Order of Flames and Storm possessed.

Another problem was the attributes of his opponents, they were highly proficient imperial arms users and they used elements that seemed to be the perfect counter for his abilities while also fighting in such an evasive and agile manner that he who made such large and powerful movements couldn't land proper hits. The slippery bastards fought like they'd known his fighting style beforehand.

Doubt had begun to grow in the wandering knight's mind. He was a member of the Supreme Order and a soldier, the only battle he had ever lost was against the hot-headed Order of Flames but he understood that, after all not only was he the most proficient in using his ability alongside the Order of Storm, Hijiri was also a very powerful all-rounder.

But the group before him was different, they were not overwhelmingly powerful, but they were like cunning snakes.

Slamming his mallet on the ground, four earthen golems rose. There was no way Roland was letting a group as dangerous as them go free and he had no plans to fall there. He clenched his jaw and lunged, the ground caving beneath his feet.

The duo before him sprinted forward, one of the two clasping his palms together instantly white arcs of lightning surrounded it.

Shinen no Hebi. The sound of crashing water caught Roland's attention as he spun to his right, swinging his hammer to obliterate most of the pressurized water, a small portion colliding with him.

That was supposed to destroy it all?! What?! He glanced at his mallet, glowering as a cluster of faint threads wove around the handle, their ends leading into the surrounding trees.

An imperial arm?! An explosion knocked him back, the lightning user on the spot Roland was a moment ago.

Roland sighed in annoyance, dropping his crossed arms which had used to guard his face. He dusted off some soot on his smoking armor, two of his adversaries dashing out of the tree lines to him.

Huh? Was that lightning- Thunder rumbled in the cloudy sky, blood and a decapitated head flying through the air in a graceful arc, the ground rumbling afterwards as the faint sound of bones snapping and being crushed was heard by everyone in the clearing.

"Roland-san, it has been a while. I do hope I am not late." Arata asked, the occasional branch of blue lightning running through his scythe.

"A-Arata-sama?! What are you doing here?" Roland asked, earnestly surprised.

"Let us handle these terrorists first, then we shall have a lengthy discussion." Arata spun his scythe skillfully, holding it horizontally, the end just at his back.

So this is him, I admit he gives just as much pressure as Hijiri-san, just how are we supposed to hold him here?! The lightning user clasped his palms, white arcs surrounding them.

"What are we going to do?! This wasn't supposed to happen!" The water user complained, nervously holding onto his ring.

"There's nothing we can do, we can't let the empire get the edge." The lightning imperial arms user grit his teeth, his gaze never leaving Arata.

Noting the movement in the tree line, Arata frowned. "Roland-san. It seems you will need to return to the town."

Glancing from Arata to the others hidden in the forest Roland nodded. "Very well Arata-sama." He turned around, sprinting at an inhumane speed.

Twirling his scythe, Arata pointed it at the duo before him. "You will have to forgive my rudeness but I will not display my true power before you as I do not wish you dead, not yet at least."

The lightning user growled, summoning two orbs in his palms. "The only problem we'll have with him would be his speed, so surround him and at least slow him down."

"I find that insulting, you pathetic worms. You really think that my speed is all you have to fear?" Arata laughed menacingly, lunging forward. Spinning midway and swinging his scythe in a wide arc at the group that sprinted out of the forest, a trail of blood trailed the blade. Dematerializing the scythe, Arata held the palms of the lightning user, crushing the orbs as well as his hands with sheer strength. "Is this supposed to be an imitation of Adramelech?" Arata paused, glancing down at the thin threads that found their way around his wrists and torso.

"Now!" The man yelled, clutching Arata's hands tighter with his broken palms.

Trump card: Kettōsan. Several threads held unto Arata as the water user closed the distance, a large blood blade in his bloodied palm.

Arata ran forward, flipping over as he swung the blade, severing his comrade and the threads attached to him. "I heard the revolutionary army had gotten ahold of that imperial arm but to think it would be used here." Arata turned and swung the butt of the scythe, slamming it right into his jaw.

The water user groaned, raising his arms to summon another blood weapon. Soft thuds attracted him as he saw both of his hands on the ground, a bloody stump left behind on his arm. "You are quite noisy, do tell me what I wish to know and I will not let you die from blood loss." Arata said quietly as he ignored his painful screams, crouching before him and summoning air barriers to prevent blood from spilling out of the stomps.

Picking the hand with the ring on it, Arata stated. "The pressurized air shielding your wounds will eventually start to shred and destroy your arm, so the earlier you talk, the better for you. Who exactly are you?"

Gritting his teeth, the water user glared at Arata, the occasional fearful shudder running through him. Muffled sounds caught Arata's attention as the final three in the group sprinted at him. Splitting in three paths, one charged at Arata, the other two running past both sides of him, their threads grabbing hold of his limbs.

He looked from one to the other, opening his palm and materializing his scythe in it. "If I put down two of you, I wonder if the other two would be more willing to talk." Arata spun his blade, the threads falling harmlessly to the ground.

Arata raced at the assassin before him, turning and swinging horizontally to clash with his daggers.

It's heavy! Arata's opponent grunted, barely deflecting the blunt end of the scythe. Another blow came right after, knocking him off balance.

Spinning, Arata slammed the blunt end of the scythe into his torso, knocking the wind out of him. The assassin stumbled forward, steadying himself as he tiredly resumed his stance.

Is he purposefully using the blunt end of his weapon?! Why?! He glowered at Arata, his eyes brightening up as two of his associates leapt at the blue-haired scythe wielder, weapons drawn.

