Nic's POV
Friday seemed to be taking forever to arrive ,i mean i needed a new make over to impress Zayn so that he would see on what he was missing but noooo school just had to be so long and boring.Once in Math class i felt as if the teacher was speaking Italian as i couldn't hear anything he was saying and on top of that he gave us homework that had like three pages of problems to solve,but luckily for me since it was Tuesday i had more time to solve them as we were to submit the work on Thursday.
Lately people have been giving me weird glances since the confrontation with Zayn yesterday its like they know something i don't know but i ignored it. Finally it was lunch so i went to sit at our spot as we weren't in the same class during the last period before lunch.
For some reason Alex was pissed to the maximum like it was the first time i have seen him like this." Exactly why are you girls so difficult to impress really? Alex said just as he arrived at our spot and before i could answer him he continued,"i mean you guys say you love poetry and whatnot but when we do give you the poems all you do is laugh in my face as if i didnot put any effort "
I gave him time to cool off after his outburst and then D arrived shortly after Alex's outburst so she asked what was wrong with him as his face was red with anger but since he hadn't to me yet i only shrugged telling her that i too was clueless. We gave the guy space and started eating our food in silence then Alex started eating looking as if he was done battling with his anger.
Of course D was the first to ask what was wrong."It's Brinna she laughed at the poem i wrote her saying it was old school and i was not fit to even try ask her out as i am poor and a psycho since she doesn't want to lose her position because of me.
Alex has had a crush on Brinna for a long time now but she hasn't even gave him a chance but he kept trying wishing one day she will accept him but after today we have doubts.
"We are sorry babe she is gonna learn what she is missing out soon",i said and suddenly his face showed excitement and we started talking about our little party at his house."Eish i almost forgot to ask", D said "whats with weird looks people have been giving you lately?"facing me."i don't know heey but i have a feeling it has sometjing to do with Christa and Zayn ,guess we just have wait and see "
When lunch was over i went to my music class. "Today we are going to be discussing about our show we are having before Thanksgiving so partner up or you choose to do a solo." Everybody did partner up with their friends except for me as all my friends were in their other classes .Ohh and Priscilla didnt have a partner too. Did i forget to tell you that she was in my class,well i didnt think it was useful since we dont talk .
"It looks it's us cuzzy",she said with sarcasm very clear in her voice."Yeah i guess ",i said in a small voice clearly not enjoying this .We tried to be civil for the sake of marks we ended up agreeing on meeting at her place after school. When we were dismissed Priscilla turned to go but she winced and i noticed a dark bruise on her neck which she had covered with her hair."Who did this to you Priscilla?"i asked but of course she told me it was none of my business." Okay suit yourself but i will find out soon...anyways goodbye cousin."
Finally school was dismissed so i went to my friends and went home.