Christian examined himself briefly, and even after witnessing others go through the same process and experience the same changes as he has, he still finds it hard to believe, and everything seemed so surreal to him

The changes that he had gone through, the increase in strength, speed, fairly heightened senses, the muscular build, all of it to say the least just felt like he underwent and completed an intensive bodybuilding course that could have taken up to months to complete in just half an hour time and it was spectacular but shocking, to say the least.

He looked at himself again, expecting to see burn marks or heat rashes all over his body but still, shockingly enough his skin was plain, smooth, and quite spotless, it was as if he had shredded skin and was wearing a new one. He was astonished by everything going on while walking out of the tent and headed back to where everyone was gathered.

As he approached the other students he could hear some of them murmuring between themselves 

"seems like he's one of the lucky one's to achieve a high rank," a boy said 

 "yeah seems like it, but what's with that aura around him though? The other's weren't like that"

"yeah I was just about to ask the same thing, also that's Christian! He was always targeted by Markus's gang and he was considered weak so how come he's possessing such a terrifying aura that a high ranked should have" another added

"he might not be a high ranked user as we can't tell from the aura alone" another replied to the previous boy that spoke 

"it's like every cell in my body started screaming at me to get out of here and not get close to him since he came out" another boy added while shivering visibly.

Christian was taken aback by what he heard and didn't know whether to laugh or cry after listening in on their conversation.

Actually, he was of the same opinion as to the boy that spoke about him being weak as he considered himself as a weakling, but the part of his aura being terrifying was strange to him. He was thinking that the other gifted students might think the same way of him and turned his head to look in their direction, but he was relieved when he saw the indifferent looks on all their faces. 

'it seems like it's only those that are yet to be gifted that find my aura threatening' Christian thought to himself 

'but it's not like the others that have been gifted can't sense my aura also right? so if am right then it could be that my presence is either too weak that they are unaffected by it, or they are just suppressing and trying to hide the fact they are indeed wary of my presence.' he thought 

To others, having to carry around this kind of aura might be difficult for them as it could greatly hinder their social life because of the overbearing presence, but to Christian, it was perfect because he was never the type that liked to socialize or spend time with others so if his presence alone could make those people hoping to form a relationship with him turn tails and run then why won't he be satisfied with it? 

'but wait for a second, no man's an island and there will come a time I'll need others' help, and if my aura keeps chasing everyone away who will I turn to then when I need assistance?' Christian kept pondering for a while before a lightbulb suddenly went off in his head.

He recalled that all gifted can conceal their aura, but the main question here now is how to go about it?.

He decided to approach a student and formerly a bully of his that Sam made back off from him that knew a lot about ability users to see if he could get some tips about what to do from him 

"Hey, Daniel" Christian called out while approaching him 

"yeah? what do you want Christian?" Daniel asked and watched Christian closely as he walked towards him wondering if he's come for revenge now that he's been gifted 

"nothing much" Christian replied nonchalantly when he saw the calculative looks in his eyes and decided to put him more on edge by acting carefree and all 

'if I act nonchalantly like he beneath me now coupled with my baring aura, won't that be enough no?' He wondered 

"I just wanted you to enlighten me on how to conceal my aura" he decided at the last minute to make it sound more like a request which he had no choice but to comply with after seeing his legs shaking slightly as a reaction to his presence. Even the others around him couldn't withstand the pressure coming from him as they too backed off creating some distance between them and him leaving Daniel behind. 

Daniel's mouth twitched slightly before asking back "is that all?" Christian simply nodded as a reply to his question, seeing this Daniel spoke 

"I don't know how they do it but when I asked my dad about it once all he said to me was that one had to imagine holding onto his or her aura and hang onto that feeling then attempt to pull the aura back into the body," Daniel said trying not to make eye contact with Christian the entire time.


After hearing what he had to say Christian simply turned his back on him and returned to his position, by then the last student had already stepped into the tent. 

He then shut out all the surrounding noise out of his head and focused on pulling his aura back into his body as Daniel explained, but after some time he opened his eyes when he felt nothing strange happening within or around him.

But he was relieved when he could no longer feel the glow around him anymore and by the breath of relief coming from others around him, not that he cared in any way if it was overbearing to them though. 

'but thinking about it, I have never heard of another gifted that possess the same aura I carry though' that was another thought running through Christian's mind before the guard returned once more to announce that they were to take off their old communicator device and equip the ones provided by the military. 

Taking one out of the box he simply wore it around his wrist. Immediately the screen lit up and started booting itself. 

About a minute later it made a 'beeb' sound and the screen suddenly displayed a single-digit number '6'.

