Chapter 6

Nic's POV

You know wishing for a better day in hell is just impossible. I mean i woke up in the morning to hear from my mom that she will be working late so i should just go to my friends' house straight from school for our sleepover...ohhhh i forgot to tell you that it's Friday already ,the day for our makeover.

Anyways i left for school and i met with my friends by the main entrance and started for our lockers.My locker was the last stop and D was saying something that Alex was laughing at . It happened so fast that the second we decided to turn to go to school the whole school was gathered around us checking their phones and at that moment we got an update on the school news.

The headlines said THE MAN STEALER IS GONNA PAY and that was it.All eyes were on me now and being overprotective Alex stood infront of me,i couldn'thelp but murmur a small thank you.

"Well well well isn't the school slut and man stealer",Christa said as people moved to make way so that she and her gang can pass. When i say gang i mean the popular girls and their boyfriends which includes and the person i thought i would never see again,Leona my former school popular girl and yes your guess is right its the girl that embrassed me when i didn't know i was dating her boyfriend.

It was like history was repeating itself but this time my friends didnt leave they stood by me. I think Christa expected me cower away and hide but i stood my ground."Hie Christa", i said looking straight in her eyes. She seemed shocked by my actions that she looked at Leona as if they were having a mindlink or something but before she could reply i continued," i see you have met Leona and she told you how this turned out 3 years ago but im sorry to dissapoint you missy i am not a small girl i used to be so tell you what i will not stand and watch your cheating boyfriend over there try embrass me and keep quiet. My circle of friends might be small but at least i know that they will stand by me nomatter what so you Christa have nothing on me and if you think that you can walk over everyone here and they keep quiet well this shit aint for me so if you mind i have classes to attend." I must say i was proud of myself and i could see many students were on my side now but just to ruin our moment Brianna spoke up"but psycho boy here claims to love me so i don't know Nicolla when you say they stand by you because when i tell him yes he will come to me no questions asked " ohh my gaad the way she was so confident of herself she thought Alex would go to her after this.

And then Alex spoke up "firstly barbie doll the name is Alex and you dont get to insult me or my friends and i asked you out because i thought you were different from them but after today i have to say i was stupid to even look at you in the first place so sweetie that crazy crash is over and as Nic said we have classes to attend so if you excuse us...ladies after you" he motioned for us to move.

"Okay so that went well",said D and we couldn't agree more because that was like killing two birds with one stone or should i say three birds.With that out of the way i felt free after a longtime.

"Are you okay though?" D asked because these guys both knew how much i loved Zayn but i felt so relieved instead of being sad or maybe it was going to click in later. "I feel okay right now so maybe it will sink in later " i replied and we asked Alex and he said he was okay too so we made way to class.

Classes went well and things were back to normal i must say since i was nolonger receiving those weird looks and the video of me and Christa was posted on the school blog and people congratulated me for standing up for myself . It was lunch time when i saw Zayn making way to us and i could tell that D was ready for war because before he even got close to me she was standing infront to confront him and i must say it got ugly seeing that D stayed with all man in her house.

Soon it was after school and we went to the mall and buy everything we needed for the night and we were ready for our night.