Chapter 2. Birth and childhood

Johan wasn't able to see anything around him at all. But he could feel that his entire body being in a warm place.

He didn't know where he was, nor did he want to think about it because he felt that if he were to think too much, then some problems would occur.

This was, of course because he was in his mother, Kamado Kei's womb.

His brain hasn't developed to the point he could have complex thoughts. Thus he was unable to sense of his situation.

After an unknown amount of time…

On a rainy night

In a small room

"Don't close your eyes! Don't close your eyes!'', said one of the 2 middle-aged ladies in a slightly loud voice.

She was a mid-wife, and today Kamado family's first child was about to be born, she didn't want any mishaps to occur, and not just today, as a mid-wife she would never want a mother or a child to die during labor.

"Quick, bring warm water!" she said to the other mid-wife.

"Okay", the other mid-wife replied.

Outside the room was a man, his name was Tanjuro Kamado, Tanjuro suffered from an illness which made his skin appear dull, pale and very fragile.

He has dark red eyes, black hair with red tips hair, and a forehead scar.

Currently, he was sitting on a chair, and was looking a bit nervous.

This was because he was going to be a father any minute now. All he could do now was pray for the safety of the mother and child.

After some time, the rain stopped, and he heard the cry of a baby from inside the room.

A mid-wife came outside the room and said, "Congratulations, your wife, and son are healthy" with a gentle smile on her face.

"Ah, it's a good thing that they are healthy", he said, seemingly relieved.

Inside the room

Kei Kamado was resting after safely giving birth, her child was right beside her, coverd in clean white cloth was sleeping without a care in the world.

She looked at her child with a lot of affection in her eyes, she thought "how cute" with a smile on her face.

Tanjuro entered the room with anticipation in his eyes, he saw his wife,Kei, and beside her was his son, in deep sleep.

As he got closer to Kei,she asked him, "Have you thought of a name yet?"

Hearing the question, Tanjuro gave a gentle smile, took his son in his arms and said, "Yes, I have, we will name him 'Harada'", he said.

"'s a good name", Kei said with a pleased tone.

"I wish he grows up to be strong and healthy",said Kei internally.

{Note: MC's name will no longer be Johan, he will be called Harada for the rest of the story.}

After a few hours…

Harada slowly opened his eyes, he saw two people in his room, one man and a woman.

"They must be Tanjuro and Kei kamado, my parents"he said internally, of course.

"Ah, I don't have any energy to even move my limbs", he thought. That was because he was tightly covered in a white cloth and was a newborn.

He observed his parents for a while,after that, his parents noticed him.Kei took Harada, her child, in her arms and said, "Are you hungry, Haru-chan!"

"Ha-Haru!"Tanjuro said while stuttering, "But we decided to name him Harada"He said jokingly.

Kei understood that he was joking and thus didn't reply to him because she didn't have any energy to do so.

She carried Harada with her right arm, and put her left arm in her cloths around the chest area, and grabbed one of her breasts and took it out so that her child could drink milk.

"Well, I really do feel hungry", he thought. Harada was a bit hesitant at the start, but he was ready for a situation like this before he told the god about his wishes.

Besides, it would be impossible for children to survive without their mother's milk.

He used his tiny fingers to grab on her nipples, and then he put that in his mouth and started drinking milk as he was supposed to.

Now, there was only one thing bothering him and that was his father, who was in the same room in which Harada was drinking from his mother's breasts.

It felt a bit weird to drink milk from his mother's breasts but his father's gaze was making him feel a bit more embarrassed.

"Please, go don't stare at me!!" he thought internally.

After 2 months…

Harada was able to walk, but he wasn't able to speak currently, but he did that on purpose.

"If a child walking and talking by the time he/she was 2 months old, then their parents would probably freak out and even think that their child is possessed by a demon or something."

This was his understanding of his current situation.

As expected, the body that god gifted him was a strong one, his physical growth was very fast.

