
Chapter 7

The two stared at each other, waiting for either one of them to make a move. In a split second Clay noticed the girl's muscles tighten as she went to slit the boys throat, he dodged the attack by leaning, once the dagger passed he threw his gun into the air before turning his body and spinning around, caught his pistol by the barrel and he quickly pistol whipped the girl to the ground.

Clay stood up unsheathed his katana and pointed the sharp weapon at the girl while also hosteling his gun, the young man stood over the young girl glaring daggers into her before asking “Who are you?” The girl below just smirked, “you'll have to take me out on a date first before I can tell you that.” the young lady exclaimed as a small knife popped out of the tip of her shoe.

She spun onto her back then to her hands as she tried stabbing the young man in the face but he was able to dodge by doing a backflip, Clay landed a few meters away as he looked back at the girl who was also on her feet picking her daggers up on the ground, “I guess I don't have to hold back~!” the girl purred excitedly as black cat ears and a black tail appeared on her body, her nails and teeth slightly got sharper and pointier and finally her irises became slit like.

Clay's eyes widened as he felt the massive boost of demonic power. “Oh, so you're a cat demon? Interesting, I'm pretty sure you'll beat me easily right now but I'll have to wrap things up now.” the young man exclaimed as he stabbed his blade into the ground as black smoke slowly emitted through his whole body, horns popped out of his forehead as the right one was noticeably larger than the left horn.

The young man grabbed his blade, ripping it out as he looked at the demon cat, his eyes slowly turning blood red and an ominous aura seeping into every corner and suffocating every living being, the unknown girl shuttered as she felt the cold, heavy and blood thirsty aura wash over her; Her knees trampled as she tried to calm herself down.

Clay spun his katana around as it's blade burst into flames, he got into a high sword stance and got ready to fight. He stared down at his opponent analysing the girl for any weak points that he could use, he noticed small details, the girl put a lot of her body weight on her left leg, she slightly lifted her heel up most likely to not use her leg to the fullest and reduce strain and how she could wince from time to time and glance down at her leg if that happened.

Clay grinned as in an instant the young man disappeared faster than the neko could follow. Her ears twitched as she heard something cutting through the air behind her which in turn made her duck under the attack by doing the splits, “expected, you're flexible but you're just hurting yourself.” Clay spat out behind the girl, noticing her lowly groan in pain. In a blink of an eye Clay pulled out his wakizashi and did a downward stab at the girl's right leg but she rolled forward and onto her feet.

She spun and went to cut the young man in the eyes but Clay kicked her hand into the air, the ground around then erupted into darkness as chains shot out and wrapped themselves around the girl but mostly wrapped themselves on the girl's right leg, the young hunter then pointed his katana at the girl's neck “Sorry Hun but this is my win.” Clay exclaimed.

The girl tried to use her strength to break the chains but she felt a jolt of pain as the chains around her right leg started to tighten, the young girl cried out and tried to stop herself by biting her lip, drawing blood from the mark. She looked up at Clay and wondered how he knew that her leg was still healing from the injury that she sustained three days ago

“like I said, I win.” Clay said again making the girl sigh and close her eyes waiting for the boy's blade to pierce her. She waited and waited but nothing ever came, opening her eyes she saw the boy sheathing his swords, “w-what?” the girl asked confusedly and curious as to why the boy didn't kill her.

The chains disappeared off the girl as Clay offered a hand to her, she looked at the hand hesitate, making Clay sigh as he powered down and pulled his bandana down, “I won which means the fight is over, now take my hand idiot.” Clay said lazily as he offered his hand to the girl once more.

After thinking for a while the girl took the boy's hand as he suddenly turned and pulled the girl on his back, the girl yelped in surprise and blushed at the position she was in, “why are you doing this and not just kill me?” the girl asked in a shy tone. The young man chuckled, “well since you're like me in a way I want to know more about you and I don't want to kill a cute girl.” Clay exclaimed, making the girl blush more from him calling her cute.

“By the way, my name's Clay.” the young man introduced himself looking behind him and smiling. The girl took a bit before also introducing herself, “Kira.” Clay raised an eyebrow to the name “Kira? As in Kira that stands for killer?” the boy questioned, the girl hid her face behind the boy's back as she softly nodded, “wow, that's pretty cool.” Clay admitted making the girl smile slightly.

Clay kept the rest of his questions to himself as he started to walk towards the exit of the nest, after a couple of minutes the two reached the outside, Clay stopped a good amount of distance away before pulling out a remote. Kira looked at the remote with curious eyes, that's when he pressed a button as the nest suddenly exploded and went up in flames.

The young lady's eyes widened as she snapped her head back at the flaming nest and back at Clay “When did you…” she was cut off because Clay chuckled saying “do you think I was only walking around doing nothing but killing bugs?” The girl was left astonished, black mist surrounded the two as they disappeared, soon after they two were gone the leaves from a further tree shook as a small black figure flew out and flew to God knows where.