'I at least owe it to them to uncover the whole truth about all this, besides my supposed 'father' left me some kind of warning to prepare myself for what's to come from here on out, I can't ignore that now, can I?' he thought as a cold look flashed through his eyes. 

Christian quickly grabbed the flask from the reading table and observed it closely.

It had a plain gray color and it appeared just like every other flask, except, this one had a little red orb that was on the middle of the flask's cover. He tilted the flask to the side, and there was a commentary in English that read; 'I lock the path I walk to keep out those unworthy, with you I share my bond and by my blood, will you see it's worth' 'HOUNSI'

Christian was left confused by what he just read and was at a loss, as he didn't have an inkling as to what the statement meant. The gears in his head started spinning and he tried to make sense of it. 

'I lock the path I walk… well, the flask has a cover, and that should be the lock, right?' He questioned rhetorically 

'Then, with you, I share my bond… shouldn't that be what my father passed down to me? But he virtually left nothing behind, except maybe this old book. Could the book be the bond' he wondered before continuing

'and by my blood will you see it's worth. Hmm!' he stayed quiet for some time, racking his brain trying to understand the writing. He had a hunch that the statement by the flask's side was a clue purposely given, to help him open the flask. 

His eyes suddenly brightened and a contended smile appeared on his lips when he thought of a plausible answer. 


'I lock the path I walk refers to the flask's cover. Also, the bond here refers to the blood flowing through my veins that my father had passed down to me, as a direct descendant of his. And by my blood will you see it's worth… simply means my blood and his are the same, and it's the key to be used in opening the flask, thereby exposing what's within it' he concluded. 

'but why blood though?' he questioned himself. He shook his head and dispelled the thought, making up his mind not to question anything from here on out as his parents appears to be a strange bunch all of a sudden.

Without wasting another minute, he made a small cut on his index finger and let a drop of his blood fall unto the red orb. 

The orb suddenly flashed a faint glint and shone a bright red color. An inscription pattern appeared on top of the flask and turned 180 degrees in an anticlockwise direction, and the flask suddenly made a 'click' sound. 

Christian hurriedly spun it open and took a peek inside the flask wanting to confirm what was inside as quickly as possible, but he was left speechless the very next moment when he realized what laid within it. 


The flask was filled to the brim with an alluring red substance that was thick and had a sweet, enticing fragrance to him, and it was none other than blood!. 

As soon as the flask opened and he caught the scent of the blood, his heartbeat quickened and started pounding away at an irregular rate, cold sweats started forming on his forehead and dropped down to the side of his face. His eyes were narrowed to a slit as his adam apple bobbled up and down uncomfortably. 

His insides were aching and he felt himself craving the blood. He didn't understand what was happening to him or why he had such a strong reaction to the blood, but all he knew was that he couldn't help himself and wanted to gulp the entire thing down. 

His hand holding onto the flask was slightly shaking and his breathes were haggard. He fought internally with himself, trying to ignore the stabbing pain he felt in his abdomen as if a thousand knives were being punctured into him, but the pain was getting more intense by the second and he didn't need to be told by anyone before he knew the fact that it was his body's way of telling him to drink the blood. He slowly but steadily lifted the flask to his mouth level and was prepared to gulp a bit of it, but hesitated to do so.

"God, what am I doing" he muttered with a trembling voice, still in disbelief about his current ordeal. 

He closed his eyes to gather his thoughts and tried composing himself, but suddenly, the thought of his mother wearing a patient happy smile on her face appeared in front of him and urged him on.

'find the truth and know your way' he heard a soft crisp voice say in his head.

"that peaceful smile on her face is my happy place" he muttered and opened his eyes, now filled with determination.

He then quickly emptied the blood from the flask with one hungry laced gulp! 

Almost instantly he stopped feeling the pain in his abdomen and was relieved of the intense pressure he felt. He was ecstatic at the fact that nothing seemed to have changed about him, and his outward appearance still felt the same when he ran his hand over his face. 


He let out a breath of relief and leaned over the reading table. 

But suddenly;

His face crumpled unsightly, and the euphoria he felt from a second ago suddenly vanished, and was replaced with a ferocious stabbing pain in his heart. He felt as though his heart was being squeezed and had momentarily stopped beating and pumping blood to the rest of his body, while blood oozed out of all his orifices in large amounts. 

He fell to his knees wheezing, as he found it difficult to breathe. The blood he drank from the flask then circulated his body and found its way to his failing heart. The pain had barely lasted for three minutes but to Christian, it felt like he had endured the pain for an entire lifetime.

badump!, badump!, badump!...

Christian's heart started beating lively once more, but this time around something felt different within him; his heartbeat was more firm, and he felt his physique improve further than it already was, his bones had become sturdier, and his senses were sharper. He could hear the far sounds of birds chirping as though they were next to him, his eyes glowed a red color and enabled him to see the little ant that was crawling past under the door post into the room, his nose twitched when he picked up a foul smell coming from one of the bags in the room and he wondered what could have caused such an odor. 

He stood up slowly and stared at his hands in awe and observed himself closely, delighted by the fact that his appearance remained the same. He sat down on his bed, lost in his thoughts as the truth of what he was settled deep in his brain. 

"Am a vampire" he confirmed softly to himself with mixed feelings 

He had his suspicions about this earlier when he had found out that it was blood that was in the flask, but he chose to ignore it, unwilling to accept the fact that his parents were creatures meant to be a fantasy. But the sudden 'evolution' as he tagged it and the obvious changes in his body and senses was the final thing to confirm it. 

He had seen various movies and read several books relating to vampires and he could say he fairly knew a lot about them.

'that is if what those movies say about them are true' he thought. 

In the middle of his thoughts, the door to the room suddenly flung open, and an average height boy with slightly long dark hair that reached down to his shoulders stepped in. He was quite a good-looking guy, with a well-chiseled face, and he had dark orbs for eyes, he had a lean figure and was wielding a sword sheathed on his waist. 

He walked over to one of the beds by the side of the room and simply waved at Christian as a gesture of greeting, he stared briefly at the pool of blood close to where Christian sat, but he chose to ignore it then carefully unpacked his belongings from his bag and started placing them in their respective places. 

A while later he suddenly shook his head and moved part of his hair that fell over his face to the back of his head, thereby exposing his neck. 

Almost instantly a sweet scent drifted to Christian's nose, one he had oddly become familiar with. Blood. 

Christian sat there, on top of his bed staring at the neck of his roommate that seemed oblivious of the commotion he had caused within Christian, as he strived to keep himself sane and not give in to the sudden thirst he had for blood. He clenched his fists tightly and his nails dug deep into his palms, drawing blood from them. 


He swallowed his saliva down as spit was starting to fill his mouth. 

"I forgot, this thirst for blood is going to be a huge problem" he muttered uncomfortably 

His body suddenly moved against his will, and before he realized it he was already in front of the student, and suddenly he could see the boy's pulse beating through his neck, and the blood flowing through his veins. 

The student turned around to see Christian standing behind him, gazing weirdly at him and he alarmingly asked with a wary voice; 

"what do you want?"

Christian opened his mouth, and managed to utter two words ".... Am sorry"

Christian said as he pulled him close and bit into his neck.