"Well she's had lots of time to practice with her ability, so it's expected" Christian said as he made his way through the gates with Sam in tow, and lastly Kelsia who concealed herself and presence with 'dark shroud' to prevent herself from being seen

Inside the mansion, they were about making their way up the staircase when an aged man within his late seventies called out

"Ah, young master Samuel, can I have a word please" he asked wearing a slight smile on his lips with his hands held behind his back staring right at Sam. He was the mansion Butler 'Kim'.

Butler Kim was an old man that stood about 1.5m tall with grey hairs and face full of wrinkles that proudly shows off his age, although he is quite skinny he's still very agile and smart at his age

"A letter came in for both you and the other master earlier today and they've been placed in your respective rooms" he said as soon as he had caught Sam's attention

"also your father left for an emergency meeting not too long ago and he said to tell you that he won't be around for quite sometime, probably until you head for school" the butler added hesitantly because he was aware of the fact that if Alric failed to come home to see his son off before he headed for school, he won't be able to do so for the next two years that he'll spend at the military school

"It's okay, I understand" Sam replied as he continued climbing up the stairs heading towards the direction of his room.

The butler was taken aback when he saw the uncandid behavior of Sam, at the very least he was expecting him to lash out and be more inconsiderate towards his father's reasons for not being there.

'I mean who wouldn't be mad when the closet person to your heart won't be around to send you off when you're about to take one of your biggest leap in life' the butler thought as he stared at the corridor Sam just disappeared from

"Hey are you alright?" Christian asked as they stepped into Sam's room, even him wasn't expecting this kind of reaction from Samuel at all

"Yeah am fine, why did you ask all of a sudden?" Said Sam acting oblivious to the reason behind Christian's question as he settled on the couch in his room

"Come on man you know what am asking about" Christian said as he leaned on the left part of the wall closet to the couch Sam sat on

"Look Christian am not some ignorant or immature jerk that's gonna throw a tantrum and act rebellious just because my dad is not going to be here when I leave for school, besides am glad he won't be here cause it's just going to make it harder for me to leave if he's here" Sam explained somberly

"Well... Ugh" Christian sighed

"I don't really know what to say" said Christian as he sat on the edge of the couch

"Then don't say anything" Sam shrugged

Walking across the room Sam stood before the reading table in the room and grabbed the leather bag he stuffed the beast core he found earlier at their previous mansion

"Here" he said as he tossed the core to Christian

"what I promised you back in the hospital" he added settling back on the couch

"There is no need for this anymore" Christian said referring to the core

"I've gotten this now thanks to Kelsia" he added as he lifted his left palm, and all five of his fingers all blazed with blue flames

Sam opened his mouth to say something but suddenly forced it shut

"forget it, you have gone beyond all my expectations and am really tired of having my jaws slacked all the time" he added

"Christian, I want to ask you something" Sam said seriously, staring at the ceiling above him as he sat on the couch he asked

"it might sound weird to you, but do you ever feel empty, like your existence has no meaning or cause. Because that's how I feel right now, I have no goals, dreams or even wants.


"Ever since she left us, my mom I mean, life's just had no meaning to me, all my hopes, dreams and plans, in short, my entire world came crumbling down with my mom's betrayal. Even now I wonder if she's still alive, I want to hate her so bad Chris, but I just can't and all I ever want to know is why... Why did she do all what she had done and where the hell she is" he said as a drop of tear found its way to the side of his eyelid

Christian chose his next choice of words carefully before he replied Sam placing a hand on his shoulder

"I don't know what your mom did or the reason(s) behind her action, but what I do know is you and I know that you are strong enough to fight your way out and find your purpose again".

"I mean look at me, my own mother got killed before my very own eyes while I could do nothing but watch. I mean don't you wonder why am not feeling depressed or frustrated as it is?" He asked in a low growl gripping his fists tightly, even Sam that sat close to him felt the sudden shift in his countenance as a high killing intent surged from his body and filled the air within, the air in the room suddenly turned gloomy and suffocating as if there was something continually draining oxygen out of the room and Sam took laboured breathes under the overbearing aura of Christian

"Am not wallowing in self pity right now because I know those negative emotions will get me nowhere, but I also know that these emotions won't be easy to overcome so what did I do? I turned them all to hatred and anger and directed it all towards those damn titans"

"I SWORE I'LL KILL THEM ALL" he declared as animosity and determination burned brightly in his eyes as his dangerous aura danced wildly around him.


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