"Life outside the walls"

It's been weeks since I've been out of the clan territory. Having a clan, well gives you some privileges, but my current situation is all shit.

I drove for hours, with no direction. Home? I have none. Someone to go to? I have none of that either.

It's kind of funny, of how much a person's life can be ruined these days. Even the tiniest fucking bit can ruin your entire future, because of some people that were greedy over power.

Nonetheless, me living in the deserts is still better than lying off dead, in those ruins.

I had a small shawl wrapped around my shoulders, it was keeping me warm for at least a biy. The fire, was warm. I extended my cold palms at the warm source of light, it warmed my hands by a slight bit.

This was a better life than anything else. Some clans, from rumours I heard, live like they are in the medieval times.

I'd beg for other clans to accept me. But from the things I've heard, it's better for me to just stay in the deserts, living on my own. Raiding villages as in the older days with my mother, getting hot at the day, freezing at the night. I like the deserts. But this time, I'm all alone.

This time is different.

I woke up, by a slight thud in the distance.

I rubbed my eyes, sitting up.

I saw a group of raiders. Possibly wanted raiders.

No. No, I ain't fucking around with them.

I sat up, rushed, wrapping my fingers up at the shawl, getting it quickly off me. I threw it at my front seat, and grabbed the bags, sitting in the car, and hurriedly starting it.

The distance chatter was now getting closer, the latter, everything.

"Fuck- just start-" I said, out of panic.

I widened my eyes. Well, what do I do at this point? Plead for their mercy, or just fucking run for my life?

I hopped out of the car, grabbing the shawl quickly, and running to hide behind a house ruin.

I pressed my back against the cold wall, as I heard their distant chatter, and peeked towards their direction.

"There's no good shit around here nowadays." A short, brunette girl said. She was carrying a riffle in her hands.

"Well, it's what ya' get for being literally clanless, and homeless." The taller, and slightly more muscular guy said. He'd stretch out. A glimpse of his arm tattoos showed.

I let out a deep sigh. Should I run and attempt to start the car, or wait?

They seemed to only get closer towards the car. Still didn't seem to have noticed it, which in my opinion was good.

"Shit." I mumbled, as I clutched the keys in my hand, trying to think of something that will possibly get them away from the car.

If there was something big and loud enough to lure them away..

I looked at the ground, and then the bag.

I started searching in my bag, trying to find something.

I found a small firecracker. Bingo. It'll work, right? It's small but loud enough.

I crouched down, and looked at where they were.

I lit the small firecracker, tossing it just right them, making a loud noise.

"What the fuck was that?" One of them said.

"Perhaps it seems we're not alone, hm." Another one said. "Go check it out." They added, and I heard loud footsteps.

I looked around. Not all of them walked off. Shit.

I looked at the small firecrackers that I had in my palm.

I lit three up, and tossed them, just around the small group, but not at them. If I messed up like that, oh man don't get me started of how much shit it would cause me.

All of them just jumped back, startled. They backed away by a few feet, still near the car.

Well, even if I made the run to the car, they would still be able to see me. Perhaps a little more toying around could be useful.

I searched for more inside of my bag, but ended up pulling out only one. I had only one left.

Where and how do I toss it so they go away?

Everything could go to shit in just a matter of seconds. That's why I had to play smart. Even smarter than them.


I looked at their direction.

One of the people of the group was dead. They were on the ground, slumped down. A red stain in their shirt was visible from even afar.

"..Shit. Let's go." The others ran away, leaving the person that was slumped on the ground.


I didn't want to turn around. I didn't want to check. I didn't want to look around.

I started running to the car, sitting in it, trying to start it. I pushed the key into the key hole, but it didn't start. I tried starting it multiple times, but it didn't start.

I widened my eyes as I saw someone approaching the car from behind, in my front mirror.

Fuck, just start you piece of shit!

I tried to start it. Again, and again. The person who was behind the car dissapeared.

I turned to look around, only to see a guy standing on my left, holding a bat in my face.

"Well, well." He smacked the bat over my head, and I ended up passing out.

My vision went dark.

I looked around. It was.. Light. An empty, light space. Nothing was surrounding it. I just wanted to see how far it went on, that neverending emptyness, but I saw a familiar figure.

My mom was sitting on the edge.

"Alexander, come sit here." She gently tapped her hand on the spot beside her, as if saying to me to sit beside her.

