"Carter's Heartache"

Carter's POV:

December 13th, 2026.

"He seems to be doing alright, ma'am." The doctor said, holding a papersheet in his hands.

I looked at them from my bed, I couldn't hear everything that they were talking about.

"How long till full recovery, doctor?" My mother asked, clutching her handbag, she had a worried expression on her face.

"We aren't sure. The recovery is a long process, and we're trying to find a recovery program that fits your financial situation, and what fits best for him." He sighed, as he gave my mother a papersheet.

"The finances are covered. When will he start the program?" My mother crossed her arms, as she looked at the doctor.

"We aren't certain. In about 2 weeks time, we hope."

"Very well." She nodded, as she turned to go to my hospital room.

I closed my eyes, pretending I was asleep.

She entered my room. She glanced at me, and sighed, walking over to my bed.

"You heard everything, didn't you?" She put her hand on my shoulder, and I opened my eyes, turning to face her.

"Is the recovery process that necessary? Can't I just leave? I'm well enough now-" I sat up, leaning by my elbows, looking at her.

She sighed, and patted my head gently.

"Easier said than done. You are quite behind school, and if you want to walk properly again, you have to practice. I know you want to see everyone, do things like go to the movies with friends, but my sweet boy, you need to rest. You need to take it easy." She leaned in, kissing my forehead.

"Yeah.. Yeah, okay I guess." I sighed, and glanced out of the window.

The recovery program started as planned, 2 weeks later.

It was long and boring. Every morning, I had to get up early, just to get breakfast and stretch.

My leg burned at first, but after time I got more used to it.

It felt like learning to walk again.

I wanted to just slump down and remain like that. It was unbearably hard to push myself over limits that I myself had to set, and the limits my doctor set for me.

I packed up my belongings, and looked at my phone.

I turned it off, putting it into my pocket, and grabbed the crutches.

I pulled the bag over my shoulders and waist, and I walked out of the room, holding onto the crutches.

It was still hard to walk. It will still be.

"Ah, about time! Come along, we're going home." My mother said, as she opened the door to the car, and helped me inside.

She pulled into the driveway to our house, and I glanced around.

I guess not much changed. Just me who thought a few months would make a difference.

I guess it didn't really matter whether I was gone or not.

I got out, holding my grasp firmly at the door, to not fall or trip over my non- sturdy steps.

My mom grabbed the crutches from the backseat, and handed them to me.

I grabbed hold of them, pulling myself up with the help of the crutches.

"Thanks." I turned to my mom, as she gave me a gentle smile, and walked beside me into the house.

"Helloo! We're home!" My mom yelled out from the hall.

"Carter!" My little sister, Alice ran up to me, wrapping her little arms around my waist.

"Aw, hey there. How are you?" I smiled, flinching by the sudden grasp.

"Alice, be careful with your brother. He is still in a lot of pain." My mother said to her, as she carefully loosened her arms.

"Sorry.." She muttered.

I patted her head.

"No, no. I'm all well now! See?" I let go of the crutches.

I stood there, and my sister smiled.

"I'm so glad! I'm so glad you're back home!" She said, in her high-pitched voice, as she wrapped her arms around me again.

I smiled. I hid the pain behind my smile. The truth was, I couldn't even walk or stand without the support of the crutches.

"Now now. Stop bothering your brother, and go back to doing your homework." My mother patted her head, and Alice ran off.

I grabbed the crutches again.

"You shouldn't pretend that you're already okay when you're still just out of rehabilitation." My mother sighed, and she walked down the hall.

"Dinner's ready in 30!" She yelled out from the other end of the hall.

I glanced around the room.

I walked up to the mirror, that was by a black dresser.

A few pictures of me and my other family members rested on the top of the dresser and the shelves too.

"So, you're finally back." A familiar voice said, to my left.

I turned.

He smiled.

"Andrew-" I dropped the crutches, as I walked to him.

I pulled him into a tight hug. I couldn't care less for the leg burning.

As long as I had him in my arms after months, nothing was better than that. No pain could've stopped me.

"Woah, you missed me that much?" He chuckled, patting my head, messing my hair up a bit.

"Shut up." I chuckled. God, it felt so good to see everyone again.

"Come on guys! Let's have dinner." My mom yelled out from the room beside, and Andrew helped me walk.

May 10th, 2028

I stared at the blood that was coming down my chin.

It was the end for me. I was too wounded to move on.

I couldn't see from my left eye too. I couldn't see what was happening.

All that I knew that the pain in my lower stomach wasn't staying for long.


I rested my head by the cold wall, I was just waiting for the moment. For the moment I stop breathing.

I closed my eyes. My body was shivering.

I wish I could at least give one last hug to you. At least one last hug.

I heard distant chattering.

I didn't care less if it was more raiders. I'm not going to need that stuff anymore anyways.

"We should take him in." One voice said.

"What if he's dangerous?" Another voice spoke up.

"Hey. Hey, up we go." The person shook me. I opened my eyes a bit, it was a girl.

Another one had a frown on her face, she clearly didn't like the fact the other girl was helping me.

The girl lifted me up, and wrapped her arms around my waist, using herself as support, to help me walk.

"There we go. My name is Alina. This is Veri. We're from the Freaks clan. Nice to meet you." Alina said, smiling.