"You are the two I will put down." Arata said quietly, grabbing ahold of the thread on his upper arm to yank the opponent behind him closer.

Turning, he swung his scythe down, creating a deep bloody gash from his chest to his knee. He closed the remaining distance between him and the other and let go of the thread. Swinging his left fist in a wide arc, Arata knocked his jaw out of place, a loud groan following after.

His eyes locked with the dagger user who was a breath away from him and lunged forward immediately, his elbow digging into the fleshy spot just below his chest. The assassin collapsed on the ground. His face crumpled in immense pain as he curled up.

Arata sighed, dematerializing his scythe once more and spun landing a solid kick on the foe with a broken jaw, knocking him out.

"I believe both of you would suffice as the example." Arata walked to him and placed his palm on his face, his broken jaw shifting awkwardly beneath it. Wind gathered before it and compressed greatly. A small pop sound echoed across what had now become an eerily silent clearing. Arata stepped back to reveal the blown apart face of his adversary, the surrounding area a bloody mess dotted with organs.

Arata flicked his wrists and redirected the winds so that it shielded him from the blood. "Now – Arata squatted before the handless man and spoke softly – shall we continue our conversation?"

Esdeath stood upright, panting, her clothes, sword and face a bloody mess. She glanced around the field before her, bloodied and frozen bodies piled about, the result of the battle between the assailants and her.

She wiped her face with her sleeve, glaring intensely at the two who stood amidst the bodies. Sighing, she gripped her blade tightly. This was a battle she was having difficulty enjoying, a rare case considering the kind of personality she had. She believed she had Arata to blame for this.

Esdeath focused on the two; one she had tagged as Oni, wore a black and crimson leather armor, he had cropped silver hair and his face was covered by what seemed to be a red wooden oni mask. The second was a slender female who donned a black short sleeved leather armor with fingerless gloves and a silver gauntlet that seemed to be an imperial arm. She had short blue hair and fair skin with scars running up both arms. But what made her stand out to Esdeath was the mask she wore.

The general could not mistake that mask for another because she noted its abilities in their brief exchange. The mask was Balzac, an imperial arm with the ability of tapping into the wearer's body and mind to unlock its potential by a 100%, giving the wearer super speed, strength, lightning-quick agility and unparalleled intelligence. It was a brown mask, with crosses over the eye holes and a large green circle over the mouth area. It was supposed to have been in the possession of the revolutionary army but seeing it before her alongside what seemed to be a watered-down version of Hijiri's abilities, Esdeath was sure that this was the doing of the rebels, considering how well they had countered her abilities.

Esdeath frowned, there was something bothering her and she needed to confirm it. Taking a step forward, she swayed slightly, looking up to deflect several sheets of metal with her sword.

What's this? Is it some sort of poison? Scanning her body swiftly, Esdeath stepped back, deflecting another set of metal sheet that aimed for her vitals. She stomped down, a pillar of ice firing her backward as Oni crashed in the spot she stood.

The smoke cleared and he was before her, katana wound back for a swing. Sparks flew off the blades as Esdeath parried Oni's swift blow, matching his movement to successfully dodge the flying metal blades that attempted to impale her.

"That's it. You use the demon's imperial arms while your associate uses both Balzac and a second imperial arm that helps her correct those metal shards, correct?" Esdeath stated, knocking Oni back with a heavy swing. He grunted, disappearing from her view as long metal rods shot out of the ground towards Esdeath.

"It seems I am on the mark, to think the two people the resistance would send after me would be a weaker version of Hijiri and the only case of a human using two imperial arms at once." She leapt in the air, summoning a pillar of ice and landing on it while swaying slightly. A gust of wind caused Esdeath to turn to her right instinctively, fending off Oni's swing.

A sharp sting on her left arm earned a frown from her as she jumped back, a large wall of ice rising between her and her opponents. So even though I coated my arm in ice, the blade was still able to pass through? Esdeath spared the arm a glance, blinking rapidly as she steadied her swaying form. While Oni is using the hallucinogenic ability of the demon to disorient me, Balzac's user is attacking almost immediately. Covering the gap in our strength with their synergy? Intelligent.

A sizzling sound caught Esdeath's attention as the middle of the ice wall glowed a bright orange, quickly giving way to steam. She resumed her stance immediately, swiftly parrying the flurry of throwing knives that came through the steaming hole.

Spinning around, Esdeath blocked Oni's blow, stomping her left foot down to freeze the rods that shot out of the ground. Turning to land a kick on Oni's side, a large metal pillar appeared, taking the brunt of the attack.

Oni lunged low, swinging his katana at Esdeath's face, three rods a breath away from her back.

We've got her!!

He faltered as he noticed Esdeath's smirk. In one fluid motion, Esdeath dropped, sweeping Oni's feet off the ground, an ice shield materializing behind her, holding the rods in place.

She kicked Oni's torso, knocking him a few paces back. Balzac's user flinched as Esdeath appeared before her, raising a shield at the last moment to block her swing.

"General Esdeath, as expected you're quite strong." Oni's gruff voice rang out. However, we were prepared for that." He lifted his katana, slitting his palm and letting his blood flow down the blade, a dark and menacing aura beginning to envelop him.

Trump card: Bubun henkan.

"The leader asked us to avoid tainting your blood, but unfortunately it seems that I can't go along with that." Crouching, a rocky sheet covered his entire body, bright orange cracks running along them. The slits on his mask glowed crimson and flames poured out of them.

"You'll fall like the other unfortunate humans who faced me in this form!"

Esdeath's lips tilted up in a wide grin. She felt a similar sensation as when she faced Hijiri and she wanted to or rather needed to get a different result.
