
Chapter 2

Amalea asked first, “Well where are you from?” “I was born here in Barewolf but I was raised in Clell.” Caroline continued off of her friend's question, “Oh, why did you come back here?” Knowing he couldn’t tell them the truth he just decided to tell the bare minimum, “I just wanted to live my high school life where I was born is all” Clay hoped they wouldn’t ask further since he didn’t want them to know he came back to hunt and execute demons.

“Okay well whaa..” Caroline was cut off as Clay caught a punch aimed straight at his face, he thought “Well at least she stopped but I was hoping I wouldn’t have to catch a punch for that.” The trio looked up at who owned the arm and came face to face with a blonde boy who seemed to be fuming.

“What's up Goldy locks?” Clay raised his eyebrow and let go of the male's hand, “I'm guessing you're new here, everyone knows not to talk to my woman." The blonde glanced at Caroline to say that she was his, the brunette sighed and rubbed her forehead. "I'm not yours and I will never be yours, Tommy." "Look goldy why don't you walk back to your little group of lackeys before you get hurt" Clay said as he stood up to look behind the blonde whose name apparently was Tommy, there were four boys that Clay guessed were his friends, Goldy locks took this as a chance to send a kick flying towards Clay's gut.

Clay flung out his hand to catch goldies foot with a firm grip forcing him to be off-balance as he fell on his butt, “Why don't people listen when I give them a warning, this the second time today!" Clay huffed, throwing his foot down aggressively, “Why don’t you ladies stand a bit back at least? This could get messy” as soon as Clay said that the duo jogged a good distance away but close enough to see.

He focused on his other senses, his irises turned into slits, he picked up someone fastly approaching behind him as he sidestepped as one of the lackey’s feet tripping him as he fell and hit Tommy right on the family jewels, “Pfft God that's gotta hurt.” Clay laughed, jumping on then off of the two bodies resulting in the lucky to crush Goldy locks, in a blur the demon hunter was in front of the still crushed Tommy before grabbing his hair and punching him in the face, breaking his nose and knocking him out.

Clay ran his hand on his hair as he looked at the other standing lackey, “do us all a favour and get these two to the nurse or do you want to join them down there?" The lackeys shook their heads and took their fallen brethren and leader and ran to the med bay. He looked back at the two girls who were staring at him, "that... was... AWESOME!!" Stars filled the girl's to which the boy smiled and shook his head in amusement.

“where did you learn to fight like that?" Clay sat down as Amalea looked at him curiously, “learned it from my grandpa when I was still in Clell, let's go back to the questions yeah?"


The school bell rang indicating the end of the day as the three new friends walked out together, after walking for a few blocks the teens saw that it was time for them to part, "Cya clay!" The girls gave a smile and waved, Clay shook his and waved back before putting his headphones back on.

Ten minutes in Clay stopped when he felt demonic energy enter the human realm, "She's going to be mad that I'm late." Sighing he looked in the direction and ran to where he felt the energy come from whilst changing into his hunting suit on the way thanks to the help of the black smoke.


Caroline and Amalea were the only voices heard in the empty streets, they stopped outside an alleyway because of a loud thud, everything in their body told them not to but being curious they looked inside to find five human-sized ant demons standing at the back of the alleyway. They screamed as one of the ants ran at them, as it got closer a black smoke appeared in front of the girl's as the ant's head fell off.

The girls looked to see Clay in his hunting suit with his bandanna over his nose as an attempt to hide his real identity from the girls. "You made a mistake coming after these two!" Clay growled, eyes slightly got a red glow to them and his irises became slit. Drawing his pistol, the lad aimed at two ants and shot both their front legs off, losing their balance and the ants stubbled forward, before they could do anything else Clay shot two bullets each of their heads.

The remaining ants shot out fire and Ice at the boy, His eyes got a deeper glow of red as he unsheathed his Wakizashi before cutting through the attacks. Clay rushed at the demon's and cut through more ice and fire attacks on the way, reaching the targets he slid under one's legs and cut its whole left legs and unloaded six bullets into the ant's body.

He got to the other end he turned to his side and decided to add a bit of breakdancing so he went into a windmill just for fun and cut the back legs of the other ant. Jumping into the air Clay turned his body to the demon's head and aimed at its head before giving it three shots for good measure, landing on his feet the boy put his weapons back to where they belonged.

Turning to the scared girls he whispered a small chant that would erase the girl's memories of what they saw, whispering another chant as the girls eyes suddenly went blank and empty as they started walking away like someone being controlled. “That’ll get them home safely.” With smoke surrounding Clay's body, he faded away.


The black haired teen appeared inside a house and he pulled his bandanna down walking to the living room as he plopped down on the couch with a sigh before turning to a smaller girl that looked similar to him, she had long black hair, black headphones and a school uniform which consisted of white dress shirts and a green skirt.

She looked at him then poked the boy on the cheek playfully, “Bro how did school go?” Clay grumbled at the memory of today and raised his hand to pat the girl on the head, “It went...interesting, to say the least.” Confused, she tilted her head a bit before then shook it, choosing not to pester the boy any further and went back to watching TV.