Chapter 1. Reincarnation and gifts

When I opened my eyes, there was only light.

[Good to see you.]

I heard a voice.

'Who?' I asked, but no words came out of my mouth. It took me a second to notice that I had no mouth at all.

'What the hell is happening?' I panicked.

[I am God, do not worry, kid.]

'Who are you? What is happening!'

I feel as if my chest was getting heavier and heavier, I would have been difficult for me to breathe, if only I was actually breathing now.

[You have died.]

The voice replied.


[It was my fault, actually]

[Truth is...well, I shall just show you]

Suddenly, a ball of light appeared infront of me, which would have been difficult to distinguish because everything here was white. But even though I had no eyes, I could sense everything.

The ball of light transformed into a screen, showing a boy with black hair going down a street, to his house.

And Bam! A bolt of lightning struck and fried the boy.

[And thus, you ended up here]

I looked at everything. Indifferent. Yes, this was what I felt at my own death, why? Probably because everything felt hazy, even now.

'Then, now what? God?'

[Well, your death wasn't planned, so I shall give you a chance to reincarnate in any world you want to, along with that, I shall also grant you three wishes, what do you say?]

I calm my thought and think.

Thinking in this form was difficult, my head felt cloudy and I do not believe that I have any other options here.

'Okay, then '

He made up his mind and started pouring his thoughts infront of the 'God'.

'My first wish is to be reborn in the world of 'Demon Slayer', an anime series I really liked, from what I can recall.

'My second wish is to have a strong body.'

'My third wish is to be born in the Kamado family, as the older brother of Kamado Tanjiro, make me at least 2 years older than him.'

[That is all that you ask for?]

God asked.

'Yes.' I replied.

And thus, my journey began.