"Not according to plan"

(This chapter can contain a small amount of gore. Please skip if not comfortable reading. PS: it's at the end.)

He sat on the edge of my bed. My leg was almost healed, since well I healed pretty fast and it was three weeks since the incident.

"We should get out of here."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Why would you want to get out of here?"

He sighed. "This bird.. And well, we got everything we wanted. Besides, I'm tired of being Veri's delivery boy."

I looked at him and bursted out laughing. Was he dumb?

"You know, it's the dumbest reason so far I've heard. Why would you even want to leave a place like this, when we got everything given to us on a silver platter?"

"I just want to leave. I want to see what's behind these walls. It's been at least 6 years, I've been here. I just want to see if there's even the smallest glimpse of the old earth we had left." He said, as I sighed.

"Besides, you wouldn't like to spend the rest of your life in here."

I looked at the at least 15 meter tall walls in the distance. He was right.

"Okay.. Okay- What do you suggest we do? My leg is still not healed and it won't be healed for at least 2 more weeks." I said as he threw me a small paper note.

"Well, just read it when I leave. Don't let others find it, though."

He smiled as he got up and opened the door. He left the room, closing the door behind him.

I opened the small paper note, as there was a tiny list of things he had written down.

"Weapons, food, clothes, masks ..."

It put it on the nightstand. I wasn't even sure anymore if I wanted to stay or leave.

The two weeks passed by quickly. I finally got to leave the medical bay, and Carter spoke to me sometimes, sometimes he was just gone. I didn't get it what he was planning. I wanted to know, but he didn't tell me anything.

Veri smiled, as she crossed her arms and I walked out of the Med-bay.

"Well, you're all healthy! You can finally work again." She smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Just because my wound has healed, doesn't mean, that I want to be your delivery boy." I said, as she chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you're not left out on any jobs."

"You're a dick, Veri."

"I know." She smiled, as put a box onto the table.

When she left, I walked up to the table. I peaked inside the box, as there was a pile of new clothes, a can of food, and a small letter on top of the freshly washed clothes.

The best thing about getting new clothes is to get out of the old ones. And well, a shower. We always get to shower when we get a change of new clothes.

I walked to the bathroom, as I turned on the water. The warm water runned down my face, hair and body. It was the best feeling. A feeling I'll perhaps miss.

I dressed up, and somehow the clothes did fit me this time.

I walked out of my room, and down the hall to the work section.

I looked at the job sheet that was on the wall, tracing my finger, trying to find my name.

"Alec Mayers, cooking." My finger stopped at my name.

I smiled, since cooking was the most easiest. I walked down the long, white hall, all the way to the kitchen. I grabbed an apron along with a mask. I put the two on, and others gave me gloves and a headband to cover my hair with.

If you think, that for any second were living a great life in here, the answer is no. The only thing "fun" about this that we are allowed to live. The others in the clans are just either working 24/7, or are being treated like animals. I'm glad I'm not in those places. I would have been dead long ago, to even see how the world is today.

I wiped the sweat off my face, as the others left. I looked out of window, as I saw a familiar figure. It was Carter, and some other people I wasn't really familiar with.

They were clearly arguing about something. Carter just looked up, as he whispered something to them and all of them went out of the room.

What are you planning, Carter?

The day was coming to an end, when Veri suddenly called in a meeting.

All of the people that were in the clan came into the office. There were at least over a hundred people in there.

I turned around and looked at Carter. He looked back at me, and then he started chatting with the people I didn't know.

It seemed to be the same people I saw earlier.

I sat quietly and Veri came into the room with a box.

"Well, hello! You're probably thinking why we called you in toni-"

An alarm went off. Everyone got up as Veri was trying to calm people down, and I looked for where Carter was.

He wasn't here. Nor were the guys.

"Guys guys calm down I'm sure it's just a drill-" Veri said, as the wall behind her blew up.

Everyone got down, as dust filled the room, along with the toxic air. I grabbed a mask quickly, and put it on my face.

All I remembered was that the room was filled with screams, and someone holding a gun in the distance. My vision afterwards became blurry, and I passed out.

