On the roof of the school hospital building, two figures could be seen standing side by side under the gaze of the setting sun.

The calm evening breeze blew past both faces and the female figure's hair danced along with the wind. The atmosphere between the two was calm and understanding, as one related a bit of shocking information to the other.

"And that's why I think he's not from this realm" Kelsia said decisively

"You do know that what you are saying sounds kinda crazy right?" Sam noted skeptically

"To you it might seem so. But don't forget that am also an intelligent beast from another realm too" Kelsia retorted staring back at him

"That's the only reason why am thinking that all what you just told me is a little plausible" Sam replied looking ahead of him with a conflicted look on his face


"So you mean he's only safe here if they don't find out about him?" He questioned, and Kelsia simply nodded.

"This is crazy" Sam muttered shaking his head in disbelief then added

"I've know him for almost my entire life, I just can't be believing something like this to be true right?" He questioned rhetorically, seemingly trying to convince himself that all what he just heard pertaining to Christian was all a lie.

"Look you can choose to either believe me or not, but I don't really care anyway. What am most worried about is Christian and how he will react to all this once he finds out about it all" Kelsia said dejectedly


They both let out troubled breathes, and silence prevailed over the duo for quite sometime. Then Sam suddenly spoke up

"Kelsia this is a lot to take in, and I will be honest with you. I don't totally believe all what you just told me, and I'll like to have a bit of time to think about it all. But before then, please do me a favor and don't tell Christian about any of this" Sam deadpanned with a serious look on his face


Markus slowly opened his eyes to stare at the white ceiling above him.

'where the hell am I' he thought as he turned his head to his side and viewed the room in full.

There were curtains on both side of his bed seperating him from the rest of the room, and there were medical equipments on his right hand side with an IV pole connected to his arm.

It took him some seconds before it suddenly registered in his brain that he was in the school hospital.

'but how the hell did I get here' he thought once more before recalling the events that happened in the training hall before he passed out.

"Ouch, that punch actually stung" he muttered as he placed his hand on his jaws rubbing it slightly.

But instead of feeling angry at the aggressor as he normally would be, he was rather calm and had a slight genuine smile on his lips.

Something about her attracted him the moment he saw her beside Christian and he couldn't bring himself to be angry at her. At first when he laid eyes on Christian he wasn't even thinking of wasting a single minute on him, but he abruptly changed his mind the second that he saw her, his 'red riding hood' as he had tagged her.

'how could someone so majestic stoop so low to walk beside that low class thrash?' he bellowed to himself inwardly as the mere thought itself got him agitated and he itched to give Christian a beating so bad.

She was so beautiful and looked delicate like a rare sunflower blooming under the warm gaze of the sun. He felt this sudden urge to keep and nuture her away from the eyes of the world, and hide her unparalleled beauty to himself. He vowed there and then to win her heart and show her that her rightful place was here by his side.

And what other better way was there for him to win her over than to show her his dominace over the excuse of a human walking by her side. Just that he didn't expect her to care so much about that worthless being and actually hit him square in the face for his sake.

'I was actually punched once by my red haired beauty and passed out?' he wondered as his eyes shone brightly

The curtain on his right side suddenly gave way and interrupted his train of thoughts as a tall slender boy with blonde hair and a pair of brown big eyes made his way towards his bed

"Ah, young master thank goodness you're awake" the boy said exhaling dramatically

Markus didn't reply him and just stared right back at him plainly.

He saw the look on Markus's face and mistook it for anger, that he was probably angry at them for not being able to do anything in his stead to the bitch that had hurt him and put him on a hospital bed.

"Young master we tried our best to pay back that bitch for what she did to you, but she was too strong for all of us to deal with and we couldn't even get a single hit in. So we decided to wait on you to instruct us on what to do further and the best course of action to take" he added, embarrassingly scratching the back of his head due to the fact that they were all bested by a single female and rendered useless to their boss

The plain look on Markus's face suddenly switched to a sharp glare that made the blonde hair boy flinch and took a step back subconsciously.

'why does he suddenly looks like the devil?' he shuddered

Markus's mood soured when he heard the foul name used in addressing his red haired beauty and growled out in warning

"Number one, never ever in your life abuse your future mistress again. And two, you lot better thank your stars that you weren't able to lay a finger on her or else I would have made sure that you had all lost more than a finger"

How could they think of hurting his newly found 'red riding hood' when he was here busy planning on how to win her over to his side.

'these damn cockroaches' he cursed as he took a look at the boy standing before him.

Yes, he wanted her. He wanted his red haired beauty by his side and there was only one person standing in the way of that now. Christian!.

'why the hell would she even associate with that excuse of a human when she's already plenty strong?" He wondered as he began plotting ways which he could use in winning her over to his side and a sinister smile bloomed on his lips

'just you wait Christian, wait patiently until the time is right and I promise you'll feel all the pain of ever crossing me'


Kelsia and Sam had left the room top some time ago and were currently making their way to Christian's dorm room. They were mostly quiet the entire time during the walk and Sam was trying to make small talks with Kelsia, trying to quell the deafening silence between them.

"How did you know the number of his dorm room?" Kelsia suddenly asked startling Sam

The next moment a huge grin broke out on his face as he explained to Kelsia with a wink

"I may or may have not used my family name to get us placed in the same room".

"And what about me? Did you place me in the same room?"

"Hell no, you're a lady and should be in the female hostel. Besides the female hostel is different from that of the male. So there's no way that will possible"

"Useless" Kelsia muttered under her breathe and proceeded to ignore Sam for the rest of the walk.

Kelsia suddenly stopped dead in her tracks when they were a few meters away from the door.

Sam noticed this and turned around to question her but she suddenly spoke up

"Something is wrong, Christian is in trouble, open the door now" she yelled as her face crumpled unsightly

The both of them had just recently bonded and their bond currently wasn't strong enough for her to feel his presence or know his emotions when they were far apart, and she wasn't really paying attention to his emotions being sent over to her through the bond. That was until she stepped within the range their bond could cover and a sudden surge of negative emotions, fear to be precise hit her hard.

Sam hurriedly scanned his communicator and rushed into the room as soon as the door opened, only to find a shocking sight before him.

Christian stood there in the middle of the room holding onto another student in an awkward position, probably their roommate, with his teeth sunk deep into his neck draining blood from him.

"Oh no" Kelsia muttered softly with a dreaded look on her face.
