"Oh you two are still here. Time to find out what you both are now shall we" Christian said with an inexplicable smile on his lips.

He then grabbed the ancient looking book and the flask from the bag and placed them on the reading table.

The book had a hard red cover back, with strange writings on it, that were written with an old ancient text that Christian knew nothing of. The book gave him an odd vibe, and was enveloped in an eerie red aura, that he found strange.


Badump!, badump!!, badump!!!

His heartbeat was steadily rising and a sudden foreboding feeling was slowly and steadily creeping it's way into his heart as he turned to the first page of the book. There was a short note written in English that read

[ Christian! If you're reading this already, it means am far long gone by now. Am sorry I couldn't be around to be a better father and husband to both you and your mother. I know in your heart you'll hold great resentment towards me and I will never fault you for that, and all I can ask from you now is your forgiveness and understanding for the choices I've made and the actions I took.

I wish for you to lead nothing less than a happy and fulfilled life, but this, Christian is nothing more than a wishful thinking of a father and is far from the reality of the kind of life that awaits you.

You must be puzzled by what I just said and seek answers! But the truth is I have not the courage nor the will to tell you about the hardship that the future holds for you. But what I can tell you is that, your mother and I committed a grave sin when we birthed you. We were from two different worlds that never should have come together, and the result of such an unsanctioned relationship bore you, and you're what most of our people call an abomination and a curse, the first of it's kind. Since your birth they've held nothing but hate and resentment towards you, but never once have I looked upon you with such eyes, you're my child! and there's nothing that can change that!. Even if I had a thousand opportunities to go back in time, I'll choose to do the same thing and birth you over and over again!.

But this selfish reason of mine has put you in a kind of life that even I wouldn't want to lead. Our world is different from that of the humans, and there are a lot of things you don't understand, but this book entails it all, and will make you understand what lies ahead.

By now you must have known that you're unable to read the other texts in this book? Well freight not, for it will all be clear to you and you'll understand everything that is to come when you've consumed what lays within the flask. And waste no time in growing stronger once you've known it all!, because from this moment onward, an entire world will be after your head.

Am truly sorry for bringing you into such a life, and I wish I could do more for you.]

After reading the note, Christian didn't exactly know what to feel. He stared blankly at the book for awhile without budging a single muscle.

At first thought he was convinced that someone who knew him was behind this note and had orchestrated everything, probably to toy with his feelings, and it sure as hell was working.

'should I be sad, angry or confused at this? What's the meaning of all this sh*t!? Different worlds? Come for my head? Grow stronger? Is someone playing a sick joke on me or something? Who wrote this?' he thought angrily as he read the note over and over again.

His face crumpled and the surrounding air in the room suddenly turned chilly as a killing intent filled the air 'this is simply too much! How the hell am I supposed to believe something like this! That am a curse?'

'Who would actually like to be referred to as a curse?' he questioned rhetorically

A battle between anger and rationality ensued in his mind.

On one hand, he couldn't accept the fact that his parents were something abnormal, and weren't regular humans. According to the note, it sounded more like there was an entirely different race similar to humans, out there that they had no knowledge of their existence. He just couldn't accept the fact that his parents were from such a place, or if such a world even existed in the first place!, And the part of him being a curse? That was the most infuriating part of this whole craziness that he would wholeheartedly never accept!

'such impudence they have!, whoever wrote this to me, I promise I'll find them out and make them feel the pain of slandering my parents name!.' he swore with tightly clenched fist.

But soon enough he calmed his wildly beating heart down and his rationality started to take over. He then slowly analyzed the entire situation.

It was true that growing up he knew nothing about his father and he didn't even know his personality or what he looks like, hell there wasn't even a single photo of him or his mother laying around!. To think about it, he clearly knew nothing about them!, where they came from, who were their parents, how they met or even how they lived their lives up until the moment they had him!. Also whenever he asked about his father from his mom, she always seemed secretive about anything relating to him and always found a way to avoid the topic each time he brought it up. He thought nothing much of his mother secretive nature at that time and stopped pestering her about the issue, thinking that she was probably too hurt by his demise and opted not to speak about him to ease to the pain she felt. But behind her back he had Sam secretly searched for both their informations on the human web dating back to before the war. But shockingly there were no information or clue of their existence until the time of the war when they were all enlisted.

And thinking about it now!

What if!

Just what if what is written in the book is all true?, Thinking about it, it will quite explain a lot and answer most of his pent up questions!

If his parents really were from another world, that would explain why they had no background here in the human world before the time of the war, that would also explain the secretive nature of his mother and why she didn't associate with anyone and always kept to herself!. If they were hunted and truly ran away from their home because of him, that would explain why he had no external family! They simply weren't from here!

Growing up he always thought that maybe both of his parents families perished at the start of the war and that they had somehow survived, but that theory was proved useless when there were no record of his parents or anyone relating to them on the human web. Next he thought that they were both probably orphans that met at an orphanage, but even that was scrapped away when there were still no registered record of them in any orphanage. He had racked his brain and searched for every single explanation regarding this matter for over a year, never confronting his mother about it once but still ended up not finding a single clue as to where his parents spawns from. He eventually gave up on investigating about what lienage he hails from, deciding that whoever he clansmen were doesn't matter, but what does, is what he makes of himself in the future.

'and to think that the answers to his lifelong questions would miraculously drop on his hands like this one day' he thought with a bitter smile on his face

His gaze shifted to the flask and book on the reading table, and he blankly stared at them with mixed feelings. One on hand he felt happy that he had at least uncovered the secrets behind his birth and the true origins of his parents, he felt as if a huge weight he had unknowingly been carrying around on his shoulders was lifted off him and he felt greatly relieved.

But still, the truth of his parents not being humans hit him hard and still came as quite a shock to him.

He suddenly recalled something and chastised himself upon the realization

'why did I even doubt the book at first? It had somewhat simplified the whole puzzle before me! Besides, mom was the one that had packed this bag for me and she personally handed it over to me before she passed. So she most definitely was the one that placed these items in there, including the sword!'

Now it all made sense to him, his parents had shielded him from the awful truth of his origins so he wouldn't feel left out or out of place within the humans, they couldn't let him know because of security purposes, but opted to detail and record everything down for him in a language that they alone would understand! They had probably chose to inform him once they were sure he was mature enough to handle the truth, but unfortunately a life ending tragedy had befallen them before they even had the chance to.

He smiled bitterly as his gaze lingered on both items.

'I at least owe it to them to uncover the whole truth about all this, besides my supposed 'father' left me some kind of warning to prepare myself for what's to come from here on out, I can't ignore that now, can I?' he thought as a cold look flashed through his eyes.