He was sure that if he were to try, then he would be able to even run, not fast, but still being able to run by the time you're 2 months old is already an astonishing feat.

"But I, for some reason, unable to control my body as good when it comes to holding back 'the pressure',

due to which I, like any other child, spoiled my pants a lot. But this was a good thing because I would be too ashamed to poop my pants by myself as I need to act like any child my age, at least now".

His parents noticed that their child's body is becoming stronger by day, which naturally pleased them a lot.

Any good parent would want their child to be healthy.

Many people congratulated father for becoming a father, which of course made him pleased as well.

He was a quiet, calculating, forgiving, charismatic and loving person, and he played with occasionally.

We lived in the mountains,, so there weren't many people who visited us.

Father would go to the village down the mountain to sell charcoal every day.

Even though he looked frail and weak but in reality, by learning the Hinokami Kagura and continuing to do the Kagura dance throughout the night every year, Tanjuro has vastly improved his physical capabilities far beyond that of a normal human.

As for my mother, is a woman with a noticeably light complexion, kind, dark purple eyes that appear a lighter color around the rims of their irises, and a small beauty mark located on the left of her face below her lower lip.

She has black hair, worn tied back in a messy bun with a few loose strands left to dangle over her face.After doing all the housework,she plays with me alot.

As for me,I have black hair and dark red eyes.

"I will do as many physical activities I can so that I can increase my stamina".

After a year…

"Now, I am 14 months old. As I turned 6 months old I started to walk, but only with someone supporting me, when I turned 10 months old, I started running and playing in the woods with my mother and occasionally my father, But I still trip a lot, maybe because no matter how strong this body may be, I'm still a 1-year-old child"

After another year….

I turned 2 years old last month. Today was a delighted day because my mother was about to give birth again, and this time, to Tanjiro, the original MC of the story.

After a few hours, mother safely gave birth to a boy, and this time, father named him Tanjiro as that was the name he was supposed to get.

"He is so cute" I said

"Yes he sure is, Haru-chan make sure to take care of your younger brother"my mother said gently.

"Yes I will for sure." I said

Harada choose to talk like this before he tured 3 years old because he thought that talking like this is cute.

"Harada you're getting older, you should learn how to talk properly"father said in a gentle voice as always.

"Okay father"I said with a serious expression, but that serious expression looked adorable when made by a 2-year-old.

After another year…

I have turned 3 years old a few months ago, and today Tanjiro turned 1 year of age. The first word he said was "Okaa-chan".

"I thought he would say "Onii-chan" but maybe I was expecting too much"I sighed.

But still, Tanjiro is really attached to me as I treat him with love and care.

And as for my parents, during the day, father would go to the village to sell charcoal, and mother would do the housework, they would still spend a lot of time with me and Tanjiro.

However at night, they will start doing the "deed" as soon as we slept. But that's good as well, since I really want to have Nezuko as my sister.

After another year…

I turned 4, 2 Tanjiro, and today nezuko was about to be born

I was really excited about it, A few days ago father and mother asked us if we wanted a sister or a brother, Tanjiro said he wanted a brother so that he would have the little brother to take care of like me.

Likewise, I said that I wanted a sister because I thought a little sister would be cute.

Of course, I was certain that our expectations were fruitless as only Nezuko will be born, but I thought to enjoy this moment with them.

Now today mother went in labor pain, and father took mother to the midwifes, after a safe delivery, she and father returned with our cute little sister,Nezuko.

Tanjiro was disappointed for a few seconds but then he started playing with her the most, it was as if he just completely forgot about me.

"But I don't think I should care about" I thought with a wry smile.

"Tanjiro, how can you forget about your brother" I said teasingly, "hahaha didn't you want a brother" I said.

Tanjiro puffed his cheeks and said, "She is also a bit cute, not as much as I wanted, but still, she is ok!" he said hurriedly with difficulty.

"You're so cute" I shouted internally.

I swear I'll take care of them.

To be continued…