
"Come on. You, me and everyone else." Hayes layed on the hammock, yawning. I layed on the towel on the sand, my palm covering my eyes.

"Wouldn't it be so cramped in your dad's car?" I chuckled, and he threw a towel at my face.

"Come on, that's facts we're talking here! Your dad's car couldn't possibly fit 6 people." I took off the towel off my face. It stung a little. The towel felt sharp on my skin.

"5. Aaron is too busy for the school dance." He sighed, and I shrugged.

"Well, you? Are you goin'?" He turned to me, and I shrugged.

"It's a school dance. Boring time of the year, as always." I shrugged, and he sat up.

"You're the one boring here." He'd lean by his elbows, watching me.

"Stop staring at me, you creep." I chuckled, and he leaned in closer, as joke.

He chuckled, and layed down again.

"You're overdramatic about every single thing." He pointed at me, and I threw the towel back at him.

"I'm not, you are." I chuckled, standing up.

"Where are ya' going?" He sat up too, and I pointed at the ice cream truck.

"Ice cream." I put on my shirt, and he grabbed my arm.

"Let's not. We can get some ice cream from the shop when were going to movies, m'kay?" He said, and I let go of his grasp, chuckling.

"You're acting weird. You good?" I tilted my head a little to the side, and he cleared his throat, laying down again.

"Yeah- And how am I weird?" He covered his eyes with his palm to cover the eyes from the bright and warm sunlight.

"I don't know. You've been acting like this ever since you gave me that bracelet." I brushed off the sand off my elbow, and he took away the palm from his eyes.

"Really?" He'd look at me. He seemed to be a little stressed when we talked about it.

"Yeah- Are you- Uncomfortable, when hanging out with us?" I asked, I wanted to know what he wanted himself, and got worried from time to time.

"No- No, of course not. I love ya guys. Why would I be?" He sat up, leaning by his elbows, looking at me with one eye closed.

"Just asking." I shrugged.

"Come on now. Enough beaches and the sun today. We need to get going, remember the movies?" I threw him his shirt.

He catched it, and stood up.

I looked at him for a second, and cleared my throat.

When me and Hayes were kids we didn't care about our appearances. But now, Hayes and I grew up.

And not going to lie, Hayes grew out to be very much attractive.

But I could never say that to him.

He put on his shirt, and put the towel and other things in his bag.

"You ready to go?" He looked up, the bag over his left shoulder, yawning.

"Yep." I looked at the time.

"Let's go, we have a long way to go." I chuckled.

We chatted, we laughed. We made stupid jokes.

I enjoyed his company. Being with Hayes felt so good. He'll always be there for me. I won't ever let him go. No matter what.

We walked straight down the path, and made it finally to the movie theater.

Annette and others were waiting for us there. They waved for us to come to their direction, and we approached them.

"Let's go?" She smiled, Lewis's arm was wrapped around her shoulder. She looked little compared to him. But they fit so well together.

I nodded, and glanced at Hayes.

He looked at me for a split second, raising an eyebrow. I looked away, startled.

We walked inside. We sat at the assigned seats.

The lights went dark, and the movie started.

I stuffed some popcorn in my mouth, that me and others have bought earlier before sitting at our seats.

I followed everything that happened in the movie, but to be honest it was quite boring. I drifted my gaze a little from the movie, and caught Hayes staring at someone.

I cleared my throat, silently, and continued watching the movie.

The movie ended, with the main character winning over the villians. As always.

We all got up from our seats, and walked out.

We stood outside, I took a sip from my soda, it tasted sweet and bubbly.

"That was good, wasn't it?" Annette looked at us.

I shrugged. "Wouldn't say it was amazing." I chuckled, and looked for Hayes. But he wasn't there.

"Where's Hay boy?" Aaron looked around, so did Lewis.

"I think he said he had to use the bathroom, or shit." Annette said, and looked up at Lewis.

Hayes came back, and looked at everyone.

"Let's go?" He said, and Aaron nodded, and we all started walking along the path.

The sunset was visible at the distance and the sky. The clouds were a light pink shade, a few of them were here and there.

Hayes glanced at me, and I yawned.

"Hey- What's with the frown?" Hayes chuckled, glancing at me.

