"MOM" Christian yelled and made his way through the chaotic crowd while looking around, hoping to see his mother running towards safety like everyone else that was fleeing from the outskirts of the city towards the transportation hall for safety and immediate evacuation. 

Sam ran behind Christian, and he too was anxious and wanted to confirm the safety of his own family. They ran for quite some time before both boys arrived at a crossroads, one leading to the slumps at the outskirts of the city and the other leading towards the high-end neighborhood where most wealthy families reside.

Christian turned around to look behind him briefly and nodded towards Sam as a gesture of gratitude. He was about to head down the road leading towards the slumps when Sam called out from behind 

"Christian! I want you to promise me that you are getting out of here alive" 

"I can't die when I have a mother to protect and just had the means to do it now can I?" Christian asked back 

"But for all, we know she could have left for the evacuation center already like everyone else," Sam said, trying to reason out with him 

"Then why are you still heading to your own house? My family and yours whose safety is more guaranteed!? If you get to be worried about your family and want to check things out yourself then why can't I do the same?" Christian argued back and asked one question after another without waiting for Sam to reply

"Also I know my mom, in this kind of situation she knows I wouldn't leave without her so it's likely she will stay at a safe location where I can find her easily" Christian explained 

"but nowhere is safe as it is!" Sam replied still not giving up  

"if nowhere is safe then why aren't we dead yet despite how much time we've spent running from the school ground until now? The part of the wall the Titans are flooding in from is at the far end of the Western sector of the city, we are currently at the southern part of the city and it will take about an hour time before they can get here, at least if I don't see my mom before then I'll head straight to the evacuation center and regroup with you there alright?"  

Sam was lost in his thoughts after listening to Christian and figured he just acted like a hypocrite because he too won't be satisfied until he sees with his own eyes that everyone has left his house and headed for the evacuation center too.

"Just promise me you won't die out here," Sam said feeling dejected at their current situation

"I promise" Christian swore and he hurriedly turned on his heels and bolted towards the slumps where his house was located. Seeing this Sam also headed towards the other direction leading to the high ends area.


At Christian's House

Diana looked at the wall clock on the wall, and it indicated that the time was a few minutes past the hour of two pm 

"it's almost time" she mumbled to herself while walking towards her room. She walked past the door and headed straight for the only painting that was hung on the wall inside the room, and took it down, exposing the safe laid behind. She input the right combination of passwords, the safe opened up and she quickly grabbed the book and flask inside it. 

She then walked up to Christian's room, grabbed his traveling bag, and kept the book and flask at the bottom of the bag before piling his clothes on top of them then zipped it shut!.

After waiting for some time it started.....

'boom' 'boom' 'boom' 'boom'.....

The 'three-headed giant' had arrived!

She hurried out to see how it was all going to unfold, and it played out exactly the way he said it would.

"This is it uhn?" Diana asked while staring straight in the direction of Christian's school 

"will I ever see him again?" she asked again still staring at the same place

"you will if it all plays out accordingly," a soft deep voice that sounded calm and patient said, while a man with jet black hair and brown hazel eyes wearing a black overall coat, walked up to Diana's side from the house 

"And if it doesn't?" Diana asked still staring ahead

"He will be here soon Diana, there is no time for negativity or arguments," he said, then turned his head to his side to stare at her, he continued 

"We both know that we are doing this for his sake, you know why the Titans are here, you know what will happen if the other side learns of him and he isn't strong enough to protect himself"

"Then we will both protect him if he isn't able to do it himself!" Diana yelled emotionally while staring furiously at the man by her side 

"How I wish we could Diana" he replied solemnly, shaking his head 

"The last cycle will start soon and it won't be complete without him and when that happens they will find out about him, and when they do, they will all come for him and no one will be able to protect him but himself by then. Not I, nor you. No one but himself Diana! So don't let your emotions get the better of you and risk his life any further than this! You know what's at stake here" 

"I know, and I understand" Diana nodded and she took in a deep breath as determination flashed through her eyes. She asked while trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall down her face 

"The 'female three-headed giant', when will it bring down the southern gates?" 

"Right about now" the man replied calmly while staring at his wristwatch. 

Seconds later they both heard a loud bang from behind, about a few thousand meters away from them, followed by the rumbling sound of debris and part of the wall that was falling to the ground. 

Diana quickly spun around, and saw a countless number of titans, alongside ultra beasts surging into the city, through the broken wall heading for the city's settlement.

"We will intercept him at the next street and you will have to hand over the bag to him," the man said while moving forward

"But why?" Diana questioned 

"Now is not the time to question everything I do Diana, just do as I say alright?" The man said dejectedly while cupping Diana's cheek with both hands 

"Alright" Diana nodded determinedly "I trust you" 

"Good," the man said and the next moment their surrounding changed as they were already on the next street.


Christian saw his mother standing alone in the middle of the street dazedly, and was shocked but happy at the same time to see her 

'but wait a minute, she wasn't there a second ago right?' He thought 

"Mom!" Christian yelled excitedly as he ran over to his mother while he was thinking 

"Come on we have to go now, there's not much time left," Christian said while gasping for air

"Here take this bag, I packed all we will need for the next few days in there," Diana said in a monotonous voice, having repeated every word the man said she should say to him 

"Mom are you alright? You sound kinda weird" Christian noted 

"Am fine there's noth__ Christian behind you" Diana yelled after being cut off by the sight of an approaching titan.

