
(Warning: Contains violence, gore, depression. You have been warned.)

I remember playing piano when I was younger. I never understood what was so easy with it, no matter how many hours I spent by the piano on the small, uncomfortable stool, I just never seemed to understand the notes.

It was like a sea of symbols, C’s and E-molls, and all of the weird shit that my brain never seemed to catch onto.

But piano made me feel quite good sometimes. When I felt upset, I used to sit down by the keyboard we used to have in our house. It wasn’t expensive or anything, but I loved it. Hayes sometimes came over and played too, he was so much better than me, but I didn’t mind it.

I loved hearing him play the piano and all of the melodies that he had learned. It was impressive, and I never felt jealous of his playing. It felt quite cool to have a friend who could play piano that well.