"What do you mean? I'm not frowning." I yawned again.

"Sure, sure."

We walked down the path, the waves were hitting the golden beach.

The wind gently hit my face, and I just enjoyed it.

The fresh breath of air was filling up my lungs, and I smiled under my breath.

I liked this. I liked the weather.

We reached a small beach house, and Lewis grabbed a set of keys.

"Well, I'll just grab my sunglasses and we'll go to the party."

"What.. Party?" I glanced at him, confused.

"Layla's beach party. You know the annoying cousin of mine?" Aaron said, as I looked at him.

I blinked a few times, trying to figure out who the fuck was Layla.

"OH! Yeah! Right-" I rubbed the back of my neck, embarrassed of how forgetful I was.

"Yeah, you're quite forgetful, ain't you. Come along, we don't want to be the last ones to miss out on drinks and snacks." Annette started walking down the street, and the others followed.

Lewis locked the door of the house, and ran after.

I sat by the fire, with a drink in my hand.

I glanced at the distance, the darkness was filling up the beach.

The sky was still quite light, the moon was quite bright that night.

I sighed. I looked down at my cup.

"Boo." Hayes jumped in front of me.

"I managed to get some for you too." He handed me a plate, it was pizza. It was just plain cheese pizza, and pepperoni on the side of the plate.

He knew I didn't like pepperoni, so he took them off the pizza.

"Could've still given me the pizza." I chuckled, taking a bite out of it.

It was a bit cold.

"Did you get bored, or?" I was eating my pizza, and he shrugged.

"Bored? No, I was looking all this time for you. You just dissapeared." He yawned.

"I just wanted to look at the waves. They're so calming, that's all." I put down the plate with my half-eaten pizza slice.

"Well. I guess they truly are." He looked at them.

I glanced at him.

I noticed something on his cheek.

"You got something-" I leaned in, and he turned.

I looked at him. I avoided his eye contact at all costs.

I wiped the dust off quickly off his cheek, and leaned back, clearing my throat.

He continued glancing at me for a bit more, but then just looked away.

I took a sip from my cup.

"So, have you still thought of whenever you're coming, or?" He asked.

"Why do you want to know so bad?" I chuckled.

"Because I want to ask you t-"

"HAYES! COME!" Aaron yelled from the distance, cutting him off completely, and not letting him finish the sentence.

"Be what? Be what Hayes?-" I asked.

I wanted to know.

"Sorry. Aaron's calling. I'll tell you later." He smiled, and got up, running after Aaron.

I sighed.

My phone buzzed.

I got it out of my pocket, my mom was calling me.

I quickly answered.

"Hey mom! What's up?"

"Where the hell are you? Did you forget we were supposed to have dinner with Hayes's family?" She sounded quite irritated.

"I got carried away, I - I am sorry I lost track of time-" I said, stuttering.

"Just get home! And tell Hayes if he's with you!" She said.

"I will- I will mom-" I said.

She ended the call. Fuck. I forgot about that completely.

"Hey, our mom's are super mad at us, we should get back home." I sent a text to Hayes.

He just read it.

He didn't respond.

Whatever, his problem. My mom will kill me if I don't go now.

I walked up to my motorcycle, and put on the helmet. I put down the phone into my jacket, zipping it up.

"Hey! I saw your text- Are our mom's that mad?-" Hayes panted, as he was holding onto the motorcycle's handle, trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah, we're in deep shit. Hop on, I'll get us home." I tossed a helmet to him, as he catched it, putting it on and hopping onto the motorcycle.

I started the engine, and pulled out of the driveway.

I drove off, turning on the lights.

I stopped by his house.

"Shit, thanks for the ride, man. You're a lifesaver." He hopped off the motorcycle, taking the helmet off.

"How mad do you think your mom is at you?" He asked, as I shrugged.

"Well, good luck. I'll see you at school tomorrow, yeah?" He smiled.

"Yep, see ya!" I started the engine, driving off.

I woke up. My head felt heavy, the sore knuckles of my fists pressed by the sides of the bed.

Another memory in a form of my dreams.

"Hey. How'd you sleep?" I opened my eyes, sitting up and trying to be able to see who it was.

It was Hayes. He was standing by the doorframe, leaning. He gave me a little smile.