I didn't respond, I only just stared at the distance for as long as I could.

I just blacked out after a short while.

I woke up in a bed, it seemed to be a hospital room, or something. The girl, who I think was Alina looked up at me, smiling.

"Ah! Good morning. I hope you slept well." She smiled.

I glanced at her.

"Where am I?" I asked. My voice was a bit husky, my throat was dry and hurting.

"Oh, yes. You're at the Freaks clan. My name is Alina Natriz, I am the head of the tasks apartment." She gave me another warm smile.

"Clan?" I mumbled.

"Yes, you're in one right now." She chuckled.

"..Oh." I muttered. I glanced down at my hands.

"My wound-"

"It's healing well. You've been out for a couple days. It seems to be healing well enough." She smiled.

"Hmph." I muttered, as I looked at my bruised palms.

I really thought it was the end for me back there.

But I guess life really said "Not yet".

"I'll bring you lunch. Don't worry about messing up the bed sheets, too." She pointed at the blanket.

I looked at her.

I blinked a few times and nodded.

She got up, heading out for the door.

I sighed. There was really not a lot I could do about this. I got rescued. I'm not alone in the wastelands now.

But I'm not prepared for what's coming either. I'm unsure and scared. Uncertain of what intentions these people have. Uncertain how I'm supposed to comprehend all of this.

Alina came back, carrying a tray in her hands.

She gave me a small smile, approaching my bed and putting the tray next to the nightstand.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"No problem. Eat up, and rest. You need to get your energy back, and heal." She smiled, and went to the door.

I just gave her a small nod, and she turned the door handle, walking out.

I took the tray into my hands, and started eating. The food was flavourful and tasted well. I haven't had this much well-tasting food since a long time ago.

I felt glad. The warm feeling filled up my chest and I smiled. I haven't felt this happy in a long time. Even if it was because I was eating a simple meal.

15th of December, 2030

"Help me carry these." Alexander said, carrying a box in his arms.

"Alright." I grabbed a box, and followed.

"This is a fucking mess." He groaned, as he put down the box, and I chuckled. He turned, and rose an eyebrow, glaring at me.

"What? Your complaining is just funny, that's all." I shrugged, and he threw a book at my head.

"Ow." I chuckled. I bent over, picking the book up into my hands.

"Why throw such a good book? Damn, you make me upset." I blew the dust off the cover, as he stood up again, wiping the sweat off his face, turning from the box he was putting to it's assigned place.

"Tsk. Don't tell me you read." He stared at me.

"I do. I've red all the books in the library at least twice now." I smiled. He looked at me, and coughed out.

"This room is too- Dusty-" He coughed, in-between his words.

I put the book into my pocket.

I walked over to him. I handed him a book.

"You missed it. It's supposed to be in the box you're tidying up now." He glanced down at the book, grabbing it.

"Oh. I was going to tape it to be moved again. Thanks." He glanced up. He looked away, putting the book into the box.

"No problem." I yawned, walking away. I headed towards the door.

"That's all, right?" I turned, and he nodded. He tidyied up his rolled - up sleeves, and I glanced at the scar on his wrist.

"Hm? Do I have something on me?" He looked up at me, shifting his gaze away from his sleeve up to my eyes.

"Hm?- Oh- Oh- No." I cleared my throat, and I turned back around. I headed for the door.

He grabbed my wrist.

I turned.

"I know you took the book." He smiled.

"Aah, fuck me. You found out." I smiled too, and I glanced at the door.

I let go and ran as fast as I could.

"OI! YOU WAIT HERE YOU STEALING RAT-" He yelled out from behind me, and I showed him the middle finger as I ran down the hall.

I ran to my room, and I locked the door.

He banged on the door from the other side, and I laughed.

"Mine!" I yelled out from inside the room, hearing him cuss from behind the door.

"VERI WILL KILL US IF SHE KNOWS WE TOOK SOMETHING!" He banged on the door again, and then stopped.

A few hours passed.

I sat outside, feeling the coldness stinging my bare hands.

"Well, well. You book stealing rat. You shouldn't sit out here. It's cold."

I turned, and he threw a snowball at face. It hit my mask.

"HEY!" I yelled out, and he bursted out laughing.


I reached my hands for the cold snow myself, forming a snowball. I stood up again, throwing it at him.

"STOP IT- IT'S FREEZING!" He yelled out, and I got a bit alert.

We couldn't be so loud, it was evening. We couldn't risk of attracting freaks.

I walked up to him, and sighed.

"We have to stop whatever we're doing here. We'll only cause trouble." I brushed off the snow off my clothes, and glanced at the sky. It was already dark.

The little snowflakes fell from the dark sky, melting and sliding off my mask.

I missed this. Feeling of the cold stinging my skin. Touching the snow with my bare hands. Enjoying the moment was what felt the nicest.

We rarely get to have a good laugh, or a good moment to enjoy. It's always work, work and work. And shitty meetings twice in the span of two weeks.

"Come on. We have to get inside now." I headed for the door. Alec brushed off the snow too, and we walked inside.

We walked down the hall, parting ways. I walked to my room, and sat down onto the bed.

I glanced at the book, picking it up, and laying down. I sighed, and put the book down.

I covered my face with my palms, and I groaned. I hated this feeling.

The feeling that you give me, Alec.