Chapter 3

Nic's POV

Talk about the longest night in Nic's history,she turned and turned but no sleep came so she decided to get a cup of milk. Just as she was on the last stairs she saw that the television was still on so she went to turn it off ,but then she saw her mother talking to someone but she couldn't tell who the other person was.

The other person was talking about how her husband brought his pregnant girlfriend home and has been mistreating her and the daughters as the husband only wanted a male child.Nic could not relate to how the kids must be feeling as her dad passed on when she was only 3 and her mum never remarried after that.

She continued to the kitchen and then went to her room. Since she wasn't sleep sha started on her emails and then logged in the schoolblog . Finally she started yawning so she then went to bed. To Nic it was like 30minutes later that her alarm woke her up but she started her daily routine either way. Going to make her cereal ,her mum was already in the kitchen." Morning mama", i say and she replies with a hie baby which was hardly audible so i had to ask what was going on.

"Mama whats going on,i heard you talking to someone yesterday?" I ask."Ohh honey what can i tell you?"she asks "you see your uncle Mark is cheating and has even brought her pregnant girl home ,he has already signed the divorce papers so aunt Prisca will be moving in with us and her other daughters except for Priscilla she is staying with her dad". After she was done i could only stare at her i mean a person has to process things before replying to such things.

After a long time of silence i say " l will clean the room after school mama don't worry."kissing her cheek and we make way to school.

And then reality kicks in...

Zayn's POV

Seeing Nicolla yesterday was a wake up call and i know i have explanations to do and a lot of damage control but leaving Christa is not an option no matter how good Nic has been to me.l mean look at Christa physically its like she is a goddess then there is Nic she is jus ordinary. Ordinary is good but for a boy like me hmmmm thats hard so i will just have to play Nic till i get her to bed.

Impressed by his plan he makes way to his first class where he sees Nic talking to the psycho boy and that girl that looked like a boy whose name i don't remember. I stood just behind them till Nic finally notices me and her 'friends' go to their classes.

"Hey I'm sorry about yesterday its just that there is some damage control i need to do before i make our relationship official." It feels like a decade before she replied and i could see she wanted to choose her properly and keep her anger at bay.

Nic's POV

"Ohhh you mean the part that you lied you were single when actually i was your side dish and you want me to be your little secret since i don't match your standards here" i say as he looks speechless " trust me babe on that i get it ,you do your thing and tell me when you are done" i finish and turn to leave so i hide the tears that were threatening to come out and i could not give him the satisfaction of that .

Getting in the girls bathroom i cry my heart out until i hear the door open and Alex and Daniella walks in running to me when they see me on the floor crying . They hug me and i hugged them back as if my life depended on it while they said some soothing words to me. Finally i get a grip and we went to class just as the bell rang.Noone said anything as they understood that i needed a moment to regroup myself.

The class passed in a blur and it was lunch and we headed out as the guys didn't have a table in the cafeteria ad they were treated as outcast. We sat under a tree that was close to the fence and we ate in silence till Alex spoke up." Sorry babe that you had to go through that on your first week of school, i just hope he realises how great you are before it's too late" and Daniella nodded in agreement. I give them the first genuine smile and murmer thank you.

With lunch over it was time for clubs and unfortunately both my friends had their own.Daniella was in art class were she said she expresses her feelings with no judgement and Alex was drama as he says he likes performing and making people happy.On the other hand there was me , i was pretty messed up actually as i couldn't decide on what i wanted till i settled for the music class and luckily they were just auditioning to see if they qualify to be in the class.

Not to brag or what i have a good voice and for my audition i sang This is me by Demi Lovato. Most of the times i listen to songs that match to feelings at the moment .

I've always been the kind of girl

That hid my face

So afraid to tell the world

What I've got to say

But I have this dream

Right inside of me

I'm gonna let it show

It's time to let you know

to let you know

My time to shine was here and i was not going to settle for less this time .After my performance i was motivated on what i should do with the Zayn issue its either he was going to choose me or i was going to leave though it would hurt me so much, but you know what they say once bitten twice shy.

Once in freshman year i met a cute boy named Shane . It was after 3 months that i realised he was cheating me but being so naive and young i thought it was love so i agreed to his stupid proposal of me being a sidechic only to be humiliated infront of the whole school. It's what you get for dating an older boy haha.

I still remember it like it happened yesterday but instead of making me cry like always it made me strong this time.