I rushed up to her, as I hugged her. I didn't care. I just wanted to hug my mom.

I pressed myself against her, as the figure felt so familiar, so comforting. Like my mom. The warmth of the figure was too comforting to let go.

"Mom?.." I whispered as she nodded.

"Hey, sweetie." She smiled, as I hugged her tighter. It was my mom. I finally got to see her again.

"I.. I love you so much mom! I didn't get to say that.. When you know..-" She'd just hug me. She wrapped her arms around me tightly.

"I love you too, Alexander."

"Mom.." I said, as tears filled my eyes, rolling down my cheeks.

I sat down beside her, staring at the blank emptyness.

"Why did you leave me mom?" I looked at her, as she just smiled, shrugging.

"Time for everyone comes once. I guess that day was when mine came. Do not blame yourself for what happened. It's not your fault." She'd place her hand on mine, as I just shook my head.

"But I.. could've saved you..-" I said, as she just hugged me.

"Do not blame yourself, as I am saying. I miss you loads. But you have to keep on going for me. Keep on going for me, my little bird." She'd kiss my forehead, as she started fading away.

"No.. No mom-" I reached out my hand for her, but she was gone.

"RISE AND SHINE!" Water got poured onto my face. My eyes were wide open, the water was cold and uncomfortable.


I tried getting up, but something stopped me. It was like I was chained to an object, or tied to a chair, or a table. Something that made my escape plan go to shit twice.

She looked at me, as she just raised an eyebrow. "Where are you from, kid?"

"I'm not a kid." I said through my teeth, I hated being mistaken for a kid.

"You're short. Your face looks so young. I mean, you have to be 12 years old at least. If older, not possible." He chuckled.

"I'm 23." I looked at them. They looked at each other, and then bursted out laughing.

They then got serious.

"Where did you come from." She leaned in, pointing her bat at my face.

"..The deserts." I lied.

"You're lying." The guy said.

"I'm not. I just stole a car from the.. Clan that got raided recently."

"Veri's clan? Ah poor people. That clan was literally harmless to anyone." She'd yawn.

"I know. Even us, we would never have done such a terrible thing. We had high hopes for the clan, really." He said, leaning against the wall, his bat on the floor, with crossed arms.

"Expected.. What, exactly?"

"Well, there were a lot of rumours. Just rumours though. They seemed to be one of the better clans, that maybe had a chance of.. Restoring the earth. Just rumours. I do not personally believe it, but." He continued playing with his fingers, he seemed like that type of person that doesn't have to look but understand what you mean.


"I have a bird." I said.

They'd look up at me.

They bursted out laughing.

"I didn't know this kid had humour! Hah!" She wiped her eyes off, and her expression changed hastingly, as she glared at me.

"Don't lie, hm? The bird is probably already dead, even if it was ever is or wad a true thing."

"Don't believe me? Look under the back seat of the car." I said, I just needed to make sure that the bird was and well and good.

"Hayes, go check." She said.

What? Hayes?


This isn't the Hayes I know. It isn't even the same person.

"What? Why'd you turn so pale, eh?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Nothing." I muttered.

She'd chuckle. The guy returned, he was silent.

"So? Did this kid lie?" She asked, as he just sat down, slowly.

"..No." he said, as she chuckled.

"Stop lying, we both know it's impossible." She chuckled, as he just stared at the ground.

"..Hayes? He's lying, right?" She turned to him.

"He's not." He mumbled, as she just turned to me.

"How do- No- No. This isn't true. How can you possibly believe him-"

She'd sigh.

"What do we do with him?" She turned to him, as he shrugged.

"We could use him. He might know some shit." He'd stare at me, and I felt like he saw through me. I felt very uncomfortable at this situation.

"You sure? This kid could steal all our shit and run away, y'know."

"We need allies towards on our side." He cleared his throat, standing up.

"Untie the kid. We need him."

He untied my hands, and I stood up.

Shit, my legs feel sore.

How long was I sitting? A day? More?

I glanced at them. Their gazes pierced back into me. If I even tried to attack, it would be an instant death. They're so much bigger than me too. I wouldn't be able to take even one of them.


Loud footsteps were heard approaching the door. The door opened, and I turned.

Someone came in, their light brown hair falling on their eyes. The sunlight shined up on their gazel eyes. They brushed off their light, brown hair off their eyes, and glanced up at me.

Their eyes felt oddly familiar.

"Shit." He muttered, and he put down his rifle.