Sam fainted on the spot as soon as he laid his eyes on the terrifying dragon that was absurdly huge with two gigantic wings that lay by its side, wings that could propel the dragon over thousands of miles in a matter of seconds.

It's scales that were like iron spikes protrude out of it's body covered it and protected it from any from of danger that might come upon the dragon.

It's eyes that were shaped like globes seemed very aged, like they have seen and experienced a lot of things in this turbulent world and holds a great amount of knowledge.

It's overwhelming presence that felt suffocating to Christian and made it hard for him to breathe as he stood near the dragon in all it's full glory, leisurely flapping it's humongous wings that kept it hovering in the air and created several ripples down below.

For awhile even Christian felt overwhelmed by the sheer size and overbearing presence of the dragon and he stood there dazedly staring at it hovering above him as he held his breath and forgot to breathe momentarily.

Snapping out of his daze Christian called out to the dragon

"Hey! You said to summon you out when I woke up and I just did that" he yelled on top of his voice

"so what next" he added still looking up at the dragon skeptically, as he clearly still didn't trust the dragon not to cause any mayhem now that it was out in the open again and close to a city that was brimming with countless number of humans filled with life

Lowering itself towards the ground the dragon spoke directly into Christian's head without moving it's mouth

"just so you know, you don't have to yell so loud when speaking to me, my hearing is impeccable that even if it was barely a whisper I would still be able to pick it up and hear you clearly"

"Yeah that's great for you and all but am on a tight schedule here and time is not really being my friend today, besides I just had another emergency on my hands due to your appearance" Christian replied as he pointed towards Sam with his chin clearly implying to the dragon to hurry up and carry out whatever it was it wanted to do

"He's weak, why do you associate yourself with such abject humans?" It asked taking a glimpse at Sam then turning it's full attention to Christian

"Why does anybody do anything" Christian asked back, nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders he added "he's my friend and sworn blood brother, so even if he's weak as you say he is it still won't change a thing" he added staring dead right into the dragon's eye

"Hmmph" the dragon snorted coldly as it slammed it's gigantic hand into the ground

Shrouding himself entirely with his dark mists as soon as he saw the dragon lift it's hand, Christian teleported several meters away from the dragon instantly reappearing beside where Sam laid

"what are you doing?" He yelled furiously at the dragon as he took a fighting stance while glimpsing beside him to confirm Sam's safety

The dragon viewed Christian taking his stance and shot him a look through it's unwavering eyes that seemed to say 'really, if I wanted to I could end you where you stand' then voiced out

"that was fast, at least you could keep up with my slowest movements"

"So you really were trying to kill me?" Christian asked as his blood boiled and he shot the dragon a menacing look with his bloodshot eyes

"If I wanted to you would be dead already" the dragon deadpanned lazily

"just step into the circle so we can get this over with" the dragon added pointing one of his clawed hands towards the ground below it's feet

And true to the dragon's words, a few meters ahead of where Christian stood there was a circle drawn with flames encasing the area where the dragon now stood on all four of it's legs with strange drawings and patterns that laid bare in the center of the flame circle

Christian didn't want to trust the dragon badly, but there was this calm serene little voice in his head urging him to go on, to trust the dragon and follow it's every step and nothing could go wrong

Taking his first step forward, he hesitated then asked the dragon

"and if I do this, does it jeopardize the lives of others around me?"

"Only those wishing to hurt you" it replied calmly as always

"Alright" Christian nodded as determination flashed through his eyes and he stepped into the flame circle

Once inside the circle Christian felt a sudden rush of power surge into him and if he had to guess, he figured it would be part of the dragon's power that was rushing into him as it is.

The dragon's voice brought him out of his thoughts as it spoke

"make a deep cut on your hand and let the blood fall unto the center of the circle" it explained as it made a small cut under it's abdomen with one of it's claw

Following the instructions the dragon gave, Christian grabbed a small sharp stone that laid nearby and made a deep gash on his palm then held it over the circle's center letting his blood pour out.

His blood fell on the center of the circle and moved along the lines of the drawing filling up his half part of the circle, the dragon did likewise and gave the same result.

As soon as the entire circle was filled with the duo's blood a warm bright light, hue in colour sprang from the boundary of the circle and enveloped the both of them. It lasted awhile before fading off gradually till it was nothing but glistening specks of dust floating about in the air

"What just happened?" Christian asked dazedly as he was still entranced by the scene that played before him mere seconds ago

"We just bonded" the dragon replied nonchalantly as if it was discussing about a regular occurrence not some major event

"anyways you are now a dragon rider so you must possess our common trait"

"Uhn, which is?"

"The fire ability" the dragon replied looking down at Christian, it seemed a lot more submissive now than it was a few minutes ago and Christian didn't know if it was due to him being it's master for real now

"Fire ability" Christian mumbled

"well bummer to that because it won't be possible for me to learn it anymore you know cause I have the dark ability now...." He kept rambling on but was cut short when he saw a flare of raging blue flame heading towards him.

"Christian!!!!" Sam who was supposedly unconscious suddenly yelled out Christian's name. Getting up from the ground, he raced forward to reach out to Christian.

"No! Stay back" Christian yelled at him before the flames swallowed him whole.

Immediately Sam came to an abrupt stop and stared at the burning figure before him with trembling eyes.

Surprisingly Christian wasn't struggling or running about in panic to put out the flames neither was he screaming his lungs out from being burnt alive, rather he just stood still in the middle of the flames that were still burning fiercely around him

Meanwhile Christian that was being enveloped in the midst of the flames felt no pain or burning sensation from them, rather he was busy, busy copying and studying the fire runes that were dancing wildly around him

'so this is what it meant when it said earlier to possess their common trait'

For contracted dragon beasts their contractor or 'dragon rider' as the dragon's call them must possess the common trait of all dragons, and that is the rider must know how to use the fire ability.

