"Glimpse of tomorrow"

I stared at the cealing. The moldy smell was already something I got used to. About 3 or 4 weeks passed since I "came" here. I worked, I think I did good too. I was useful somewhat for them.

I sat up, and glanced at the door. It felt so empty in this room.

The lonelyness I wasn't normally used to. The emptyness of the room felt so heavy. I was really alone. No one was coming back to get me. Nothing was there for me.

Veri. Hayes. Carter. Mom.. Everyone else. I'm all alone. I'm all alone now.

I hated this feeling. It felt so sickening. The feeling of emptyness. It wasn't sad, it was just weird. Of how everything dissapears so fast, how fast it falls apart.

How easy it's to let go off memories that you thought you'll be making with them, or there.

"Good morning." He stood by the door, and he gave me a warm smile.

"AH-" I jumped, hitting my head at the shelf above my head, by the bed.

"I didn't mean to scare you that much, haha." He tossed a towel at me, and I catched it, rubbing the back of my head.

"Come. We have to pick vegetables up, chores too." He turned, walking out of the door.

I got up from my bed, and sighed. I walked out, rubbing my eyes and yawning. I walked down the hall, the smell of food and something rotten filled the air, and I wasn't sure of what to think of it.

This place was nothing near the clan. It was rusty, dusty, with corners filled with mold everywhere you went, and it always stunk like someone died here.

For fuck's sake, I couldn't even breathe in without feeling disgusted.

I turned left, and entered the room.

Felix sat on the one of the boxes, and Amelia was picking some tomatoes. It was a small greenhouse that was separated into sections. This was section number 3, the tomatoes and cucumbers with some other small veggies.

"You're late." Amelia stood up straight, and tossed me a mask.

"..." I catched it, and pulled it on my face. Shit, sorry for oversleeping by like 5 minutes.

Amelia was sour. She didn't like people being late to things, and was quite strict about a lot too. Even thinking about how alike Veri and Amelia was made me have chills down my spine.

I walked over to the second row, and starting picking the ripest tomatoes I could find. I picked one up from the branch, and tossed it into the basket, that stood placed beneat and between my feet.

There weren't much that was done around here. Same thing. Check food, chores, cleaning, etc. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. We also got snacks along the way, to keep up with working. It felt a lot like the clan. Because the routines were similar, execept that this was a stinking shit-hole that I thought I was going to die in.

The people weren't as warm as in the clan. They were cold and all by themselves. Everyone was quiet. And gave each other stares.

And I kept to myself too. I couldn't be as comfortable, as I said.

"I got the tomatoes in the basket. What do you want me to do now?" I turned, as Amelia pointed at the baskets.

"Put the basket by the other ones, and you and Hayes go to the storage, there's some work needed to be done there." She said, and I looked at the baskets on the table. I picked up my basket, carrying it. I put it onto the table, and glanced at Hayes. He was standing by the door already, and I walked off from the table to the door.

"Come on." He said, turning, and walking out, as I followed.

We walked down the hall, I tried to keep my eyes straight on ahead, but I've never been in this part of the facility. Or.. House or whatever you can call this place.

It looked a bit older, it felt a bit chillier in this part too. The dust was everywhere, my gloves were getting quite dusty just by walking down the hall itself.

I sighed. The silence was a bit spooky. The chillness at this end of the facility was getting slowly to me. But this place even if it was just dust, mold, cracked walls and smells that I couldn't even explain, it felt somewhat comforting. It felt comfortable. I guess it's much better than living in the deserts, finding rats or lizard for suppers.

He approached a door. "Here's the storage room." He grabbed the key, and pushed it into the keyhole, twisting it.

He grabbed the door handle, and turned it. The door opened, revealing a dark, quite spacious room. The dust filled the air, and the room seemed like it wasn't opened for decades. Even if it was probably used a lot.

He walked in first, and I followed. The door was quite heavy to push, and I had to make sure it was kept in place. It seemed as if it were to get stuck, it would be quite a lot of trouble.

He tossed me a flashlight. I grabbed it, turning it on. It didn't work properly, so I shook it a few times, and Hayes just approached me.

"You don't shake the flashlight. You check the bateries first, making sure it even has any. And then you can see if the flashlight is even functional." He gently grabbed my flashlight, explaining, as I stared at him. I didn't understand how he was so collected. So calm. As if nothing has even happened.

"Do I have a third eye or something?" He looked up from the flashlight, and I widened my eyes, shaking my head continuously.

"No- Nope, noo." I cleared my throat, I felt a little embarrassed. I should know others also can see me stare at them. A little forgetful sometimes.

"Here. Should work now." He handed the flashlight back.

I looked at it, and turned it on. The light flickered at the start, but it focused after a second or two.

"Oh - Thanks." I glanced at him, and he just looked up at me, and gave me a small nod.

Felix was a really quiet person. He was calm, collected. He was really nice, even if he looked like a psychotic 12 year old.

"Here. Get these boxes out." He picked one up, and carried it over to me. He handed me it, and I almost felt like I will collapse with the box. It was really heavy.

"Alright." I walked out of the room, and I walked over to the boxes, putting it down next to them.

I turned around. Hayes was outside.

"That was all?" I looked at him locking the door, and he nodded.

"We'll say. Because I don't even intend to do shit today at all, come on. I have a place to show you." He put the keys into his pocket, and he turned, walking down the hall.

"Hey, hey wait for me!" I ran after Hayes, but he already had dissapeared around the corner.

I catched up to him, and he stood by a door.

"Put your mask on." He glanced at me, and I nodded. I put on my mask, and he opened the door.