I woke up, in the same room, with the ceiling missing.

I got up, and I felt somethint burning on the side or my stomach.

I lifted up my shirt, as there was a wound on the right side of my stomach. I pressed it with my bruised hand to stop it from bleeding. I walked around, trying to find someone.

It was pretty dark, nothing that I saw in particular. There were blood, all over the room. I heard someone cough, and I ran towards the sound.

It was Veri. She was pressed against a wadrobe. I tried to lift it up, but it only burned my wound even more.

"Don't even try. It won't budge. I tried already." She said as I sat down.

"What.. What happened?" I asked.

"Someone and planted a handmade bomb in the reactor. It blew up, and both the storage, med-bay, science, and frontier I presume are completely wiped out." She said, as I widened my eyes.

"Who.. Who would do this?"

"I don't know." She coughed out. Dried blood was on her forehead, and running out of her nose.

I looked through the broken window.

"You have to go. Now. Before other clans hear about this and take anyone who is alive." She coughed again, blood coming out of her mouth, running down her chin.

"No, I can't leave you here, I won't do that."

She took my hand. "Yes, Alec that you will do."

My eyes filled with tears. "No.. Veri no..-" I said as she just smiled, wiping off the warm tears that rolled down my cheeks.

"COME ON HURRY UP!" Someone yelled from downstairs.

"Alec, you have to go now." I shook my head. She placed her palm on my cheek, warm tears were rolling down my cheeks and dripping onto her shirt, and she just nodded. I shook my head, and wrapped my fingers around her palm.

"Go, Alec. Go and live." She muttered, as I shook my head. I couldn't leave her. Never.

I won't make the same mistake.

I heard loud footsteps. Veri nodded.

I got up and I started running towards the locker to hide myself in it.

I peeked through the little holes and saw three men enter the room. They walked towards her, armed, guns in their hands.

The man, whom I presumed was the leader leaned in close to Veri's face, and when he pulled away Veri's face was pale. She was terrified.

"..." She kept silent.

"Fuck you. YOU AND YOUR CLAN, YOU AND YOUR MEN. YOU WILL BRING CHAOS BACK-" She yelled out, and he laughed.

"It would be too late for you to see me do so anyways." He pointed his gun at her.


His finger was on the trigger, as he pulled it. The loud shot echoed in the room, and I heard a loud gasp of air. Veri's face turned pale, as life drained from her body. The colour of her face faded away in a matter of seconds.

I accidently hit my foot against the hard metal pole that was on the floor in the locker. I held my palm over my mouth to not make any more sound.

"Is someone here?" The men yelled.

"..Let's go. Get anything you want." They all walked out as I got out of the locker.

I ran up to Veri, seeing if she was still alive.

She unfortunetly wasn't. I fell onto my knees, my eyes filled up with tears.

"FUCK!" I yelled out from the top of my lungs, it was the most stupid thing I could do at that moment, but I couldn't take it.

No one besides me survived. Everyone is gone. Everyone is dead.

I leaned in, closing her eyes. I looked at her face for a good another minute, and stood up.

I can't sit around. I have to live. I have to keep pushing.

I have to find a way out of this shithole.

I didn't see their cars. They were long gone. I went out of the room.

I grabbed a few backpacks, as I stuffed some food, clothes and other things I thought I'd need, into the backpacks. I decided to also take the bird. I quickly ran up to my bunker door, as I also stuffed my mothers picture in my pocket and grabbed the bird from under the bed.

I ran out, and I ran down to the garages. Thank god. The cars and garages weren't damaged. They did take some damage, but the most part didn't fell on the cars and other equipment.

I walked over to one of the cars, and took the keys. I sat inside it, throwing the bags into the backseat, and pushed the key inside the keyhole. I started the car.

I drove away, coming to the gate. There was no one to open it, so I got out and opened it myself.

I left behind my life, the memories I made, I left a chance of living the normal life again.

This was it. I was all alone again.

That plan me and Carter had?

It's done for.

And Carter?

He's gone.