She raised her left hand and curled it into a fist, the titan suddenly dropped to the floor dead!

At the same time after Christian heard his mom raise an alarm, he turned to his back only to see a titan dropping to the floor dead, with black blood oozing out from its mouth and corner of its eyes. Christian stared wide-eyed at the dead figure before him and turned to face his mom seeking answers, only to see countless more titans approaching them from behind. Taking hold of his mother's hand he raced forward with her on tow only to be intercepted after a few meters by three other titans ahead.

Staring straight at them for the first time in his life, Christian froze as he had a sudden foreboding feeling, and felt too powerless to go against so many of them when he wasn't even confident of surviving an encounter with just one. But now he's supposed to go against this many and win?

He felt frustrated at how weak he currently was. 'No, I've been gifted, am not weak anymore' he thought. 

Staring at his mom's face by his side, a look of determination flashed through his eyes before they turned pitch black and the aura he's been hiding ever since the event suddenly blazed wildly around him threatening to devour anyone and anything that dares to come close. 

Diana felt a chill run down her spine and her eyes trembled visibly, as she stared right into the eyes of her son that were pitch black and she subconsciously took a step back.

Christian let go of his mother's hand and stared straight ahead at the titans ahead of him. He felt like he was lost in his mind, as though he was floating about in an abyss of darkness yet somehow he was still aware of the happenings in his surrounding but was not in control of his body. His body felt like it went into autopilot mode and he just became a passenger viewing from the sidelines.

A large number of dark ability runes emerged out of his body like clouds of dark mists and surged towards the titans ahead of them. 

The titans were at a loss of not knowing what to do as they had never seen such an ability before, neither do they know of its capabilities or effects. 

Not that they had the luxury of time to worry about such things anyway, because the entire area they were in was immediately shrouded by the dark mists excluding where both Christian and his mother stood. 

Everywhere else were covered by the mist and as it came into contact with the Titans they let out miserable shrieks 


They felt their entire life force drained away from their body as it was been absorbed by the dark mists rapidly, and it didn't stop until every single bit of heavenly energy within them was drained out before the mists withdrew from them and retracted back to Christian's body.

Christian was panting heavily as the colors returned to his eyes. Holding his chest, he fell on one of his knees and his vision became blurry.

It seems that the heavenly energies the mists absorbed from the titans were overwhelming him as his body couldn't contain them. 

He was confused and scared as he knew virtually nothing about this ability, and he could feel that his body had held up to the maximum amount of 'Dust particles' it could contain as of now until further cultivation. But the unabsorbed particles were looking for a medium of escape as they were no more room to contain them and were threatening to burst out through his skin!. He was at a loss because if that happened then there will be nothing left of him but his bones.

Too weak to fight back and having no means for escaping such a predicament, he resided to his fate as he closed his eyes and waited for the arrival of the grim reaper to come to lead his soul away. 

He suddenly felt someone hold onto both his shoulders and dropped down to his eye level. His mother stared right back at him and was on her knees in front of him with tears gushing down her eyes when she saw the pained expression on his face 

He wanted to scream at her and urge her to get out of here before another wave of titans appear but he couldn't as he didn't have an ounce of strength left in him to even voice out his complains 

He could hear his mother speaking to him but her voice sounded distorted and he couldn't make out what she was saying. Harnessing whatever strength left in him he focused it on his hearing before he could make out some of the words she said

"Christian, try to listen to me and do as I say, you are a dark ability user and your type of ability is an original one. If possible don't let anyone know about it later on in the future, but that's not important right now, what is, is you coming out of this alive. 

"You can use your ability to absorb the excess dust particles in your body and convert them to more dark ability runes directly okay? You just have to focus and release the mists and spread it all over your body okay?" Diana explained hurriedly still holding onto her son 

Christian tried to concentrate, following what his mother said. Dark mists started shrouding Christian's entire body as he focused and tried to absorb, and change the dust particles to ability runes but kept on failing. Shaking his head to clear his mind and become more focused he decided to increase the intensity of the mists using every last bit of his strength he could conjure. 

Suddenly all the excess dust particles colors in his system started changing rapidly from its normal bright golden color to ash before been dissolved and turned into little clouds of mists,  joining with the others before retracting back to his body aga

Diana saw the relieved expression in the face of her son, and she knew he had been successful in absorbing the dust particles to his ability runes. She then stood up. She stood on her feet and moved backward slowly, still crying, staring, and smiling at her son 

Confused, Christian tried to reach out to his mother and tried getting on his feet but was too tired to even lift a finger. 

He lifted his head to look at her and wanted to ask what she was doing, but he was shocked to see his mother trying to hold back another titan that seemed to be weakened from the attack of the dark mists from earlier but somehow managed to survive and was still strong enough to deal a finishing blow to a commoner without breaking a sweat. 

Tossing the body aside it did not even spare a second glance at the corpse that laid at his feet, but simply walked past it and headed straight for the one responsible for the slaughtering of his kind