He was surprised because he was expecting to be at least a power level '2'. 'Well, to be sincere to I did think of myself as being weak, I was always bullied by kids whose parents had influential backgrounds and wealthy status, unlike me who has no father and was still trying to survive with my struggling mom. So who was I to fight back then attract more troubles for my mom and me?'

Then to think that he'll be ranked as a power level '6' just after the 'Gifting Event' and there is still a 50% chance of growing from here! 

Wowsers, he was flabbergasted, to say the least, and he just couldn't wait to get home and share the news with his mother.

'yes! am one step closer to becoming stronger and soon I will be capable of providing all necessities both mom and I need' he thought while grinning widely to himself

After every one of us went through the process we were summoned back to the assembly hall, and still at the front of the stage addressing us was instructor Absard.

"The aftermath of this year's Gifting Ceremony is a huge success here at our school as there was not a single student that was not gifted with an ability. Also, the lowest power level ability users were power leveled '3', which isn't bad as there is still room for improvement for those students" he announced with a loud proud voice filled with happiness and vigor. 

The entire hall erupted in cheers as they heard the results of almost everyone being high ranked, it was great news to the school as they will be placed among the top 10 schools to produce high power leveled users of such magnitude thereby increasing their fame around the six lands and attract more students more than ever. 

It was a joyous moment for the entire school and the teachers were the ones to bask in the glory more and were anticipating receiving juicy rewards and words of praise. While for the students, it was the feast that was prepared for the celebration of the successful gifting Ceremony this year. 

The atmosphere was one bustling of intense happiness as sounds of laughter can be heard from every corner of the room. Everyone was wearing their best smiles while conversing with one another. But on the stairs leading to the second floor, Christian could be seen leaning on the wall while observing all that was happening downstairs. After some time he suddenly spoke up 

"done having fun?"

"hehehe" Sam giggled as he walked up the stairs and went over to Christian's side then said 

"didn't find anyone interesting down there" he replied while resting his forearms on the staircase 

"Why are you up here and not down there?" he asked, staring straight down at the party 

"the same reason as yours for being up here too" Christian replied calmly 

"hnn" Sam acknowledge nodding his head 

"do you have any idea of when the military will be coming to get us?" he asked looking serious

"nope, but it won't be long. It won't extend more than three days from now at max I think" Christian replied while walking down the stairs with Sam following suit from behind as the party was coming to an end and everyone was about to head home.

Avoiding the main party ground and where people were gathered, both boys decided to use the exit closest to the staircase to leave the building. Halfway towards the exit the earth suddenly shooked as if an earthquake was taking place

'boom' 'boom' 'boom' 'boom' 

it sounded as if it was someone or something was leisurely walking towards the city wall. 

Both boys hurried out to see what was going on as they could hear screams and sirens blaring in the city. 

What they saw when they stepped outside made both boys shiver uncontrollably. It was the most dreaded thing that's recently been broadcasted locally in TV news and was in several newspaper and magazine faces. 

It was a gigantic three-headed ultra beast!. The giant held a mighty club in its hand, dragging it behind it as it strolled towards the wall. 

In recent times on TV, news relating to a giant that had stepped out of a spatial opening in the 'the red zone' and was within the city wall vicinity was broadcasted locally, but none took it seriously, as the citizens had expected the system to take care of it swiftly. But now that same beast was headed for the wall, seemingly aware of the humans residing behind it.

The giant was terrifyingly huge and as tall as large skyscrapers and possessed a large muscular body. Its large veins could be seen pulsating under its skin that looks like it was constantly warping around itself, its strength was unfathomable and appeared to be around a thousand times stronger than an average titan.

As the giant approached the city walls and was about a few hundred meters away from the wall, the security defenses shield and the city's forcefield were activated and at the same time, gunners started raining down energy blasts on the approaching giant from every single angle. 

All of the city's defenses combined effort to deter the giant from advancing did little to no damage to it, and only seem to enrage it further as it suddenly let out a deafening roar 


Before racing towards the city wall. All hopes were placed on the city's forcefield and defenses shield to at least slow down the raging beast and buy some time before they were being able to launch a coordinated attack on the giant.

But all hopes were lost as soon as it was gained as the raging monster ran past the area of the forcefield barely hindered by it, then shattered the city's defensive shield as it rammed its gigantic body against it and kept on moving forward until it was a few meters away from the wall. It suddenly turned its massive body sideways then threw its giant club against the city's wall that came crumbling down immediately after impact as it couldn't handle the sheer weight and pressure of the giant's attack.

As the wall went rumbling down, the entire Land Green fell into chaos and deeper despair as countless numbers of regular Titans within the wall flooded into the city through the huge dent made on the wall by the sudden appearance of the three-headed giant.

Watching this scene unfold, Christian froze still and there was only one word in his mind he could utter 
