Chapter 4

Unknown person's POV

I couldn't help but than eavesdrop their conversation ,i mean i was a few feet from the tree they were sitting at just to say in my defence.She has only been here for a few days and already she has top-notch drama." Maybe i should just do a little research on her and post it on the blog"i say to noone in particular.

Believe me i dont hate her at all its just that i need the popular girls to like me since the blogger is one of them. Its Christa the leader,Priscilla the blogger and Brinna is the smart one.Anyhow i want to be part of the popular ones because I'm tired of staying in the shadows.

I'm sure you are wondering who i am ,well my name is Penelope Matthews.

Nic's POV

School being school though my day went pretty well after my audition and now it was after school we were going to buy new clothes for Daniella and a new makeover i mean she has even started keeping her hair again.

The excitement on D's face is like a contamination as we both are smiling .Walking down the hallway to the entrance where we were going to meet with Alex since he is the one with a car which he doesn't even come to school with giving some stupid excuses. So we were going just by the food cart close to the school gate .

Deep in our conversation we didn't see the blue ferarri that stopped in front of us. We only stopped when we saw Alex coming out. Suprised will not express how we were i mean he dresses like a low class in school so how did afford this car." Alex Gray Richwood who did you rob?" I asked still in my shocked state. Tell you what he had the audacity to laugh at us."Ohh drama queens get in the car before the owner sees us with his car" he said as we rushed to the car.

Daniella being the open one in the group spoke first,"okay spill psycho are we going to be arrested or what because my family won't bother to come bail me out",she said as a statement not a question.

Alex's POV

Seeing the expressions of my friends i couldn't help but tell them the truth about my family. "So you guys know THE Richwoods right i mean the might Richwoods?" They just nodded their heads." Well uhmm those are my parents ...i know you are wondering why i am not like my brothers and sister ,its because i wanted people to love me for me not my family money but you see at school everybody called me psycho because of my dressing and noone spoke to me until you guys and my parents find it important to travel so they buy me lots of stuff as a way of making up for their absence ."

The car was silent for a while till Nic said after a few minutes "So we can have a small party since you stay alone?" I couldn't help it but burst out laughing but these where my friends we always cheered each other."Yes party queen you can come for a sleepover on Friday and we can have a full makeover with my stylist now lets go eat and buy new shoes only we buy clothes on Friday after school"

Girls will always be girls with their screaming , they screamed all way to the mall and spoke about what they wanted . I paid for the stuff they bought and the food and we went to drop Daniella home


I was nervous as to how my family will react when they see my friends.Nic saw my nervousness and was holding my hands through out the way. We got to the house,"hie dad" i said to the person i have called father since i was born but as always he ignored me.My friends said their hies and we made a beeline to my room which was my haven.

Drawings of my mother where on the walls . I don't know my mum but i have her pictures and a locket i found with my name on it. Sometimes she visits me in my dreams well i think she is the one because she looks like a bigger version of me.

We did our homeworks and we started applying for college as it was 8 months till we graduate.The guys left i went back to painting a picture of me and my friends .

Nic's POV

I was tired when Alex dropped me home so i went to bed early that day with hopes of a better tomorrow.