That is why once the blood exchange ritual had been completed the dragons always enshroud their new riders with flames, if the rider is strong enough and worthy to be it's rider he would be able to see and absorb the fire runes within the flames with ease without getting hurt. But if the rider isn't strong enough it will lead to his instant death as he won't be able to handle the scorching heat and ferociousness of the flames

The dragon was impressed when it saw that Christian could withstand it's flames and absorb the runes within them and it knew it had made the right choice.

Several minutes later the flames gradually flickered away and Christian was seen standing where he stood before unscathed with his eyes closed.

Few seconds later he gradually flustered his eyes open and his normal hazel brown eyes were nowhere to be seen, and in its place was a golden coloured pair of eyes that shone brightly as if flames were evaporating from his eyes. He blinked once, then twice before opening his eyes and the colour had changed back to normal

Sam couldn't hold himself back anymore and he suddenly lashed out at him

"Christian will you tell me what the f*ck is going on now?"

"Yeah sorry Samuel, but you see...." Christian replied as he started explaining all what that had truly happened on the day of 'the Fall of wall green'


"Why the f**k did you hide such a thing from me" Sam yelled louldly at Christian after hearing all what he had to say

"I still can't believe you did something like that man, what the hell is wrong with you" he kept on saying under one breathe not letting Christian reply him.

Christian felt bad about what he had done and wished he hadn't hid all this away from Sam and had just come clean to him right from the start. He couldn't even bring himself to look at Sam in his eyes and hung his head low

Seeing how dejected and remorseful Christian looked Sam decided to cut back on the scolding and let out a deep sigh before proceeding to hug Christian

"don't ever hide anything away from me ever again do you understand" he asked harshly as he stared right into Christian's eyes looking like a father reprimanding his child for doing something wrong

"I swear never to" Christian said tightly hugging Sam back

"Well can we head home now that you are done? Am still shivering from being here" Sam said as he parted from Christian who turned to look at the dragon saying

"you can head back now" then turned to look back at Sam

"No I can't, we just bonded and the bond between us isn't strong enough to withstand the distance if I were to return to my realm" the dragon replied staring at Christian

"Oh, so what does that mean?, That we have to spend some time near each other for the bond to grow stronger before you could return?" He asked the dragon wide eyed as the gears in his brain started working to think about all the possible ways he could hide and keep such a massive creature as this near him without being detected

And as if reading Christian's thoughts the dragon suddenly replied

"don't worry about me, I'll simply just take the puny form of you humans"

And true to it's words the dragon's size shrinked down rapidly to the size of a human. Morphing into a humanoid shape it stood upright on two slender legs that were pale white in colour and smooth like the surface of a pure and clean sheet of metal, it's scales and tail were quickly fading away, strands of fiery red hairs started growing on top it's head becoming more longer and thicker, it's body began to elongate from the legs up with the bald pale white skin it had developed to resemble a human's skin

It's ears became round, the tip of it's mouth and nose became contracted, and it's shin more prominent and solid. It had black colored eyebrows, with a pair of dragon like eyes that were golden in colour, a small nose and lips that were tender and delicate. It's legs and face were exposed but every other part of it's now human body were covered by the dragon's dark mists

"What are you doing? disperse those mists so we can get going" Christian said amazedly as he stared at the dragon

"Do you have any extra clothing with you?" Sam asked Christian calmly staring at the once massive creature that's unexpectedly took a human shape

"No, why would you need that now?" Christian asked Sam irritably Wondering what he needed clothing for now, and even him was surprised that the dragon could do something like this

"It's not for me, but her you idiot" Sam said pointing towards the human version of the dragon

"Her? How did you..."

"The legs, and her voice when she spoke just now" Sam replied cutting Christian off still wearing a calm expression

"You heard it's voice? But I thought it's been speaking directly into my head all this while" Christian replied confused

"I couldn't hear what it was saying at first, until it changed its form to a humanoid shape" Sam explained

"Oh" Christian nodded in understanding as he turned to the dragon "well here, use my outer jacket until we can find you something proper to put on" Christian said to the dragon taking off his jacket and handed it over to her

"I think we are forgetting about an important detail here, where the hell is she going to stay?" Sam asked

"Well I have thought about that, how about we sneak her home and hide her till the time we all head to military school" Christian said as he smiled cheekily

"And what happens when we take her along to school and they don't find her name on the school log?" Sam asked once more snorting at Christian's poor planning skills

"Ok,. I haven't thought that far ahead, anyways let's just get home first and we talk about what to do next" Christian replied exhausted as he tried to stifle a yawn wanting to escape his lips

"Come on Sam and you, what's your name?" Christian asked the dragon

"Kelsia" it replied innocently "and I can take you home faster if you let me" it added with a crisp soft voice, the exact same voice that Christian had been hearing all this while in his head

"Sure as long as we get home" Christian replied shrugging his shoulders as if he could care less about whatever she did

Kelsia then quickly grabbed both their hands and dark teleported the trio. Instantly the three of them were standing before the Jones mansion

"Wow, that was way faster than Christian's" Sam said with a fandom tone with twinkling eyes staring at kelsia

"Well she's had lots of time to practice with her ability, so it's expected" Christian said as he made his way through the gates with Sam in tow, and lastly Kelsia who concealed herself and presence with 'dark shroud' to prevent herself from being seen